11 research outputs found

    Ecological Social Development Model of Health Behavior of Conduct Achievement MDGs 5

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    Behavior of pregnant women who support the achievement of MDG 5 has not been fully achieved, one antenatal visit, shows there are still pregnant women who do not perform pregnancy tests regularly. The research aims to develop a model with Social Ecological Approach Model of Health Behavior in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by objective 5 with indicator of antenatal visits as well as aid delivery plan both place of birth and birth attendant. Observational study design, analytic, cross-sectional sample of 100 pregnant women who visit antenatal care at the health center Krembangan South Surabaya, simple random sampling, instruments using questionnaires, data analysis descriptive and inferential, using structural equation modeling (Structural Equation Modelling). The development of the social model of ecological models of health behavior to the behavior of the achievement of MDG 5 by the dominant factor is the construction of models intrapersonal factors include knowledge, attitude and self-efficacy, interpersonal factors include the support of family and community factors include health result support model testing goodness of fit note that the resulting model is an appropriate model used in the interpretation of the model because it has a model fit the criteria of empirical data generated by the study. The model can be used to strategize interventions in antenatal care is increasing knowledge, forming attitudes and self-efficacy through various activities such as prenatal classes or groups in pregnancy exercise as well as the involvement of family and health volunteers in assisting pregnant women to childbed

    Validity Test For Short Grit Scale (Grit - S) Duckworth On Indonesian Millennials

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     This study aims to test the validity and reliability of Grit as a measuring device which was initially developed by Duckworth and Quinn (2009). As commonly known, Grit performs as a research variable in the field of personality psychology, and educational psychology. It is also developed to optimize employees’ performance in some corporations; hence, it also encompasses the study of industrial and organizational psychology and includes some dimensions of perseverance and passion. Grit Scale has proven to be valid when it tested on military cadets in the USA; however, in order to obtain more validity, it needs to be tested again in Indonesia. Using 200 millennials in Surabaya, Indonesia, as research subjects, this research was conducted between April and July 2019. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed using Analysis of Structural Moment (AMOS) and proved to be valid. Moreover, Short Grit Scale (Grit-S) was also proven to be valid and reliable with ꭓ2 = 20.97; probability value = 0.138; RMSEA = 0.045; CFI = 0.972; GFI = 0.976; and AGFI = 0.941. While the composite reliability set was recorded at 0.82. Hence, it is concluded that Short Grit Scale is valid and reliable to be tested on Indonesian millennials.

    Middle Manager’s Commitment to Change: A Qualitative Study

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    In times of change, it is very important for middle managers to commit to change because middle managers have a strategic role in the formulation and implementation of change. This study aims to explore the middle manager’s commitment to change at the beginning of the change period and one year after the initiation of change. This research uses a phenomenological qualitative approach and the longitudinal method. Data was taken using semi-structured interviews at nine middle managers. The result shows three main themes: (1) Middle managers' initial commitment to change is influenced by their views on the importance of change and middle managers experience at the beginning of change, (2) there is a change in commitment to change after one year of organizational change, (3) factors that are influenced change in middle manager’s commitment to changes. The findings in this study are expected to be a meaningful contribution to understanding the commitment to change among middle managers

    Competitive Dynamic Between Individual Behaviors of the Mass Media Industry

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    Competitive behavior is also a major factor in the competitive media industry is now getting very tight. This is caused by the print media competition with online or Internet-based media in getting news and advertising to attract participants from readers. This research method uses historical depth case study intended to produce an institutional explanation of the characteristics of the typical behavior shown by principal component analysis. The study also incorporates the classical approach to the historical focus on qualitative interpretation of data, In order to survive, the print media should be able to maintain the credibility and public trust on the information presented is now more attractive and more accurate. The print media began to be threatened because of the rapid development of emerging online media via internet access has encouraged people to seek to access online media simply and easily via mobile phones or gadgets. Connoisseurs of the print media loyal readers will turn to online news media. Reality has happened would threaten the print media industry, but the print media already have the characteristics of the first, namely: the news that is always clear, complete and detailed, online media Faster and more sophisticated to broadcast news and always up to date but the online news can only be enjoyed by using the sophisticated tool not all communities have the tools and not all people can use sophisticated technology to always follow the news online