60 research outputs found

    Identifying Lecturer–Student Interaction and Preference Toward Four English Skills

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    Abstract: Identifying lecturer–student interaction and preference toward four english skills. Objectives: The aim of this research was to find out the patterns of classroom interaction and preference toward four English skills for students of  Islamic Financial Banking Department. Methods: The data collection procedures in the research were based on classroom participant observation, student interviews, and questionnaire. The language that used for student interviews was English, and sometimes combined with Indonesia language. The last instrument was questionnaire used to know the students’ preference toward four English skills. Findings: The findings of this research indicated that the classroom interaction can be created through mutual understanding and appriciating between lecturer and student, in form of the manner of lecturer’s performance in the classroom, presenting interested and motivated materials, and applying reinforcement. Conclusions: The students’ preference toward four English skills indicated that 61 (61%) students liked reading skill very much.Keywords: Lecturer-student interaction, four English skills, interview. Abstrak: Mengidentifikasi interaksi dosen-mahasiswa dan kecenderungan terhadap empat keterampilan berbahasa inggris. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pola-pola interaksi dalam kelas dan mengidentifikasi kecenderungan terhadap empat keterampilan berbahasa Inggris bagi mahasiswa jurusan Perbankan Syariah. Metode: Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Wawancara menggunakan bahasa Inggris, dan dalam hal tertentu menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Angket digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat kecenderungan mahasiswa terhadap empat keterampilan berbahasa Inggris. Temuan: Interaksi dalam kelas dapat tercipta karena adanya saling memahami dan menghargai antara dosen dan mahasiswa, dalam hal ini dosen menampilkan performa yang layak dan meyakinkan dalam menyajikan materi ajar dan memotivasi mahasiswa, serta menerapkan metode reinforcement. Kesimpulan: Kecenderungan mahasiswa terhadap empat keterampilan berbahasa Inggris ditunjukkan dengan 61% mahasiswa cenderung menyukai keterampilan membaca. Kata kunci: Interaksi dosen-mahasiswa, empat keterampilan berbahasa inggris, wawancara. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v9.i2.20191

    Kajian Penentuan Kebijakan Pengoperasian Embung Suruhan Kabupaten Blora dengan Debit Bangkitan

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    Penelitian yang berkaitan dengan sistem DAS (Daerah Aliran Sungai) membutuhkan seri data debit sungai yang berupa runtun waktu. Data debit tersebut dapat digunakan untuk menentukan pola pengoperasian embung dan untuk mengetahui kinerja embung. Namun untuk mengetahui kinerja pengoperasian pada waktu yang akan datang, data debit historis perlu dibangkitkan untuk disimulasikan. Pembangkitan data debit dapat menggunakan model simulasi hidrologi untuk memperkirakan debit suatu aliran sungai dari data curah hujan yang tersedia. Model Thomas-Fiering dapat digunakan untuk pembangkitan data debit tersebut. Adapun penelitian ini menggunakan kasus lokasi di Embung Suruhan, Kabupaten Blora, Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang merupakan bagian wilayah SUB DAS Lusi. Embung Suruhan merupakan salah satu embung potensial yang diprioritaskan untuk dibangun. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, volume tampungan Embung Suruhan mencapai 4,489 juta m3 untuk mengairi areal irigasi seluas 376 Ha dengan pola tanam padi-padi-palawija. Melihat potensi dari Embung Suruhan, maka perlu kajian lebih lanjut agar kinerja embung dapat dioptimalkan untuk masa yang akan datang. Dalam mengkaji nilai kinerja embung tersebut diperlukan simulasi pengoperasian terlebih dahulu. Simulasi pengoperasian yang dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu Simulasi SOP dan Simulasi Rule Curve. Debit yang digunakan merupakan debit dari pembangkitan data selama 25 tahun menggunakan metode Thomas-Fiering, data tersebut merupakan data pembangkitan dari data debit historis yang didapat menggunakan metode FJ. Mock untuk memprediksi data inflow, karena tidak ada data debit hasil pencatatan. Hasil kajian akan menentukan kebijakan pengoperasian embung dengan menilai kinerja pengoperasian Embung Suruhan yaitu berupa keandalan (reliability), kelentingan (resiliency) dan kerawanan (vulnerability). Dari simulasi yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Simulasi Rule Curve dapat meningkatkan kinerja dan mengoptimalkan tampungan yang ada di Embung Suruhan

    Perencanaan Normalisasi Sungai Beringin Di Kota Semarang

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    Reduced green open areas and forests in upstream of Beringin watershed areas is affect the run-off, so it is possible resulting in increased surface run-off, decreased time of concentration, and at the same time a decrease in groundwater recharge. Thus the flow in the rainy season will tend to rise and discharge will decrease in the dry season. Comparison of river's Qmax (usually in the rainy season) and Qmin (in the dry season) is very large. The greater the ratio of river's Qmax to Qmin, indicating the further degradation of the watershed. Upstream areas in the South is quite hilly with steep slopes, with a height of 12.5 m to 250 m. The issue of Beringin River originated from land use change in the uplands, especially on open land (forest, shrubs, and farm or agricultural) into housing and settlement, causing flooding in the watershed Beringin. To calculate the average maximum rainfall-average using Thiessen polygon method with three rainfall stations that affect which is the Mijen, Tugu, and Mangkang Waduk. Rainfall data were used from 2003 till 2012, while the flood discharge plans taken from the calculation method of HSS Gama I with a return period of 10 years at 180.59 m3/s. Normalization is planned in the main river along the 7.18 km, from the estuary (STA 0) to the arround Mangkang regency (STA 23). Varying the width of the river is 14 m of STA 0 to STA 8, 12 m of STA 9 to STA 19, and 10 m of STA 20 to STA 23 with the same slope at 1: 1.5. This cross section plan has previously been simulated with HEC-RAS 3.1.3 program and the results was they were able to accommodate discharge plan that occurs. Safety height of 0.6 m was added in each cross section above the water level of the river. Revetments also added to the bend of the river in STA 22-23 with a length of 200 m and a height of 4m. This project implementation is scheduled for 28 weeks with a budget plan of of Rp 16,881,359,000.00

    Analisis Produksi Dan Efisiensi Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu Padi Sawah Di Provinsi Bali

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    The integrated crop management approach on rice is aimed to increase the productivity on fields with the constraint of limited land area. This present research was aimed to analyzethe impact of the implementation of integrated crop management to grain yield and its efficiency on the lowland farming. The study was conducted in three districts representing the lowland rice production center in Bali, i.e. Tabanan, Buleleng and Gianyar, involving 216 respondents, over two cropping seasons. Sampling of the respondents was using stratified simple random method. Data were analyzed using a stochastic frontier production function with the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method. The results showed that the aggregate of rice production was affected by land area, amount of seeds, N fertilizer, organic fertilizer, pesticides, labor and age of seedling. Rice yield was higher in the dry season applying legowo planting pattern, followed by intermittent irrigations, IPM and planting varieties other than IR64. Technically, both ICMFS alumni farmers and non ICM-FS alumni were considered efficient, with an efficiency rate of more than 70 percent, but onlyICM-FS alumni farmers allocated the inputs efficiently, and therefore economically move efficient. Socio economic factors which were significantly affected the aggregate technicalinefficiencies were age of farmers, level of education, farming experiences, and the number of land plots. Technical inefficiency of the lowland rice farming was lower when ICM-FS alumni farmers work on their own lands

    Pengaruh Sedimetasi Pada Kinerja Pengoperasian Waduk Serbaguna Wonogiri

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    The operation of the reservoir can\u27t be avoided from the problem of sedimentation. This happens because the natural ingredients in the river sediment transport will be accommodated and deposited in the reservoir due to the dam. But not all the sediment deposited in the reservoirs will go straight into the dead storage, most of the sediment will be deposited on effective storage. Has been a lot of research and efforts to reduce the influence of reservoir sedimentation. However, little (if any) research on the effect of reservoir sedimentation in reservoir operation performance. In a study on the effect of sedimentation on the operating performance of single-purpose dam sedimentation concluded that the effect was not significant. Therefore, in this study conducted research on the effect of sedimentation in the multipurpose reservoir operational performance. This research was conducted by simulating the operation of reservoirs with different patterns of operation and conditions of sedimentation

    Kajian Metode Pelaksanaan Sistem Polder Kali Banger

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    Banger river polder system which has 524 ha area is a part of Semarang Centre region drainage system. Banger river polder system is located in East Semarang region and North Semarang region. It is a crowded area with many problems. This area which has low level at soil supporting capacity is flooded by rob almost everytime. So it causes land subsidence every year. On the other hand, land use is another serious problem there with many houses cover the area without proper access road. Construction method evaluation of procurement and pump installation and retention pond and closer dike construction in Banger river polder system need to adapt more further with the real condition on site. Procurement and pump installation works will not be affected significantly by Banger river polder system site location. So that, in retension pond and closer dike works need a construction method which uses dewatering work, temporary dike construction, and determining the hauling route. These works combination produce an effective construction method, construction method using dewatering and bailey bridge. This construction method is a combination between dewatering work and the use of bailey bridge which is based on workability, reducing cycle time, and the economical one. This combination is the most effective, based on work influence indicators which reach 27,05
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