22 research outputs found

    Relative fold change in differentially expressed proteins in brain tissue post-JEV infection.

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    <p>Spot intensities were normalized by total valid spot intensities and mean of values from duplicate analytical gels from four biological replicates were subjected to paired <i>t</i>-test analysis. Protein spots showing altered expression between control and experimental groups (|ratio|≥1.5, <i>p</i><0.05) were marked and excised. Dark grey bars indicate spots from mock infected control sample while light grey bars indicate JEV infected sample. * = p<0.05, # = p<0.01. Data represented are means ± SD of four independent experiments.</p

    Confirmation of JEV infection in both <i>in vivo</i> and <i>in vitro</i> models using JEV specific antibody.

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    <p>The onset of JEV infection was confirmed by immunostaining of mouse brain sections and Neuro2a cells using JEV specific antibodies.</p

    Validation of proteomic results using Immunostaining.

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    <p>Differential expression of selected proteins in neuron following JEV-infection in <i>in vivo</i> model. Images are representative of three independent experiments.</p

    Conformational switching of catalytic residue His114 in K17I and L35P mutants.

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    <p>Orientation of the catalytic triad residue His114 at a regular interval of 10 ns during the MD simulations of K17I and L35P mutants. In these figures, T = 0 ns is the start of production phase post-equilibration. Figure produced using PyMOL <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0032479#pone.0032479-DeLano1" target="_blank">[53]</a>.</p

    A schematic representation of the host response to JEV infection.

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    <p>Bioinformatic analysis of the proteins identified during the study was carried out to identify the various pathways and biological processes involved in the virus-host interaction. Based on the derived data, JEV pathogenesis network was constructed. Red tabs represent viral proteins and pink tabs represent the host proteins identified in this study.</p

    Temporal expression of selected proteins in mouse brain with disease progression.

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    <p>BALB/c mice of either sex were injected with 3×10<sup>5</sup> p.f.u. of JE virus of strain GP78 through tail vein. The animals were then dissected at 1, 3, and 5 day post (JEV) infection (d.p.i) and brain was isolated for protein extraction. (<b>A</b>) Immunoblot showing the protein expression levels during JEV infectionas compared to that of mock-infected control mice. (<b>B</b>) Densitometric analysis of the differential protein expression. Data is representative of three independent experiments.</p