6 research outputs found

    Seleksi Fitur Menggunakan Random Forest Dan Neural Network

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    Seleksi fitur merupakan sebuah tahapan penting dalam proses klasifikasi, karena fitur yang terseleksi sangat mempengaruhi tingkat akurasi dari klasifikasi. Pada dataset yang memiliki banyak fitur membutuhkan proses untuk mereduksi fitur sebanyak mungkin. Pada makalah ini diusulkan sebuah metode seleksi fitur menggunakan Ensemble Random Forest dan Neural Network. Dataset yang telah terbagi menjadi dua kelompok data, secara parallel akan dilakukan seleksi fitur menggunakan Neural Network, dan Ensemble Random Forest yang dilanjutkan Neural Network. Fitur hasil keluaran dari proses paralel tersebut, dilakukan pemilihan fitur menggunakan metode Voting-by-Majority. Percobaan seleksi fitur dengan menggunakan datataset iris, lung cancer, dan semeion handwritten digit. Dari hasil uji coba pada dataset iris dengan seleksi fitur, didapatkan akurasi 94,4%. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan metode seleksi fitur yang diusulkan dapat memperoleh hasil baik pada dataset yang memiliki tingkat variasi data yang tinggi, dan berlaku kebalikanny


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    The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze key factors of digital transformation of MSMEs in Magelang Regency Province using a prospective structured analysis approach. This research design is quantitative descriptive research. The type of data in this research uses primary data. The data source was obtained from Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The analysis method used prospective structural analysis techniques. The structural analysis was arranged in three stages, the first two stages were carried out during FGD and the third stage used MICMAC software. The variables that influence/determine (key drivers) the digital transformation of MSMEs in Magelang Regency are the key variables or factors of digital infrastructure, digital customer preferences, leadership and management and capital allocation. Transition variables include the innovation environment, technological mastery, environmental conditions and requirements, and human resources. Meanwhile, organizational culture is the dependent variable and company digital culture is an excluded variable. The digital infrastructure, innovation environment, and mastery of technology are the most influential variables, both directly between variables and indirect interactions

    The Role of Attorney as the Guards Team of Security Government and Regional Development in the Prevention Efforts of Criminal Corruption (Case Study in State Attorney of Purworejo)

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    The efforts to overcome of the Corruption by law enforcement can be done by way of prevention (preventive) and prevention (repressive).The problems of this study are: Guards Team Establishment, Security Government and Regional Development in the law enforcement of corruption in the State Attorney of Purworejo. The Role of the Prosecutor as Guards Team of Security Government and Regional Development in the Prevention of Corruption in the State Attorney of Purworejo, a limiting factor of the role of the Prosecutor as Guards Team , Security Government and Regional Development in the Prevention of Corruption in the State Attorney of Purworejo and solutions.This research use socio-juridical approach and specification in this study were included descriptive analysis. The source and type of data in this study are primary data obtained from interviews with field studies Public Prosecutor in the State Attorney of Purworejo, And secondary data obtained from the study of literature relating to the theory of supervision, authority and law enforcement.Based on the results of research that Purpose of establishing of the Guards Team of Security Government and Regional Development, namely: 1) the loss of doubt the power of the budget (KPA), the power of the commitment (KDP), and implementing activities in carrying out its activities, 2) absorption of the budget properly and on time, and 3) development of Purworejo run properly and without corruption. The role of the Attorney divided into three normative role, the ideal role, and the role of factual. Inhibiting factor is the factor of its own law, law enforcement apparatus which is not widely understood rule of law, the factors supporting infrastructure and inadequate facilities, community factors and cultural factors. Solutions to overcome obstacles, namely: a) Prevention / preventive and persuasive, b) Legal Assistance; c) Coordination with APIPs and / or related agencies; d) Conduct Monitoring and Evaluation; and e) The Enforcement of Repressive Laws

    Implementation of Legal Presumption Principle for Notary Deed Makes Partij According to Law No. 2 of 2014 on the Amendment of Act No. 30 of 2004 Concerning Notary Position

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    The purpose of this study was to: 1) To identify and analyze the implementation of the principle of presumption valid for notaries who make Partij deed according to Law No. 2 of 2014 concerning amendments to the law No. 30 of 2004 concerning Notary. 2) To identify and analyze problems and solutions for the implementation of a legitimate presumption that a deed Partij Notary according to Law No. 2 of 2014 concerning amendments to the law No. 30 of 2004 concerning Notary. The data used in this study are primary data, secondary data and data that can support tertiary study, which was then analyzed by normative.Based on the results of data analysis concluded that: 1) an assessment of the Deed as the product of a public official, it must be done with the presumption of unauthorized or Vermoeden van rechtmatigheid or Presumptio lustae Causa, the Deed must be considered valid until there are those who claim deed is invalid then in the contested through the courts and there is a court decision that has permanent legal force 2) in the implementation of the principle of presumption valid for notaries who make Partij deed still major obstacles in the face by the Notary Public. Such constraints due to actions undertaken by the giving false information to the Notary in the process is an authentic deed, causing loss to the parties who feel aggrieved. The solution of the presumption of lawful implementation for notaries who make Partij deed is the absence of legal protection and legal justice for notaries who here become victims of false information given by to the Notary. In the event of the above, none of the violations committed by the Notary. Because of the early events at the root of the problem are the bad faith of the Notary. So that the implementation of their legitimate presumption that a deed Partij Notary shall apply. Because of the early events at the root of the problem are the bad faith of the Notary. So that the implementation of their legitimate presumption that a deed Partij Notary shall apply. Because of the early events at the root of the problem are the bad faith of the Applicant. So that the implementation of their legitimate presumption that a deed Partij Notary shall apply