9 research outputs found

    Optimizing Parallel Reduction In Cuda To Reach GPU Peak Performance

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    GPUs are massively multi threaded many core chips that have hundreds of cores and thousands of concurrent threads swith high performance and memory bandwidth. Now days, GPUs have already been used to accelerate some numerically intensive high performance computing applications in parallel not only used to graphic processing. This thesis aims primarily to demonstrate the programming model approaches that can be maximize the performance of GPUs. This is accomplished by a proof of maximum reach of bandwidth memory and get speed up from the GPU that used to process parallel computation. The programming environment that used is NVIDIA’s CUDA, it is parallel architecture and model for generalpurpose computing on a GPU


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    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini secara umum untuk mendeskripsikan potensi penalaran adaptif matematis siswa dikaji dari tingkat kemampuan matematikanya dalam materi persamaan garis lurus di kelas VIII SMP Negeri 18 Pontianak tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan bentuk penelitian studi kasus. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan penalaran adaptif matematis siswa sesuai dengan tingkat kemampuan matematikanya. Artinya, kemampuan penalaran adaptif matematis siswa dalam materi persamaan garis lurus yang tergolong dalam kelompok atas termasuk dalam kategori tinggi (61,67%), siswa yang tergolong dalam kelompok tengah termasuk dalam kategori sedang (50%), dan siswa yang tergolong dalam kelompok bawah termasuk dalam kategori rendah (38,33%). Kata Kunci: Potensi, Penalaran Adaptif, Kemampuan Matematika. Abstract: In general, the aim of this research is to describe the potential of adaptive mathematical reasoning of the students which studied from the math skills level of linear equation at grade eight of “SMP Negeri 18 Pontianak” in the Academic Year 2015/2016. The research method used was descriptive case study. The result showed that the potential of adaptive mathematical reasoning of the students suitable with the level of mathematical ability. That is, the adaptive mathematical reasoning skills students of linear equation who belong to the top level included in high category (61.67%), students who belong to the middle level included in the medium category (50%), and students who belong to below level included in low category (38.33%). Keywords: Potential, Adaptive Reasoning, Mathematics Ability

    Designing a drilled pile foundation in a dual system structure

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    Drilled pile foundations that have been set in hard soil are generally used for buildings with shear walls. By nature, a drilled pile foundation can withstand moments because of the drilled pile’s dimensions and the amount of reinforcement installed. This study presents a structural analysis of a 10-story building supported by a dual system structure to meet earthquake requirements. The results show that, by using a dual system, the earthquake requirements (natural period, modal, story shear, story drift, and P-Delta) are met. Other results show that the base shear force of the shear wall has a value of 58.76% for the X-direction and 63.72% for the Y-direction. The base shear force value of the frame is 41.23% for the X-direction and 36.27% for the Y-direction. Therefore, the requirements of the dual system are met because the resisted base shear force of the frame is higher than 25%. The dual system provides a normal force value of 24.32% for the shear wall, while the frame carries 75.67%. The bearing capacity of the drilled pile with a safety factor = 2.5 is 162 tons for a diameter of 50 cm, 214 tons for a diameter of 60 cm, 340 tons for a diameter of 80 cm, 493 tons for a diameter of 100 cm, 672 tons for a diameter of 120 cm, and 993 tons for a diameter of 150 cm. The result of the pile driving analyzer test values for a 120 cm diameter range from 988 to 1,232 tons


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Pengaruh karakteristik pekerjaan dan budaya organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan” Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  tentang seberapa besar pengaruh karakteristik pekerjaan dan budaya organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan pada PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIII (Persero) Unit Kebun Plasma Kembayan. Jenis  penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis deskriptif dan verifikatif, jenis penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan yaitu memberikan penjelasan kausal antara variabel-variabel, melalui pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Adapun yang menjadi sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah karyawan  pada PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIII (Persero) Unit Kebun Plasma Kembayan dengan jumlah 45 orang responden. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisi regresi linier berganda yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari setiap variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen dan Pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS versi 16.0. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa karakteristik pekerjaan dan budaya organisasi secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja. Kata kunci : karakteristik pekerjaan,budaya organisasi, dan kepuasan kerj


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    With the increasing demand for public free WIFI hotspot service Oxygen.id causes increased traffic in accessing the free WIFI hotspot Oxygen.id service, which of course can result in decreased access performance for customers. By applying The Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) router method and simple bandwidth management queuing to fix existing problems, an additional load simulation of 1450 bytes was carried out from the PING status on the CMD window, the results found that the VRRP hotspot was still stable compared to the existing hotspot. and at the time of testing the mp4 file download process was 17,555KB. The resulting VRRP hotspot output is 673 kbyte, which is bigger than the existing thinkput hotspot, which is 495 kbyte, while the delay result is smaller for VRRP hotspot 35,422 compared to delaying the existing hotspot, which is 39,693 seconds, with the results of this study proven completion in overcome the traffic of serving the free oxygen.id hotspot wifi which is getting higher and highe


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    Fuzzy Logic can be applied to the field of control systems. The advantage of using Fuzzy Logic is that it is easy to calculate because it combines mathematical equations and natural language. Therefore, Fuzzy Logic overcomes the weakness of the On/Off control system. Likewise, Fuzzy Logic overcomes the complexity of mathematical modeling on PID control. However, Fuzzy Logic is not suitable to be applied to control systems that require high accuracy. In this study, Fuzzy Logic will be applied to the control of room light, where in the room there are two light sources, namely lamp light and outside light. The problem is how the room light illuminance is always in the set point range with a tolerance of 25 lux and in steady state conditions. The application of light control is appropriate because it does not require high accuracy where a slight change in light illuminance has no effect. In this study, a comparison was made between the Mamdani and Sugeno inference methods. The limitation of control parameters is on the response of the control system to the set point. The results obtained are the control system response shows that there is a smaller error in the Sugeno method than the Mamdani method

    Designing a drilled pile foundation in a dual system structure

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    Drilled pile foundations that have been set in hard soil are generally used for buildings with shear walls. By nature, a drilled pile foundation can withstand moments because of the drilled pile’s dimensions and the amount of reinforcement installed. This study presents a structural analysis of a 10-story building supported by a dual system structure to meet earthquake requirements. The results show that, by using a dual system, the earthquake requirements (natural period, modal, story shear, story drift, and P-Delta) are met. Other results show that the base shear force of the shear wall has a value of 58.76% for the X-direction and 63.72% for the Y-direction. The base shear force value of the frame is 41.23% for the X-direction and 36.27% for the Y-direction. Therefore, the requirements of the dual system are met because the resisted base shear force of the frame is higher than 25%. The dual system provides a normal force value of 24.32% for the shear wall, while the frame carries 75.67%. The bearing capacity of the drilled pile with a safety factor = 2.5 is 162 tons for a diameter of 50 cm, 214 tons for a diameter of 60 cm, 340 tons for a diameter of 80 cm, 493 tons for a diameter of 100 cm, 672 tons for a diameter of 120 cm, and 993 tons for a diameter of 150 cm. The result of the pile driving analyzer test values for a 120 cm diameter range from 988 to 1,232 tons