33 research outputs found

    Potential Threat Analysis Hypertext Transfer Protocol and Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol of Public WiFi Users (Batam Case)

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    Computer network security has became an international issue in the last decade. We can not deny the ability of a network administrator is increasingly needed to secure the system. One of the important skills that must be possessed is able to read the data packets in computer network traffic. Protocol analysis needed to monitor and analyze information from any data packets that are sent or received on the network. From the user side, are required to have knowledge of information security, especially if accessing via free public wifi. The purpose of this study is to provide and analize the captured HTTP and HTTPS packets using a network packet analyzer tool. The Object of this research is user of public wifi in the city of Batam, Indonesia. The study resulted a comprehensive analysis of data packets, we obtained user behavior when accessing information via public wifi. Despite many sites have been using secure protocols such as HTTPS but there are still using standard protocols resulting information open to hackers

    The Contribution of Information Communication & Technology as Enabler of Knowledge Management to Bring Innovationin Mass Media Industries Sector (Batam Case)

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    Information technology (IT) plays an important role as a catalyst to enable and facilitate the implementation of the development, transfer, and utilization of knowledge, which subsequently may contribute to the improvement and innovation. This research intends to analyze how IT competency directly influences knowledge management, how knowledge management directly influences innovation, and how IT competency indirectly influences innovation through knowledge management. The research is limited to Mass Media Industries sector of the creative industries in the island of Batam, Indonesia. Those sectors are television, radio, and publishig. The data are collected via questionnaire from a sample of 150 respondents. A structural equation model is established to study the interrelationship among those variables. At the end, the research concludes that IT competency has positive effect on knowledge management, as well as on innovation via knowledge management, and knowledge management mediates the relationship between IT competency and innovation

    Potential Threat Analysis Hypertext Transfer Protocol and Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol of Public WiFi Users (Batam Case)

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    Computer network security has became an international issue in the last decade. We can not deny the ability of a network administrator is increasingly needed to secure the system. One of the important skills that must be possessed is able to read the data packets in computer network traffic. Protocol analysis needed to monitor and analyze information from any data packets that are sent or received on the network. From the user side, are required to have knowledge of information security, especially if accessing via free public wifi. The purpose of this study is to provide and analize the captured HTTP and HTTPS packets using a network packet analyzer tool. The Object of this research is user of public wifi in the city of Batam, Indonesia. The study resulted a comprehensive analysis of data packets, we obtained user behavior when accessing information via public wifi. Despite many sites have been using secure protocols such as HTTPS but there are still using standard protocols resulting information open to hackers

    Implementasi Manajemen Bandwidth Menggunakan Metode Queue Tree Pada Jaringan Internet

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    SMKN 5 Batam City is an educational institution located in Kavling Bukit Kamboja, Sungai Pelunggut, Kec, Sagulung, Batam City, Riau Islands. The availability of network infrastructure to be institutionalized by education will expedite the educational process including internet network services at SMKN 5 Batam City. The networks used in SMKN 5 Kota Batam are the Local Area Network (LAN) and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). Batam City Vocational School 5 has 82 PCs (Personal Computers) connected to the network and Access Points as access to the hotspot network, which uses an indie home ISP with a bandwidth capacity of 100Mbps and 5Mbps using an astinet ISP. Problems that occur on the internet network at SMKN 5 Kota Batam, do not yet have an allocation of bandwidth distribution for network users, causing unstable and uninterrupted network access. Therefore there must be proper bandwidth management controls, implementing bandwidth management and optimizing security authentication. So that the available bandwidth can be used fairly, by applying the queue method. And from the tests carried out, authentication of security and bandwidth management using the tree queue method, fair and even bandwidth can be used as well as the tree queue method proven to be able to use bandwidth both for downloading and downloading. uploaded


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    PT. Batam Bintan Telekomunikasi has several employees scattered in several rooms. Communication media is the most important way to maintain communication between employees. Previously, the communication media used in PT Batam Bintan Telecommunication was a PABX (Private Automatic Branch Exchange) phone, but in the PT. Batam Bintan Telekomunikasi has several employees scattered in several rooms. Communication media is the most important way to maintain communication between employees. Previously, the communication media used in PT Batam Bintan Telecommunication was a PABX (Private Automatic Branch Exchange) phone, but in the implementation of PABX the phone is not optimal because each room has only one PABX Line while in one room consists of eight employees. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize communication system between employees of PT Batam Bintan telecommunications. Communication system optimization is done by implementing Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) as pabx replacement communication media. Voip is implemented using Trixbox server, SIP phone, Zoiper, MicroSIP as an application to make calls on client computers and VPN as security between clients. Each employee will be created a VoIP account that is listed on the trixboxx server by providing a telephone number and password on the VoIP account.Based on the results of the study, the application of VoIP on computers in the PT environment. Batam Bintan telecommunications connected by Trixbox server, VoIP can facilitate communication between employees that is useful to support employee performance. With this VoIP is expected to replace the previous communication used in PT. Batam Bintan Telekomunikasi is by replacing PABX with VoIP by utilizing internet facilities at PT. Batam Bintan Telecommunications. &nbsp


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    Di era komputasi digital sekarang ini, telah terjadi pertumbuhan produksi data digital yang sangat tinggi. Dikutip dari laman forbes.com, ada 2,5 quintillion bytes data yang diproduksi setiap hari. Salah satu data digital tersebut adalah tugas mahasiswa yang dikumpulkan melalui media Google Classroom. Dari data mahasiswa yang dikumpulkan tersebut, banyak tugas yang terindikasi plagiasi dengan tugas mahasiswa yang lainnya. Jika dilakukan anilisis secara manual, maka akan memakan waktu yang lama dan sangat melelahkan. Untuk efisiensi pemanfaatan waktu dan sumber daya, dibutuhkan proses penyaringan yang memiliki kemampuan untuk menghitung tingkat plagiasi dari setiap tugas mahasiswa. Metode Approximate Matching merupakan metode yang paling sering digunakan untuk menemukan kesamaan diantara data yang dibandingkan dengan menetapkan skor kesamaan. Pada penelitian ini algoritme Approximate Matching yang digunakan adalah algoritme Frequency Based Hashing-S. Kelebihan algoritme ini adalah aman terhadap serangan aktif dan memiliki tingkat akurasi 98% untuk format data terkompresi. Aplikasi ini bermanfaat bagi dosen yang akan memeriksa tugas mahasiswa yang banyak. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini, dosen hanya perlu memeriksa tugas mahasiswa yang tidak plagiasi saja sehingga mengurangi jumlah tugas mahasiswa yang akan diperiksa secara manual

    Rancang Bangun Mail Server dengan Microsoft Exchange Server dan Postfix Relay pada PT Alumindo Multi Persada

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    PT. Alumindo Multi Persada merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa konstruksi di Kota Batam. Saat ini pertukaran informasi dan pertukaran data melalui surat elektronik atau Email adalah metode yang paling sering digunakan oleh sebagian besar perusahaan. Sebelumnya, perusahaan tersebut menggunakan layanan email pihak ketiga yang kita kenal sebagai gmail serta menggunakan domain yang disediakan dari pihak ketiga sebagai identitas email mereka. Penggunaan layanan email pihak ketiga tidak terlalu efisien karena ada campur tangan pihak ketiga dalam email mereka. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan akan membutuhkan mail server pribadi untuk mengelola email mereka secara private. Dengan mail server pribadi, perusahaan tersebut dapat menggunakan domain mereka sendiri sebagai identitas email untuk memperkuat brand perusahaannya dan apabila jika terjadi error pada mail server dapat segera diatasi oleh support dari perusahaannya. Dalam penelitian ini, Microsoft Exchange Server akan dikonfigurasi sebagai mail server utama dan Postfix sebagai mail server relay. Mail server utama akan digunakan untuk manajemen pengguna dan transmisi email internal dan mail server relay menangani transmisi email external (Public). Mail server dan domain hosting dikonfigurasi SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), dan DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting Conformance) agar tidak dianggap sebagai SPAM dan tidak diblacklist oleh mail server external

    Desain Sistem Tata Kelola Dana Desa Berbasis Cloud Server

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    This study aims to create a display of innovation systems in managing village funds by preparing vcloud computing-based innovations to manage all data generated so that local governments can help oversee the absorption of village budget funds in realtime and transparency. In this study researchers used qualitative methods because in this study focused on researching objects directly. This research is done by researching directly on innovation system of Batam City area. The research method by interview and observation from secondary data taken from the realization of village fund budget that has been running so as to produce data that can be controlled through cloud server based application. Stages performed in this design using desktop-based Visual studio applications which will be controlled via Client & Server as a controller for processing and processing data. And for the database using postgresSQL database where later technology applications are made will be integrated via the Internet network. The results of this study is to provide a description of desktop system design as a reference to manage the village funds are transparent with the help of cloud server technology so that the data processed and processed can be monitored using the internet. It can also help the urban government to innovate village-based village fund governance governance so that funds that have been prepared and distributed can be controlled quickly, effectively and targeted through technology applications.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sebuah tampilan sistem inovasi daerah dalam mengelola dana desa dengan mempersiapkan inovasi berbasis cloud computing untuk mengelola semua data yang dihasilkan sehingga pemerintah daerah dapat membantu mengawasi penyerapan anggaran dana desa secara realtime dan transparansi. Pada penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif karena dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada meneliti obyek secara langsung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan meneliti secara langsung pada sistem inovasi daerah Kota Batam. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan cara interview dan observasi dari data sekunder yang diambil dari realisasi anggaran dana desa yang sudah berjalan sehingga menghasilkan data yang dapat dikontrol melalui aplikasi berbasis server cloud. Tahap-tahap yang dilakukan dalam perancangan ini menggunakan aplikasi Visual studio berbasis desktop yang mana akan di kontrol melalui Client & Server sebagai pengendali untuk pengolahan dan pemrosesan data. Dan untuk database menggunakan database postgresSQL. Di mana nanti teknologi aplikasi yang dibuat akan terintegrasi melalui jaringan internet. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu memberikan gambaran design sistem desktop sebagai acuan untuk mengatur dana desa yang transparan dengan bantuan teknologi cloud server sehingga data yang diproses dan diolah dapat di monitor menggunakan internet. Juga dapat membantu pemerintah kota Batam melakukan inovasi tata kelola dana desa berbasis teknologi informasi agar dana yang sudah disiapkan dan disalurkan dapat dikontrol dengan cepat, efektif, dan tepat sasaran melalui aplikasi teknologi


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    This study designed a Fiber to the home (FTTH) network using gigabit passive optical network (GPON) technology. The network design is carried out in the Uma Cape area, the Tanjung Tritip area with parameter values ​​in accordance with the Proxynet standard as a company that will build a FTTH network at the research location. This study aims to design the FTTH network and calculate the link power budget, rise time, power receive and required traffic capacity. The design in Tanjung Triptin consists of 1 OLT, I ODC, 10 ODP in each area designed. There are 55 customers consisting of 52 houses, 1 school, 1 shop house and 1 mosque with a total traffic of 290.2 Mbps which can be covered by 1 OLT. The link power budget is used to obtain the amount of attenuation. The standard amount of attenuation from the Proxynet is 28 dBm. The results of the calculation of the Link Power Budget for each customer still meet the damping standards set by Proxynet, which is 28 dB. In this study, the greatest attenuation value was obtained in the uplink path of 26.21 dB, and on the downlink line of 26.01 dB. The power recieve (Pr) value obtained on the uplink path is -10.53 while the downlink path is -10.51. Based on the calculation of Rise time system, the highest value is 0.250 ns. This value is in accordance with the expectations below 0.583 ns


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    Air pollution is a problem that is still unresolved. Air pollution can occur due to incomplete combustion of vehicle engines or industrial processes that produce gases that are not good for health. Gaseous compounds contained in polluted air can have a negative impact on health if the levels exceed normal limits. Therefore, this study aims to increase awareness of the importance of healthy air quality, so that people will be more concerned about health and can minimize the risk of breathing harmful air. In this study, an air pollution monitoring tool is offered which not only functions as a monitor but also determines the level of air pollution content. The monitoring system in this study is equipped with an MQ135 sensor which functions as an air pollution detector. The results of air quality monitoring in this study will show 2 conditions of ambient air quality, namely: good and bad. With this information, people can know whether the place is safe or dangerous for their health. The Department of Environment tests gas emissions from two-wheeled to four-wheeled vehicles because many vehicles have emitted gas emissions that can interfere with the air we breathe, besides the broad impact that can interfere with public health, such as asthma, cancer, lung disease. lungs, and so on. Because of this, researchers want to provide awareness to the public about the importance of air health for both pedestrians and those who drive to breathe healthier air