76 research outputs found

    Public Sphere as an Effective Strategy of Deliberative Democracy in Local Governance, A Study Based on Indian Social Work Context

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    The concept of Public Sphere is the space in which citizens deliberate about their common issues, problems and is an institutionalized arena of discursive interaction. Discussions in the public sphere would increase a democratic involvement of people especially young population and that can be contributed to grass root level planning of Local Government Institutions. Contribution from Young population in the participatory democracy can give fruitful and fresh thoughts to the whole system of governance.  The study will be an analysis based on the prevailing social worker’s intervention in the proposed area in terms of effective governance .Along with that, researcher would examine unfilled gaps which can be utilized productively by using social work techniques. The paper will also examine the practice of Public Sphere as an institution of deliberative democracy among youth, which accentuate to identify the existing linkage of public sphere with Participatory democracy. Keywords: Participatory Democracy, Public Sphere, Youth Participation, Local Governanc

    High-Q Gold and Silicon Nitride Bilayer Nanostrings

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    Low-mass, high-Q, silicon nitride nanostrings are at the cutting edge of nanomechanical devices for sensing applications. Here we show that the addition of a chemically functionalizable gold overlayer does not adversely affect the Q of the fundamental out-of-plane mode. Instead the device retains its mechanical responsiveness while gaining sensitivity to molecular bonding. Furthermore, differences in thermal expansion within the bilayer give rise to internal stresses that can be electrically controlled. In particular, an alternating current excites resonant motion of the nanostring. This AC thermoelastic actuation is simple, robust, and provides an integrated approach to sensor actuation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures + supplementary materia

    Rice Consumption Pattern of Rural Households in East OKU and South OKU Regencies South Sumatra Province Indonesia

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    This study is to examine the pattern of rice consumption of rural households case study in East OKU Regency and South OKU Regency, South Sumatra Province Indonesia. South OKU Regency is a paddy production center, and South OKU Regency is a coffee plantation center, not a rice producer. This study is field research by using household expenditure of 200 head of the family collected by using questionnaires. Method of analyzing rice food consumption by using descriptive quantitative approaches and multiple logistic regression models.. The results show that rural household spending was dominated by proportional rice food consumption. Household rice food consumption has significantly influenced the price of wheat, family income, and the number of family members. Factors the price of rice, working times, and total assets have different significance on influence rice consumption in East OKU and South OKU. Keywords: household rice consumption, food price, income, work hour, and numbers of family. JEL Classifications: D11, D12, D16, Q18, R22 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijefi.909

    Fine Needle Aspiration Versus Open Biopsy for Testicular Sperm Recovery in Infertile Azoospermic Patients

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    Background and Objectives: This study aimed to develop a predictive model for sperm retrieval rate (SRR) sperm recovery by testicular fine-needle aspiration (TESA) & compare with (SRR) obtained by per cutanuose open biopsy sperm aspiration (PSA) correlating with hormonal parameters. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective study for sample obtained from 45 male patients during the period from January 2011 to March2012.Clinical, paraclinical, and histological information of patients were gathered. All patients underwent both TESA and PSA in a single operation. Predictors of SRR by TESA were identified comparing with predictive outcome of PSA. Statistical Analysis Used: Categorical and continuous variables were compared using independent t test and -chi-square test. Logistic regression model was applied to develop a predictive model for SRR by TESA & PSA outcome. Results: Sperm retrieval rate for TESA and PSA was 42.2% and 48.8%, respectively (P = 0.03).Regarding  age  group is more common in 4th  (50.3%), while  3rd  & 5th dacedes each of them (20%). The duration of infertility were variable ranging from (10-20) years. Testis volume, luteinizing hormone, prolactin, and testosterone did not differ between patients. Conclusions: Serum FSH and testicular pathology were predictors of SRR by TESA. Patients with FSH < 23 IU/l and/or testicular pathology of hypospermatogenesis had comparable SRR by TESA versus PSA

    The Causality Between Agriculture, Industry, and Economic Growth: Evidence from Indonesia

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    The industry is the current engine of the Indonesian economy over the past three decades; the economic structure in Indonesia has the transformation from the agriculture sector to the industry sector. The objective of this study is to examine the causality between agricultural, industry, and economic growth in Indonesia. By using the vector error correction model (VECM), this research finds that in the long-term, there is directional causality from the industry added value, economic growth on the agricultural added value. Meanwhile, in the short-term, the variable of industry added value and economic growth has the two-way causality. Besides, the agricultural added value can only affect the industrial added value and economic growth in the short-term. These findings support the idea that the agricultural sector plays a vital role in the economy, such as increasing economic growth and growth in other sectors, especially the industrial sector in this case.JEL Classification: F40, L60, O13, O4

    Effect of Exercise and Muscle Contraction on Insulin Action, Transportation and Sensitivity and Muscle Fibres in type II Diabetes Mellitus

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    This review will critically evaluate the role of exercise in increasing the insulin action, transportation and sensitivity in skeletal muscles. The review will also, try to explore the relationship between the insulin stimulation and glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT-4) protein after the exercise The secondary purpose of this review is to explore whether the exercise induced sensitivity of glucose transport activation is mediated by translocation of greater number of GLUT-4 to the cell surface, and the role of different types of exercise in increasing insulin sensitivity. The review concluded that the stimulation of insulin and exercise is relevant to the physiological developed process of GLUT-4, isoform gene expression is precise and associated with the exercise only. While performing the endurance exercise as well as resistance training we can maintain the muscle bulk and prevent the atrophy in DM. Furthermore, it was proved that the resistance training puts direct effects on the muscles glycogen uptake intracellular and extra cellular signalling pathway and GLUT4, when the subject fed the rich diet of carbohydrate and participates in the exercise. These effects also found in the non-diabetes and healthy subjects.sch_pod2pub2879pub

    Maturation of arteriovenous fistula: Analysis of key factors

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    ** From Crossref via Jisc Publications Router.The growing proportion of individuals suffering from chronic kidney disease has considerable repercussions for both kidney specialists and primary care. Progressive and permanent renal failure is most frequently treated with hemodialysis. The efficiency of hemodialysis treatment relies on the functional status of vascular access. Determining the type of vascular access has prime significance for maximizing successful maturation of a fistula and avoiding surgical revision. Despite the frequency of arteriovenous fistula procedures, there are no consistent criteria applied before creation of arteriovenous fistulae. Increased prevalence and use of arteriovenous fistulae would result if there were reliable criteria to assess which arteriovenous fistulae are more likely to reach maturity without additional procedures. Published studies assessing the predictive markers of fistula maturation vary to a great extent with regard to definitions, design, study size, patient sample, and clinical factors. As a result, surgeons and specialists must decide which possible risk factors are most likely to occur, as well as which parameters to employ when evaluating the success rate of fistula development in patients awaiting the creation of permanent access. The purpose of this literature review is to discuss the role of patient factors and blood markers in the development of arteriovenous fistulae.sch_pod36pub5109pub

    Dissipation Mechanisms in Thermomechanically Driven Silicon Nitride Nanostrings

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    High-stress silicon nitride nanostrings are a promising system for sensing applications because of their ultra-high mechanical quality factors (Qs). By performing thermomechanical calibration across multiple vibrational modes, we are able to assess the roles of the various dissipation mechanisms in these devices. Specifically, we possess a set of nanostrings in which all measured modes fall upon a single curve of peak displacement versus frequency. This allows us to rule out bulk bending and intrinsic loss mechanisms as dominant sources of dissipation and to conclude that the most significant contribution to dissipation in high-stress nanostrings occurs at the anchor points.Comment: 4 pages (+3 supplementary), 3 figures, accepted to Applied Physics Letter

    Effect of Exercise and Muscle Contraction on Insulin Action, Transportation and Sensitivity and Muscle Fibres in type II Diabetes Mellitus

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    Abstract This review will crit ically evaluate the role of exercise in increasing the insulin action, transportation and sensitivity in skeletal muscles. The review will also, try to exp lore the relat ionship between the insulin stimu lation and glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT-4) protein after the exercise The secondary purpose of this rev iew is to exp lore whether the exercise induced sensitivity of glucose transport activation is mediated by translocation of greater number o f GLUT-4 to the cell surface, and the role of different types of exercise in increasing insulin sensitivity. The review concluded that the stimulat ion of insulin and exercise is relevant to the physiological developed process of GLUT-4, isoform gene expression is precise and associated with the exercise only. While performing the endurance exercise as well as resistance training we can maintain the muscle bulk and prevent the atrophy in DM. Furthermore, it was proved that the resistance training puts direct effects on the muscles glycogen uptake intracellu lar and extra cellular signalling pathway and GLUT4, when the subject fed the rich diet of carbohydrate and participates in the exercise. These effects also found in the non-diabetes and healthy subjects

    Haemodialysis and Vascular Access in the End Stage Kidney Disease

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    The efficiency of haemodialysis treatment relies on a functional status of vascular access. A vascular access makes life-saving haemodialysis treatments possible. The efficiency of haemodialysis treatment relies on a functional status of vascular access. The purpose of this review was to discuss the role of haemodialysis and vascular access in end stage kidney disease. Vascular access and its related problems represent the main factors that determine a rise in the rate of incidence of the disease among haemodialysis patients and, consequently, a rise in the healthcare expenses. Vascular access can be divided into three categories: arteriovenous fistula, central venous catheter and arteriovenous graft. Central venous catheter has a number of disadvantages, including a considerable risk of infection and mortality. It also has negative implications for the use of a fistula for dialysis. In contrast, arteriovenous fistula is the most beneficial method, as it has a low risk of infection and mortality, and can ensure long-term functional access. Furthermore, there are three configurations of native arteriovenous fistula that can be used for haemodialysis providing flexibility of approach depending on risk factors of the individual patient.sch_pod3pub4864pub