124 research outputs found

    Communal Conflict in Indonesia: Contagious or Latent Issues?

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    oai:jurnal.ugm.ac.id:article/10847Penelitian ini mengkaji faktor sosial, ekonomi dan politik sengketa komunal yang terjadi di Indonesia dan menguji bagaimana sengketa komunal secara spasial terhubung antar kabupaten atau kota di seluruh Indonesia. Data bersumber dari Sensus Potensi Desa (Podes) tahun 2008 dan laporan statistik pemerintahyang berisi informasi mengenai sengketa komunal di seluruh kabupaten/kota di Indonesia (N kabupaten/kota= 465). Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa sengketa komunal di Indonesia terjadi akibat adanya faktor faktor laten di dalam kabupaten/kota. Dibandingkan dengan keragaman agama dan etnis, sengketa komunal memiliki hubungan kuat dengan kemiskinan, ketimpangan ekonomi, elite capture dan lemahnya kapasitas kabupaten/kota dalam mengelola sumber-sumber fiskal daerah

    Geography and Communal Conflict in Indonesia

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    The determinants of communal conflicts in Indonesia have been widely documented. However, most of them ignore geographical aspects of communal conflicts. This paper examines geographical determinants of communal conflicts in Indonesia. Data comes from the 2008 Village Potential Census (Podes) and official statistics which consist of communal conflict information across all Indonesia’s districts (N districts = 465). Results from spatial dependent model show that communal conflict to be spatially dependent through latent determinants, meaning that communal conflict clusters because of clustering of latent determinants within district. Rather than religious and ethnic heterogeneity, communal conflict is positively associated with poverty, economic inequality, elite capture, and weak capacity of districts to manage fiscal resources

    Ship Sinking Policy and Socio-Economic Welfare: A Case Study in Sebatik Island, Nunukan District, North Kalimantan Province

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    As an archipelago country, most of Indonesia’s country are located on the sea. Due to this geographic position, illegal fishing becomes an important issue that threatens the country’s maritime security. To solve this issue, the government of Indonesia has implemented "ship sinking policy" since 2014. This research aims to explore the social and economic consequences of "ship-sinking policy" at the local level. A single case study was used to identify and explore the social and economic consequences of the policy in Sebatik Island, Nunukan district, North Kalimantan. The case of Sebatik was unique as the island is located at the border Indonesia and Malaysia and its historical conflict between two countries and its communities. Our findings highlighted the economic benefits of the policy as production value of fish captured by Sebatik fisherman significantly increased following the policy. We also found strengthening bargaining position of fish market on the island following the policy. Keywords: Ship Sinking Policy, Maritime Security, Maritime Border Zone Abstrak Sebagai negara kepulauan yang sebagian besar wilayah perbatasannya berada di laut, illegal fishing merupakan salah satu isu penting yang dihadapi Indonesia. Untuk mengatasi isu tersebut, sejak tahun 2014 Pemerintah Indonesia telah mengimplementasikan kebijakan penenggelaman kapal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana konsekuensi sosial ekonomi dari kebijakan “penenggelaman kapal, khususnya terhadap masyarakat lokal. Studi kasus tunggal digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis konsekuensi sosial ekonomi dari kebijakan penenggelaman kapal di Sebatik, Kabupaten Nunukan, Provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Kasus di Sebatik dianggap unik, karena pulau ini terletak diperbatasan Indonesia dan Malaysia serta memiliki konflik historis, baik antar negara secara umum, maupun masyarakatnya secara khusus. Dari hasil temuan diketahui bahwa manfaat ekonomi dari kebijakan penenggelaman kapal yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat adalah meningkatnya nilai produksi ikan yang ditangkap oleh nelayan Sebatik secara signifikan. Konsekuensi lain yang muncul dari kebijakan penenggelaman kapal adalah adanya penguatan posisi tawar pasar ikan Pulau Sebatik. Kata Kunci: Kebijakan Penenggelaman Kapal, Kemanan Laut, Zona Perbatasan Lau

    Desentralisasi, Dinasti Politik Dan Kemiskinan Di Indonesia

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    This paper examines the link between decentralisation, political dynasty and poverty in Indonesia. Data come from Indonesia Social Economic Survey 2013 and official statistics. Multilevel modelling is used to test whether people live in districts with political dynasty are poorer compared to other districts without political dynasty. The results show people live in districts with political dynasty are significantly poorer and it robust with other individual and district characteristics. The results highlight the detrimental effect of political dynasty on poverty in Indonesia and therefore policy makers should aware of the danger of political dynasty which can impede decentralisation in reducing poverty

    Communal Conflict in Indonesia: Contagious or Latent Issues?

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji faktor sosial, ekonomi dan politik sengketa komunal yang terjadi di Indonesia dan menguji bagaimana sengketa komunal secara spasial terhubung antar kabupaten atau kota di seluruh Indonesia. Data bersumber dari Sensus Potensi Desa (Podes) tahun 2008 dan laporan statistik pemerintahyang berisi informasi mengenai sengketa komunal di seluruh kabupaten/kota di Indonesia (N kabupaten/kota= 465). Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa sengketa komunal di Indonesia terjadi akibat adanya faktor faktor laten di dalam kabupaten/kota. Dibandingkan dengan keragaman agama dan etnis, sengketa komunal memiliki hubungan kuat dengan kemiskinan, ketimpangan ekonomi, elite capture dan lemahnya kapasitas kabupaten/kota dalam mengelola sumber-sumber fiskal daerah

    Desentralisasi, Tata Kelola Pemerintahan, Dan Kemiskinan Di Negara-negara Berkembang

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    Theoretical arguments of the link between decentralisation, governance and poverty reduction are merit, but the implementation of decentralisation often fails to reduce poverty. This paper examines why decentralisation works and does not work to reduce poverty in developing countries. It shows that decentralisation will benefit for poverty alleviation if exist local political competition, community participation, and capacity of local government

    Desentralisasi Dan Kesehatan Keuangan Daerah Di Indonesia

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    Local government fiscal health is important for effective fiscal decentralisation. This study examines local government fiscal decentralisation in Indonesia. Data comes from Indonesian Financial Information System 2013. The findings show that after more than four decades decentralisation, most of local governments are still strongly depend on central government in financing local development. The wide gap of fiscal capacity exists between local government at Java and outside Java. The findings suggest that improving local government capacity in mobilising and managing fiscal resources is vital to improve local government fiscal health in decentralised Indonesia

    Hambatan, kebutuhan dan ambivalensi reaksi terhadap kebijakan publikasi internasional di Indonesia

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    In the efforts of internasionalization, change has been occurred in academia organisations in Indonesia. In higher education, there are several changes in research fields which was driven to publish international publications. While implementing this change, there was often an ambivalent reaction, both supporting change and opposing change. This ambivalent reaction will inhibit change and prompt counterproductive employees. Therefore, it is important to identify these reactions and factors associated with these reactions among organizational members. This study aims to investigate lecturers’ ambivalence regarding their responses to international publication policy.. This study also investigates the effect of employees’ personalitieson ambivalence reaction and the moderating effect.This study used a crossectional approach. Data were collected through lecturers in 5 social science faculties in a public university in Indonesia, using online questionnaire via google form. The instrument of ambivalence reaction are based on attitude toward change scale.Regression analysis was used to estimates the correlation, and interaction analysis was calculated to test the moderating effect. This study found that dispositional resistance to change’ personalitysignificantly correlated with ambivalence reaction.And the correlation was moderated by employee’s high trust in organization.However this study did not found a significance difference on low trust in management, dispositional resistance to change, and ambivalence. This study also found the challenges and the lecturer’s needs to publish in international publications
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