24 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Suhu Penyimpanan Terhadap Kadar Gula Pada Berbagai Bagian Umbi Bawang Bombay (Effect Of Storage Temperature On Sugar Levels Of Different Parts Of Onion Bulbs)

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    Onion is usually stored at either low (± 0°C) or high (± 30"C) temperature at 60%-75% relative humidities. Storage at high temperatures, however, results in loss of pyruvic acid and ascorbic acid, while low temperature storage. makes onion tends to develop brown colour during dehydration. This experiment was designed to find out the effect of storage temperature on the change of sugar levels of various parts of onion bulbs. Southport White Globe onions were stored at OaC and 30°C at 60% relative humidity for 20 weeksfructose, glucose, and surcrose contents of top, middle, and bottom part of oion bulbs were monthly investigated by the Garin method. The results show that fructose, glucose, and sucrose contents at the top, middle, and bottom bulb parts during storage had the same pattern of change, they increased at the beginning and then decreased at the end fo storage. At the week 12, sucrose levels in all defferent bulb parts stored at 0°C increased sharply compared to those stored at 30"C and then declined towards the end of storage. Keywords : Bulb parts, fructose, glucose, sucrose, storage temperatures, Southport White Globe onion

    Atmosfer termodifikasi tidak memperpanjang umur simpan bawang Bombay kultivar southport white globe(Modified Atmosphere Storage Could Not Prolong The Storage Life of Southport White Globe Onions)

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    This study was carried out to see the effect of modified atmosphere storage on the storage life of Southport White Globe (SWG) onions. SWG onions were packed in polyethylene bags and stored at 20°C for 14 weeks. To increase its effectiveness, phorone, KMnO4 and Ca(OH)2 at various levels were also placed inside the polyethylene bags. Production of CO2, 02 and ethylene were monitored fortnightly, and at the end of storage, onion sprouting, rotting, and rooting were also observed. The results show that phorone at 2 ml tended to stimulate CO2 production, while KMn04, Ca(OH)2, KMnO4 plus Ca(OH)2 at either 200 g or 400 g inhibited CO2 production, however, ethylene elimination tended to stable. No root growths were detected. Disease incidents were also prohibited by KMnO4, Ca(OH)2, and KMnO4 plus Ca(OH)2 at 400 g. On the other hand, those chemicals stimulated onion sprouting. Keywords : Calcium hydroxide, Modified Atmosphere Storage, Phorone, Potasium Permanganate, Rotting, Rooting, Southport White Globe, Sprouting

    Pengaruh suhu pada kelembaban nisbi 60 persen terhadap perubahan biokimia bawang bombay kultivar White Spanis (Effect of storage temperature at 60 percent relative humidity on the biochemical changes of White Spanish oni

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    Onion as a source of various vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibres is usually stored at either low (0° â 5°C) or high (25 - 35°C) temperatures at 60 - 75% relative humidities. High temperature storage results in loss of ascorbic and piruvic acids, while low temperature storage cause sugar accumulation which tends to scorch and develop brown colour during onion dehydration. This experiment was designed to find out the effect of storage temperature and relative humidity on biochemical changes of onions during storage. White Spanish onions were stored at 0° and 20°C at 60% relative humidity for 6 monthsascorbic acid, pyruvic acid, fructose, glucose, and sucrose contents were monthly investigated. The results showed that ascorbic acid and pyruvic acid contents of onions stored at 0°C and 60% relative humidity decreased by 33% and 35%, respectively at the end of storage. The level of fructose and glucose of onions stored at both conditions increased at the beginning then decreased and fluctuated. The level of sucrose of those onions also drastically increased at the end of storage, however, the onions were still suitable for dehydration. In summary, While Spanish onions could be successfully stored at 0oC and 60% and 20C at 60% relative humidy for 6 months and 2 months, respectively. Keywords : Ascorbic acid, biochemical changes, fructose, glucose, pyruvic acid, sucrose, White Spanish onion

    Pengaruh suhu penyimpanan pada kualitas bawang bombay CV. Early Lockyer White (Effect of storage temperature on the quality of Early Lockyer White Onions)

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    Early Lokyer White onions were stored at temperature of 0°C and 20°C at 60% relative humidity (RH). This study shows that storage temperature of 0°C for 6 months prevented sprouting, rotting, and minimized weight loss of onions. Moisture content of onions stored at 0°C and 20°C were fluctuated, however, at the end of storage it tended to decrease. Ascorbic acid of onions stored at 0°C was relatively stable while that of onions stored at 20°C decreased significantly (p < 0,05) with storage time. Pyruvic acid of onions stored at 20°C was significantly higher than those stored at 0°C, and it increased with time up to 8 weeks then decreased. Key words : Asam piruvat, pertuinbuhan tunas,serangan penyakit, susut bobot,vitamin C


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    ABSTRACT Onion as a perishable product cannot be stored for long periods, due to various factors. Major deterioration problems that occur during onion storage are weight loss, sprouting, root growth, diseases, sugar accumulation, loss of pyruvic acid and ascorbic acid. Combination of relative humidity and temperature could prevent or minimize onion losses during storage, however, it depends on onion cultivar. Pyruvic acid is a trademark of onions and is the main factor why this vegetable is used in food industries throughout the world. Loss of ascorbic acid indicates loss in quality or loss in other nutrients components such as carbohydrate and protein. Sprouted bulbs cannot be used anymore, except for seedlings, while rooted and rotted bulbs by removing 2.3 outer skin layer of rotted bulbs and cutting or trimming rooted bulbs, onions can still be used for cooking. Loss of weight also results in unattractive appearance. Loss of weight more than 10% causes onion wilting, or even drying. Storage temperature and relative humidity are two important factors which must be considered if this product will be stored successfully. Onions can be stored at either low (t 0°C) or high temperature (t 30°C) and at particular humidity. The ideal combination of storage temperature and relative humidity could prolong storage life of onions. In general, storage temperature of 0°C and 30°C and relative humidity of 60% - 75% are an ideal condition for storing onions. This review also outlines the ideal combination of storage temperature and humidity for particular onion cultivars. Keywords : Bawang bombay, penyimpanan, perubahan kimia, biokimia


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    Perubahan Mutu Gudeg Kaleng “Bu Tjitro” Selama Penyimpanan

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    Gudeg is a traditional food from Yogyakarta with a short shelf life. To extend the shelf-life, gudeg packed with cans. Research on quality changes during storage of canned gudeg had been done. The study was conducted in order to determine quality changes that occur in canned gudeg during the storage period. Canned gudeg material consisted of gudeg jackfruit, eggs, chicken, krecek and tolo beans with size cans of 72.63 x 53.04 mm (Ø x h). Observations canned gudeg quality performed for 18 months with 3-month interval includes the analysis of physical, chemical, microbiological and organoleptic. The results showed that there were quality changes, including 0.6 points of pH, 36% of soluble protein, 20.15 ppm of aluminum content, 0.06 mg malonaldehyde/kg for TBA value, 5.1 points color brightness and 2 CFU/g total microbial, as well as decline in15.77 ppm sulfur and organoleptic quality parameters. Canned gudeg hold for 15 months with 68.49% of water contents; of 1.56% ash content; 8.40% of protein content; 12.74% of fat content and 5.60% of fiber content.ABSTRAKGudeg adalah makanan tradisional dari Yogyakarta dengan masa simpan pendek. Untuk memperpanjang masa simpannya, gudeg dikemas dengan kaleng. Penelitian tentang perubahan mutu gudeg kaleng selama penyimpanan telah dilakukan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan mutu yang terjadi pada gudeg kaleng selama masa penyimpanan. Bahan gudeg yang dikalengkan terdiri dari gudeg nangka, telur, daging ayam, krecek dan kacang tolo dengan kemasan kaleng ukuran 72,63 x 53,04 mm (Ø x h). Pengamatan mutu gudeg kaleng dilakukan selama 18 bulan dengan interval 3 bulan meliputi analisis fisika, kimia, mikrobiologi, dan organoleptik. Penelitian menghasilkan perubahan yang terjadi pada gudeg kaleng selama penyimpanan antara lain kenaikan pH 0,6 poin, protein terlarut 0,73%, kadar aluminium 20,15 ppm, nilai TBA 0,06 mg malonaldehid/kg, kecerahan warna 5,1 poin dan total mikroba 2 CFU/g. Selama penyimpanan penurunan sulfur  15,77 ppm dan penurunan parameter mutu organoleptik. Gudeg kaleng tahan selama 15 bulan dengan kadar air 68,49%; kadar abu 1,56%; kadar protein 8,40%; kadar lemak 12,74%, dan kadar serat 5,60%

    Pola Penyebaran Fruktosa, Glukosa, dan Sukrosa pada Bagian-Bagian Umbi Bulbus Berbagai Kultivar Bawang Bombay

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    This study was desiged to find out the distribution patterns of fructose, glucose and sucrose of Southport White Globe, early Lockyer White and White Spanish onions. Ten onions bulbs were each divided into three parts : top, middle, and bottom. Each part was then divided into three layers of scales : outside, middle, and centre scales. The idividual sugar contents of each part were then determined. The results showed that fructose content at the tops of the three onion cultivars tended to be lower towards bottom of the bulbs at different rate, depending on the layer of scales and cultivars. On the other hand, fructose contents of the outside towards the centre and glucose and sucrose content of the bulb parts of the three cultivars showed no special distribution patterns

    Atmosfer Termodifikasi Tidak Memperpanjang Umur Simpan Bawang Bombay Kultivar Southport White Globe

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    This study was carried out to see the effect of modified atmosphere storage on the storage life of Southport White Globe (SWG) onions. SWG onions were packed in polyethylene bags and stored at 20°C for 14 weeks. To increase its effectiveness, phorone, KMnO4 and Ca(OH)2 at various levels were also placed inside the polyethylene bags. Production of CO2, O2 and ethylene were monitored fortnightly, and at the end of storage, onion sprouting, rotting, and rooting were also observed. The results show that phorone at 2 ml tended to stimulate CO2 production, while KMnO4, Ca(OH)2 at either 200 g or 400 g inhibited CO2 production, however, ethylene elimination tended to stable. No root growths were detected. Disease incidents were also prohibited by KMnO4, Ca(OH)2, and KMnO4 plus Ca(OH)2 at 400 g. On the other hand, those chemicals stimulated onion sprouting