34 research outputs found

    Simulasi Pola Aliran pada Bendung Uwai Bangkinang Seberang Kabupaten Kampar

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    Uwai weir which was built on 1938 is located on Bangkinang Seberang, Kampar District. As a result of river containment an inundation area called Embung was formed naturally with nonuniform topography. The distribution of flow velocity is not uniform and causing various flow pattern for every point on Embung Uwai.Flow pattern simulation which is used is qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative simulation based on velocity contour which was generated is divided into return period of 2, 5, and 10 years and by comparing the relation between velocity contour and water depth. Qualitative simulation was observed on water swirl and the flow that occured. The flow pattern generated fom simulation on return period of 2, 5 and 10 years didn't show any significant different. Flow velocity distribution was compared based on return period of 2, 5, and 10 years. Results obtained was that the highest flow velocity is on section 3 with 0.07 m/s for return period of 2 years, 0.078 m/s for return period of 5 years and 0.08 m/s for return period of 10 years

    Analisis Sedimentasi Lahan DAS Embung Uwai Kabupaten Kampar Menggunakan Metode Usle Berbasis Sistem Imformasi Geografis (SIG)

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    Landuse change at Uwai watershed is causing increase on the amount of erotion. analisys of the potential of erotion on Uwai Watershed involves the sedimentation that occured on the watershed and also that enter the reservoir. The estimation method used to determine the magnitude of erotion occured is Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) by utilizing the Geographic Information System (GIS). The capacity of sediment transport is calculated based on equation by Verstraten. The result of the research showed that the watershed for Uwail is consisted of 44 subbasin, the highest sedimentation occured on subbasin 17 with the magnitude of 55,113.75 ton/year. Meanwhile the lowest sedimentation occcured on subbasin 33 with the magnitude of 123.03 ton/year. The erotion that enters the retention pool of Uwai which will be the sedimentation on the retention pool is 6199.9 ton/year. Hence the shallowing that will occur is 14,2 mm/year

    Kajian Harga Air Daerah Irigasi Muara Uwai Kecamatan Bangkinang Seberang Kabupaten Kampar

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    Irrigation area of Muara Uwai with 824 ha of service area is now decreasing deterioration due to the damages that happen on the irrigation network around the irrigation area. Those problem caused the field that supposed to be the farm field to change allocation into fishponds and plantations. Thus a solution must be deviced to allow the irrigation network to get back to it optimum by applying the price of irrigation water. The price of irrigation water in a retribution imposed on farmer to fulfil the renovation cost, maintenance and operartional cost of the irrigation area. The estimation of the initial renovation cost of the irrigation area is Rp 44.757.094,03, the maintenance and operational cost of the irrigatian area every years is Rp 91.103.108,98 and the expense for watergate change on the 10th year is Rp. 130.145.007,00. The interest rate used is the minimum rate of bank commercial rate at 10%. The investment period choosen on this research is 14 years that gives the payback period of the rate that stand below the investment years and annual benefit wih positive value which means the solution is feasible. The value on the price of irrigation water with investment period of 14 years is 10,516.65 per hectare per month

    Analisis Kapasitas Tampungan Waduk Sungai Paku Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Kabupaten Kampar

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    Sungai Paku reservoir built by the Public Works Department of Riau Province in Sungai Paku, Kampar Kiri subdistrict, Kampar district used as a irrigation water source to irrigate 373 hectares of agricultural land in the Regional Irrigation (DI) Sungai Paku and is planned as a raw water source for the population in surroundings. Base contours Sungai Paku reservoir are needed to determine the reservoir capacity curve. This curve expressing the relation of elevation, area, and volume in Sungai Paku reservoir. Water availability in Sungai Paku reservoir is calculated by the method of Mock while water loss is calculated from the outflow through the outlet, evaporation, and raw water needs of the population. The results showed the largest water availability occurred in April in the amount of 2.5217 m3 / sec and the largest water loss occurs in December in the amount of 0.7150 m3 / sec. Water shortages occur in August amounted to 0.1087 m3 / sec or in units of volume (m3) will be amounted to 291,124.914 m3 with the life storage capacity of the Sungai Paku reservoir of 2,497,988.579 m3 Sungai Paku reservoir able to cover water shortages occur and can be used as a raw water source for the population in surroundings

    Analisis Karakteristik Hidraulis Air Tanah Gambut Berdasarkan Uji Pemompaan (Pumping Test)

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    Pumping test was conducted to determine the characteristics of an aquifer transmissivity and storativity values. Pumping test can measure the amount of water from an aquifer so that the potential of groundwater can be determined from any research areas. Pumping test carried out in two stages, first is the productionwell pumping test to observe the drawdown caused by the pumping process and second is recovery test were performed to observe the recharge process of pumped production wells. This research located in Rantau Baru village's groundwaterwells. Analytical method used is Cooper Jacob method (straight-line method) so that the obtained transmissivity (T) value is 1822,639 m2/day and storativity (S) value is 9,978×10-5. Based on these acquired two parameters, the availability potential of groundwater at this research location is 467,8 m3/day. By identificationof groundwater discharge, the utilization of groundwater at the research locationcan be controlled in order to avoid any ground water depletion

    Perencanaan Tempat Evakuasi Bencana Banjir Berbasis Teknologi Sistem Imformasi Geografis (SIG) ( Studi Kasus Kota Pekanbaru Kecamatan Rumbai)

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    Floods that occurred in City of Pekanbaru hit the region along the river siak one of which subdistrict Rumbai. Impacts of of the flooding detrimental to society from materials or people's life. One of the solution to minimize impact is to make plan evacuation route and flood shelter mapping of with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The determination of the place of evacuation based on the location of the flood shelter must be located outside of the area of flooding by doing a field survey. The place of evacuation have two criteria, namely in the form of permanent buildings such as public facilities, and building a non permanent tent of the evacuation. Some locations that can be used as evacuation place, namely Al-Jihad Mosque, Al-ikhlas Mosque, MDA Aula Rumbail, Mosque Nurul Haq, M Nurul Mosque, Empty Land and parking areas of the stadium. Plan evacuation route of mapping based analysis of the data by method of algorithm djikstra for result pathways of efficient and effective evacuation. Algorithm djikstra analysis resulting one evacuation routes in the Palas Village and six evacuation routes in the Sri Meranti Village. Evacuation routes in the Palas Village can go to the evacuation place of Al-Jihad Mosque, being in the Sri Meranti Village can go to the evacuation place Al-Ikhlas Mosque, MDA Aula Rumbai, Nurul Haq Mosque, M Nurul Mosque, vacant land and Stadium Parking Area