21 research outputs found


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    Desa Sumberarum adalah salah satu desa yang berada di wilayah Kecamatan Moyudan, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penduduk dari desa ini sebagian bermata pencaharian sebagai petani dan peternak. Peternakan merupakan komoditas unggulan di Desa Sumberarum. Terdapat hewan-hewan ternak yang menjadi potensi sumber daya di Desa Sumberarum yakni sapi, kambing, dan ayam. Salah satu dampak adanya peternakan adalah menghasilkan limbah yang dapat mencemari lingkungan. Oleh sebab itu, penulis merumuskan program kemitraan untuk kelompok ternak berbasis pengolahan kotoran ternak menjadi biogas dan pupuk organik. Tujuan dari program ini untuk menerapkan teknologi pengolahan limbah hewan ternak sehingga dapat menghasilkan produk yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat yaitu biogas dan pupuk organik. Produk tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Desa Sumberarum untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan bahan bakar dan membuka UMKM yang baru sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksaan program ini yakni model pemberdayaan masyarakat partisipatif. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu teknologi yang modern sehingga limbah hewan ternak yang sebelumnya dianggap tidak memiliki nilai, dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi produk bernilai jual. Produk akhir yang dapat dihasilkan dari berupa biogas dan pupuk organik yang diharapkan dapat bermanfaat dan memberdayakan masyarakat Desa Sumberaru

    Pemanfaatan Kotoran Hewan Ternak Sapi Menjadi Biogas Dan Pupuk Organik (Study Case Dusun Semuten)

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    Semuten is one of the hamlets in the Bantul region, DI Yogyakarta with an area of 118 ha. The livelihoods of the people in this village are mostly farmers and ranchers. The large number of livestock in this village is a great source of energy from the results of the livestock manure (biogas). Waste from biogas processing is considered very good for plant organic fertilizer. However, the residents of Semuten Hamlet are still unable to utilize the livestock manure to its full potential. In fact, the dirt is left and becomes waste that can pollute the environment around the village. Therefore, the authors formulate a partnership program for livestock groups based on processing manure into biogas and organic fertilizer. The purpose of this program is to apply livestock waste processing technology so that it can produce useful products, namely biogas and organic fertilizer. These products can be used by the people of Dusun Semuten and open up new MSME opportunities so that they can improve the welfare of the community. The method used is a participatory community empowerment model. The results obtained from this program are modern technology so that livestock waste that was previously considered to have no value, can be used as a selling value product. The final product produced from biogas and organic fertilizer is expected to empower the people of Dusun Semuten, especially breeder

    Technical and Economical Study on Increasing Oil Production in Old Wells (Traditional) by Performing Well Maintenance in the CP Field

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    The CP field is an brown field with a production potential of 2,185 BOPD. However, the realization of CP Field production in the first semester was 1,931 BOPD (88.4% of the production target). From Low & Off data for the period from January to September 2020, it was found that the biggest problem contributing to LPO (Lost Production Opportunity) was caused by artificial lift wells and reduced production from old (traditional) wells.Several solutions can be done in order to solve the problem. Among them is by carrying out well maintenance, both those experiencing a decline in production or wells that have the potential to be activated. By implementing this, it is hoped that it will be able to maintain stability and even increase oil production and distribution through the old (traditional) well. The screening of reactivation well candidates is carried out with the technical evaluation stage and the economic evaluation stage. The engineering evaluation was carried out by analyzing the history of well production and analyzing the distribution map of the wells in the CP Field. Based on this data, 2 (two) candidate wells were obtained, namely LDK-38 and LDK-108. Then proceed with carrying out technical calculations of Rig capacity, namely by calculating Lifting Loads, Rotating Loads and Circulating Loads and continuing with the preparation of reactivation programs and economic calculations.Based on these calculations, it was found that the need for the Rig Capacity to carry out the reactivation work of the 2 (two) wells was 21 (twenty one) HP, so the Spindle Rig was chosen to do the work because the cost was more economical, which was Rp. 45,000,000, - for the work. per-well reactivation. Therefore, the total cost required for the reactivation of 2 (two) wells is Rp. 90,000,000,-. The reactivation program for the LDK-38 and LDK-108 wells resulted in additional production in the CP Field of + 21.73 BOPD or 5,932 bbl (January - September 2021). In addition, gross revenue of USD 572,000 was obtained (crude oil price of 49 USD/bbl)

    Evaluation of Water Channeling Problems and Planning for Its Improvement Using the Remedial Cementing Method and Its Economics in Well AB-30 Field AB PT. Pertamina EP

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    The AB-30 well is an oil producing well located in the AB Field. Production performance data shows that AB-30 shows excessive water production behavior or is a high water cut production well. In addition, the interpretation of CBL data shows an amplitude value of <10 mV in the productive interval. This condition is an indicator that the primary cementing activity in this well is not good. Therefore, a comprehensive and integrated analytical method is needed to identify the problem of excess water production and to design and plan water shut-off activities through squeeze cementing as an effort to mitigate the problem of high water cut to economic analysis.The research begins by identifying the problem of excess water production, whether caused by water channeling, water coning, changes in water oil contact, or by the physical properties of the reservoir rock. Identification is done through production analysis and water diagnostic plots. The next stage is to evaluate the interpretation of CBL Logging results to strengthen the results of production data analysis. After confirming that the problem of excess water production is caused by poor cement bonding cement, the next step is to calculate the cement work program in order to repair the bad cement bonding. Subsequently, the productive zone interval re-perforation was carried out according to the results of the OH Loh Co Log evaluation. No less important is to conduct an economic analysis as a basis for whether or not this work is feasible.The result of this research is that the water shut-off activity went well and was able to reduce the level of excess water production in the AB-30 well and optimize oil production so as to provide a good economic indicator of oil recovery. Remedial cementing work for bonding repair was carried out at well AB-30. The first work is to close the existing layer, followed by Logging evaluation (CBL-USIT). The evaluation results showed that the cement bonding was good with the CBL amplitude parameter < 10 mV. After that, the productive zone reperforation was carried out. The economy by considering the values of economic indicators such as Pay Out Time and Rate Of Investment showed positive results so that the priority and strategy of well intervention could be continued. The results obtained before the well intervention were 148 BOPD oil production, 97% water cut after well intervention was 880 BOPD average oil production, 0% water cut for 1.5 months

    Sand Problem Handling Strategy On Well Ar-02 With Hydraulic Pumping Unit

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    AR-02 well is one of the oil production wells located in Structure X. This well is produced using the Hydraulic Pumping Unit (HPU) method due to low reservoir pressure as a result of the reduced production capacity of the Y Field formation. In addition, this well has sand problems because the fluid production rate of 96 bfpd exceeds the critical sand flow rate of 66.81 bfpd. The physical properties of reservoir rocks do not cause sand problems because they have a cementation factor of highly cemented (m = 1.99), relatively small clay content (5.4%), compact rock (∆t = 54.16 s/ft), and compact as well as stable formation rock (G/Cb = 14.85x1012 psi2). In solving the sand problem in the AR-02 Well, the Gravel Pack and screen were installed. The correct Gravel size according to the Saucier method is 0.035 inch and the correct screen size according to the Coberly & Wagner, Tauch & Corley, and H. J. Ayre methods is 0.016 inch. The value (G-S) ratio indicates that the selection of Gravel and screen sizes is correct (stable), namely the value (G-S) ratio is at number 5. Redesign of the production scheme due to the installation of the Gravel Pack with the use of HPU pumps at the same setting produces; P due to Gravel installation 40 psi, qfluid after Gravel installation 90 bfpd (previously 95 bfpd), PI after Gravel installation 0.188 (previously 0.198), Min allowable stress 8991.56 psi, Max allowable stress 23420.64 psi, Total stretch 55.42 inch, Over travel 0.391 inch, Plunger stroke 94.97 inch, and Pump Displacement 135.65 bfpd


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    Prediction value of the rate of penetration (ROP) in the drilling of the formation “X” well prognosis "YN2" in the field “IP” and the actual well "YN1" as a review of the selection of a representative Model-ROP at a depth of 2620 mbpl - 3000 mbpl in the "IP" field ". This study selected a representative Model-ROP from drilling the "X" formation of the actual well "YN1" in the "IP" field then predicting the rate of penetration (ROP) value in the drilling of the "X" formation of the "YN2" prognosis well in the "IP" field. ROPs used in this study include the Bingham Model (1966), Teale (2008) and Mottahari (2010). Prediction of the rate of penetration (ROP) value in the drilling of the "X" formation well "YN2" prognosis is done in stages including predicting the rate of penetration (ROP) value in the drilling of the "X" formation of the actual well "YN1" by collecting data including data on "YN1" actual well drilling includes bit records, drilling reports, well programs, and well profiles and then predicts the rate of penetration (ROP) value in the drilling of the "X" well formation "YN2" using drilling prognosis. Determine the drilling parameters needed to predict the value of the rate of penetration (ROP) has a difference in each model. In the Bingham model the parameters required include MD, WOB, RPM, T, and d-exp values. In the Teale model the required drilling parameters contain the actual MD, WOB, RPM, T, DB, and ROP values, MSE, μ and AB. In the Mottahari Model, the drilling parameters needed for MD, WOB, RPM, T, DB, actual ROP, σ, Wf (use function), G (model coefficients representing drillability), a = 0.50 and y = 1,50 is obtained from assumptions. In the Bingham Model has a coordination coefficient value (R2) = 0.9985, the Teale Model has a coordination coefficient value (R2) = 1 and the Mottahari Model has a co-coefficient value (R2) = 1. The ROP model that represents the drilling of the "X" formation Actual wells "YN1" can all be used or all Model-ROPs represent to predict the value of the penetration rate (ROP) in drilling the "X" formation prognosis of the well "YN2". Calculate the estimated penetration rate (ROP) in the drilling of the "X" formation prognosis of the well "YN2" using the Bingham, Teale and Mottahari models through the prognosis of the drilling "YN2"

    Flow Assurance Improvement by Injecting Pour Point Depressant Chemical through Permanent Coiled Tubing Gas Lift to Heavy Oil at MM-1 Well at MPA Field

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    The majority artificial lift used in MPA Field use PCTGL (Permanent coil tubing gas lift). PCTGL is installed on several monobore well or dual monobore well. Some wells in the MPA Field have waxy HPPO oil character with pour point between 85-100oF with API between 30-35. The well "MM-1" has a HPPO character with pour point 95oF. The character high Pour point oil of the well will be problem to be solved. The MM-1 well is produced with PCTGL. From the simulation, a PCTGL design was obtained at a depth of 2250 ft. With the character of HPPO oil, pour point depressant injection optimization is also carried out along with the injection of gas lift so that the chemical can work from the downhole. The results of the bottle test of pour point depressant use concentration of 1000 ppm to reach the target. The results of the field test showed that the concentration of Pour Point Depressant of 1026 ppm was able to change the pour point up to 65oF. The results of optimization production showed that the production of MM-1 wells was able to increase with production of 290 bopd

    Study and Evaluation of Loss Circulation Mitigation When Drilling Unconsolidated Formation, Batang Field

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    Field development of Batang Field through infill drilling was an effort by PHE Siak to contribute to national oil production. Target formation of the drilling campaign was Bekasap Formation which is part of central Sumatera basin. During the drilling execution of these infill wells, loss circulation occurred on some of the wells especially when the drilling reaches 8.5 in hole section. The severity of loss circulation ranging from small partial loss to total loss. To optimize future drilling operation in Batang, analysis will be conducted to determine the cause, prevention, and mitigation of loss circulation event based on drilling history.Method used in this research begins with analysing the cause of loss circulation on 8.5 in hole section that commonly occurs. Analysis then proceeded to analyse historical drilling parameter, such as: pump (MW, ECD, Pump Rate, Yp, RPM, SPM, dan ROP) recorded when loss circulation events occurred. Finally, the effectiveness of current method to mitigate loss circulation will also studied.Based on the analysis, it is known that the possible cause of loss circulation on infill well drilling in Batang is the reservoir properties and condition which having depleted or sub-normal average reservoir pressure and the property of the rock itself which is unconsolidated. Based on the study on drilling parameter history, the severity of loss circulation might be minimized by keeping pump flow rate to under 190 gpm, RPM under 48 rpm, WOB under 2 klbs, and ROP under 135 ft/hr when drilling progresses to 8.5 in hole section. Meanwhile, other parameters have not shown any relation to severity of loss circulation