3 research outputs found

    Liberal Feminism in Ika Natassa's Novel Critical Eleven

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    This study aimed to reveal the liberal feminism in Ika Natassa's novel, Critical Eleven. This study applied liberal feminism as proposed by Lewis (2018) who claims that liberal feminism focuses on the issues of woman's equality in the workplace, education and political rights. This study used qualitative methods since it involved the characteristics of qualitative procedures of analysis (Creswell, 2009). The main data were collected from the novel, and the supporting data were taken from books, journals and websites dealing with the subject matter of this research. Therefore, this study is categorized as a library research study as is noted by Herbert (1990: 18) who claims that a library research study is research to collect ideas and theories and to report empirical data within scholarship in the library. The research results show that of the three issues foccused on in liberal feminism as proposed by Lewis (2018), those of woman's equality in the workplace and education are vividly reflected in the novel by the character named Anya who had a prestigious education (she is a Georgetown University graduate) and also has a good career as a management consultant. Equality in political rights is not found in the novel. Keywords: Feminism, Liberal Feminism, Women, Equality in Education, Equality in the Workplac

    Text Writing Using Motion Picture

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    This research aimed to determine whether the use of motion picture as media has a significant effect on students' abilities in writing text. The research design was quantitative. The sample consisted of students in 12th grade at 11 Medan, a state senior high school, in the 2019/2020 study year. It was based on the basic competency of the 2013 curriculum. The students were grouped into two groups (an experimental group and a control group). The groups each consisted of 36 students. The experimental group was taught by using motion pictures for text writing and the control group was taught by using the teacher's method. The data were collected by giving a pretest and posttest to both groups. The results of the students that used motion picture were higher than of those taught without motion picture. A t-test was used to analyze the data, which showed that using motion pictures had a significant effect on the students' writing ability. Keywords: Writing, text procedure, motion picture

    Medieval Religious Officials in Geoffrey Chaucer's Prologue to Canterbury Tales

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    Chaucer is a great humanist who gently unmasks the roguery, foolishness and corruption of the medieval religious officials in Geofrey Chaucer's Prologue to Canterbury Tales withour Malice, spite or animosity. His attitude is that of benevolence and tolerance, even his satire is in the form of tender shafts of irony, which neither hurt nor destroy. He gives us a direct transcription of reality and a true picture of the medieval social condition as it actually lived in the age in most familiar aspects in his masterpiece work, The Canterbury Tales. He uses humour, irony, exaggeration and ridicule to satirize the medieval religious officials' follies and foibles. The research focuses on the seven medieval religious officials by the name eof the Prioress, the Monk, the Friar, the Clerk of Oxford, the Parson, the Summoner, and the Pardoner. This research aims at revealing the follies, the absurdities, the monetary greed, the hypocrisy, and, on the whole, the irreligious natures of these men of religion. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative proposed by Creswell (2014). The research result shows that the religious characters of his times are portrayed in a most unfavourable light. The ecclesiastical characters that are favourably portrayed, and for whom Chaucer admires are the Clerk and the Parson. Chaucer has nothing to satirize for them but praise, while the other characters belonging to the church are ridiculed and satirized. They are not only most worldly-minded but also dishonest, immoral, and corrupt.     Keywords: Middle Age, medieval society, ecclesiastical characters, medieval religious officials, irony, satire