33 research outputs found

    Analisis Rasionalisasi Kandungan Ramuan Diabetes Mellitus di Laboratorium Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pelayanan Pengobatan Obat Tradisional (Lp4ot)

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    Herbal medicines consist of sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata), salam (Eugenia polyantha) and temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza) are used as a formula for Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) in Traditional Medicines Clinic. A literature study was conducted to find out the rationality of the treatment has run by the clinic. Results of this study indicated that sambiloto and salam have hypoglycemic activity. Furthermore temulawak have cholesterol regulator and lever protector activities. It concludes that Diabetes Mellitus therapy from herbal medicines which are contained of sambiloto, salam, and temulawak are rational for the NIDDM. Key words: diabetes mellitus, Andrographis paniculata, Curcuma xanthorriza, Eugenia polyanth

    Studi Pemanfaatan dan Keamanan Kombinasi Metformin dengan Ekstrak Campuran Andrographis Paniculatadan Syzygium Polyanthum untuk Pengobatan Diabetes Mellitus (Preliminary Study)

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    Background: Use of Andrographis paniculata and Syzigium polyanthum have been used widely, on the contrary the benefit and safety have not been scientifically proven. This study aimed to overview and analyze benefit and safety the extract of Andrographis paniculata and Syzigium polyanthum mixture to decrease blood glucose concentration. Methods: It was an experiment study among intervension and control groups by a block random sampling with pre-post test design. Data were collected by questionnaires and also data among intervension group, therapy of conventional antidiabetic of metformin in combination to the herbal extract of Andrographis paniculata and Syzigium polyanthum mixture (1: 1) with among control group, of metformin. A total samples of 30 Diabetes Mellitus respondents were selected among males or females, aged 40-60 years with blood glucose concentration of 140-220 mg/dl, has no history of hypertension or has mild hypertension. The samples were devided in 2 groups composed of 15 persons among intervsion and 15 persons among control groups, respectively The intervension group was given metformin 500 mg once a day in the morning taken 15 minutes after breakfast in combination to the extract of Andrographis paniculata and Syzigium polyanthum mixture (1: 1) of 700 mg. The control group was given metformin 500 mg on ce a day in the morning taken 15 minutes after breakfast in combination to placebo. The duration of therapy was 4 weeks. Data were taken by anamnesa, physical diagnose, laboratory examination offasting blood glucose and Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) in every week. Meanwhile for examination side effects on liver and run function test in every 2 (two) week. The data were analyzed descriptively and t test. Results: Results showed that the intervension group given metformin in combination to the extract of Andrographis paniculata and Syzigium polyanthum mixture (1:1) of 700 mg could significantly decrease fasting blood glucose but could not significantly decrease OGTT in comprasion to control group given metformin with placebo. There were no side effects on liver and kidney function test in the therapy of herbal extract of Andrographis paniculata and Syzigium polyanthum mixture in duration of 4 we eks. It concluded that the herbal extract of Andrographis paniculata and Syzigium polyanthum mixture is safe

    PROSEDUR PEMBERIAN KREDIT MULTI GUNA (KMG) TERHADAP GOLONGAN PENGHASILAN TETAP Studi kasus pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Cabang Bogor Dewi Sartika

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    Prosedur pemberian kredit merupakan hal penting dalam penentuan kelayakan dan sebagai patokan dalam mengambil keputusan apakah debitur tersebut layak ataukah tidak untuk menerima kredit yang telah disediakan oleh bank. Tidak hanya itu prosedur pemberian kredit juga merupakan sistem dan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan oleh suatu bank untuk memudahkan pihak bank dalam menjalankan fungsinya sebagai penyalur dana kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk kredit dengan sistematika dan alur yang rapih dan tersusun sehingga dapat memudahkan bank untuk menilai prosfek dalam pemberian kredit. Tujuan pembahasan ini adalah untuk mengetahui prosedur pemberian kredit multiguna pada golongan penghasilan tetap di salah satu bank milik pemerintah yang mempunyai fasilitas kredit multiguna. Pembahasan dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana sebenarnya pemberian kredit multiguna pada golongan penghasilan tetap tersebut berjalan dengan baik atau belum. Penelitian yang dilakukan Penulis adalah di PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Cabang Bogor Dewi Sartika. Hasil Pembahasan menunjukan bahwa PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Cabang Bogor Dewi Sartika telah menerapkan sistem prosedur pemberian kredit yang baik. Penilain kelayakan debitur untuk menerima kredit serta proses pemberian kredit yang sudah cukup baik. Untuk memastikan bahwa Prosedur Pemberian Kredit Multiguna sudah cukup baik, dalam pemberian kredit pihak bank selalu menggunakan syarat dan ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Hasil evaluasi dari pembahasan ini menunjakan bahwa Kredit Multiguna merupakan kredit yang dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan konsumtif (consumtive purpose) sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, yang menambah variasi jenis kredit yang ada dalam perbankan yang kebayakan merupakan kredit yang dipergunkan untuk investasi dan modal kerja. Kata kunci : Prosedur, Kredit, Multigun

    Efek Pemberian Ramuan Ekstrak Delima Putih, Kunyit dan Beluntas untuk Pengobatan 'Flour Albus'

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    A clinical trial have been conducted during April 1997 to March 1998 in Surabaya. This study tested the effectiveness of tradisional medicine for treating vaginal discharge problem (Papaniculoan test) among woman. The traditional medicine consist of three medical plants (Piucheae indicae folium, Curcumae domesticae rhizoma and Granati fructus contex) which were k nown as anti macro organism 35 married women using oral pill have been evaluated to see the respond of the treatment. The result of the study showed that the traditional medicine was not effective for treating purulent inframation caused by bacteria. It was also not effective to kill trichomonas and fungi. The patient of non spesific inflamation (Pap test) have been cured by traditional medicine. This treatment did not damage the liver and kidney function seen by blood examination (SGOT, SGPT, BUN, Creatinin). This study concluded that the traditional medicine was not effective to cure vaginal diagnosed as purulent inflamation, trichomonas and fungi (Pap test), but it supposed to be suggested to use in the first step of treatment by the women themselves before they seek the medical treatment. It was safe for liver and kidney in the shorterm USAge

    Pengaruh Polivinilpirolidon K-30 terhadap Peningkatan Laju Disolusi Andrografolida dengan Sistem Dispersi Solida

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    Andrographolide is the main constituent of Andrographis paniculata Ness which was poorly soluble in water. As diterpenoid lactone andrographolide has many biological activity, some of them ara immunostimulant, antimalaria, hepatoprotector and anti mutagenic. The objectives of this study were to find out influence of polyvinylpirrolidon (PVP) K-30 to increase dissolution rate of andrographolide by solid dispersion in water and dissolution media pH 8,0. In this research andrographolide were divided in 6 groups that are physical mixture and solid dispersion by ratio 1:3; 1:5 and 1:9. Result of these study showed that the X-ray difraction patterns of physical mixture have crystal intensity as same as andrographolide crystal. But solid dispersion showed lower intensity. The solid dispersion system increase dissolution rate of andrographolide isolate. Increasing of dissolution rate a function of the ratio of drug to PVP used. Studies of dissolution rate have shown that coprecipitate of andrographolide-PVP K-30 (1:9) is better combination than 1:5 and 1:3

    Rekayasa Penyuluhan Kesehatan untuk Meningkatkan Kepedulian Kehamilan melalui Organisasi Sosial Wanita Setempat

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    The purpose of this study is to determine performance effectivity of the local woman social organization (PKK and Fatayat NU) in order to increase the health care of pregnant woman. The first step of this study is to create the community health education guidance, consist of two manual books that are Technical of pregnant health education instruction, and other one is the manual of hedlth education Matenal. Both of the manuals invented based on local cultural style and to have the disposal of Madura's language. The study area consist of three districts in Madura Bangkalan Regency (PKK 's area, Fatayat 's area, and Control 's area) with high infant mortality rate, high maternal mortality rate, and low rate deliveries assisted by profesional health worker. The respondents that is pregnant womans. The study showed that health education is an intervention to increase respondent's knowledge and attitude for effort of health care pregnancy. The knowledge and attitude increase as specially on pregnant indication, mother breast care, personal hygiene for pregnant woman specially, pregnant health care control at Health Centre, pregnant immumzation, delivery by profesional health workers, ante natal care, and family planning method for ante natal. Based on provider as educator this study showed after health education intervention, the effectiveness PKK 's community area is better than Fatayat's area

    Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Keterjangkauan Pelayanan Kesehatan di Puskesmas Daerah Terpencil Perbatasan di Kabupaten Sambas (Studi Kasus di Puskesmas Sajingan Besar)

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    Background: Accessibility of health services in primary health centers and its networks in remote, border, and islands areas is stilllow as the government has attempted to supply the needs of facility and infrastructure. Methods: This study is observational, located on the primary health centre of Sajingan Besar, which is one of primary health centers in the Sambas District in West Kalimantan Province. The primary data were collected by in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion to health workers and community leaders. The secondary data were in document reviews. Results: The results show that the accessibility is closely related and depended upon due to 2 (two) determinant is the determinant which is the provision of services and the determinant factor is the factor of user requests. Service factors include resource centers primarilyon working period, workload, and rewards in both stated and non stated health workers, the available of medical tools for both emergency treatment and village midwives, and transportation need to be improved in the primary health center. Utilization of sub-primary health centers high enough that the community can easily access and utilize them. Of factor use, utilization of traditional healers is quite high as the first alternative treatment, although not all traditional healers carry out safe practices because most have not been scouted by the clinic. conclusion: Of this study are to revise working periods, workload, and rewards in both stated and non-stated health workers; to supply more medical tools for both emergency treatment and village midwives, and more transportation by considering numbers, types and the operating costs; to build sub-primary health centers that the community can easily access and utilize them; to increase the frequency of health promotion by health workers; to balance and adjust the budgeting standard of health promotion in each different area