158 research outputs found

    Analisis Dampak Pembiayaan Dana Bergulir Kur (Kredit USAha Rakyat) terhadap Kinerja UMKM (Studi Kasus di Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA)

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    This study aims to find out how much the role of the People\u27s Business Credit (KUR) meningkatakna performance in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Yogyakarta. To determine the difference in performance (the cost of production, turnover, profit, and working hours) MSME fund before and after the People\u27s Business Credit (KUR). The research population is the population of this study is the Small and Medium Enterprises in the province who get help KUR, methods of sample with purposive sampling using criteria as follows: SMEs in Sleman and Bantul, which get KUR funds in 2013 and 2014, then the second technique with insedental sampling and sample that can be affordable to be sampled. Using the technique of collecting secondary data, the identity of respondents, the data cost of production, turnover and profit as well as the monthly working hours. The analysis tool used is descriptive testing and test the difference paired sample t-test. The results that the People\u27s Business Credit (KUR) was instrumental in meningkatakna performance in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Yogyakarta, evidenced from the findings that the cost of production, turnover, profit, and working hours are increased before and after getting KUR funds


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    Abstract. The calculation of cost production has important roles in companies such as to determine the selling price, the right cost production can give optimum profit. The research aims are to identify and analyze the cost production price on SME Bakpia industrial by using regular methods applied by UKM during the time and by using methods based on accounting cost which is costing target and ABC (Activity Based Costing) method. The population in the research were SME Bakpia industry in Minomartani Sleman Yogyakarta. The research sampling used incidental sampling technique. The data used production data. This research was descriptive qualitative and comparative quantitative research by using descriptive analysis device and independent statistical test of t-test sample.  The result obtained that from 30 Bakpia SME in Minomartani Sleman, only 13 SME of Bakpia set the selling price using cost production methods, meanwhile, 17 SME of Bakpia set the selling price based on market price. The cost of Bakpia production based on SME calculation was 831.67 rupiahs per item, based on cost production of costing target was 729.17 rupiahs, meanwhile based on ABC method was 722.51 rupiahs. The recommended method to calculate cost production was ABC method because it had the lowest price of cost production, so the profit would be optimum. There is a difference profit between SME of Bakpia that applied the cost production methods and the SME that didn’t apply the cost production method. The Bakpia SME that did not use the cost production gained low profit than the Bakpia SME used the cost production calculation.Keywords: Cost Production Price (CPP), profit, Small Medium Enterprises (SME), Costing Target. Abstrak. Perhitungan biaya produksi memiliki peran penting dalam perusahaan seperti menentukan harga jual, biaya produksi yang tepat dapat memberikan keuntungan yang optimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis harga produksi biaya industri UKM Bakpia dengan menggunakan metode reguler yang diterapkan oleh UKM selama ini dan dengan menggunakan metode berdasarkan biaya akuntansi yaitu metode penetapan harga dan metode ABC (Activity Based Costing). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah industri UKM Bakpia di Minomartani Sleman Yogyakarta. Sampel penelitian menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Data menggunakan data produksi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan komparatif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan alat analisis deskriptif dan uji statistik independen terhadap sampel t-test. Hasilnya diperoleh dari 30 UKM Bakpia di Minomartani Sleman, hanya 13 UKM Bakpia yang menetapkan harga jual dengan menggunakan metode biaya produksi, sedangkan 17 UKM Bakpia menetapkan harga jual berdasarkan harga pasar. Biaya produksi Bakpia berdasarkan perhitungan UKM adalah 831,67 rupiah per item, berdasarkan biaya produksi dengan target biaya sebesar 729,17 rupiah, sedangkan berdasarkan metode ABC adalah 722,51 rupiah. Metode yang disarankan untuk menghitung biaya produksi adalah metode ABC karena memiliki harga produksi biaya terendah, sehingga keuntungannya akan optimal. Ada perbedaan keuntungan antara UKM Bakpia yang menerapkan metode biaya produksi dan UKM yang tidak menerapkan metode biaya produksi. UKM Bakpia yang tidak menggunakan biaya produksi memperoleh keuntungan rendah dibandingkan dengan Bakpia yang menggunakan perhitungan biaya produksi.Kata Kunci: Harga Produksi (CPP), Laba Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM), Target Biay


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    Statistik untuk Bisnis & Ekonomi

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    Metodologi Penelitian Bisnis & Ekonomi

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    254 hlm.; 23 cm.; ilus

    Akuntansi biaya teori dan penerapannya

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    Akuntansi bumdes (Badan usah milik desa)

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    Buku ini dapat digunakan ole pengelola BUMDES, Mahasiswa dan pembaca yang ingin mendalami tentang bagaimana mendirikan dan mengelola keuangan BUMDES.232 hlm.; 23 cm
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