15 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Populasi Serangga Permukaan Lantai Hutan Wanariset, Kalimantan Timur

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    YAYUK RAHAYUNINGSIH SUHARDJONO. 1985. Berita Biologi 3 (3): 104 - 107. The study of insect fauna in the primary, secondary and swamp forest floor had been done in the Wanariset forest, East Kalimantan, during tije mid of dry season.September to October 1979. More than 18,000 specimens were collected by pit fall traps. This material consisted of 87 families belonging to 15 ordines. Based on the feeding habits of the insects caught during the study, 325% were phytophagous specks,29.07% predator-parasites, 20.93% decomposers and YIA undetermined species.The high density was shown by Entomobryidae, Sminttraridae and Fonrnkidae

    Pseudosinella maros sp. n., a troglobitic Entomobryidae (Collembola) from Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

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    Volume: 111Start Page: 979End Page: 98

    Arah Pengembangan Biosistematika di Indonesia

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    To be able to see general picture of organism diversity, including their interrelationships, biosystematics is applied. Usefulness of these interrelationships is related to the positions of each of the units, which can be determined only by biosystematics. However, not too many biosystematicist are aware of the usefulness of these interrelationships. To reveal the interrelationships and hierarchy restructurization of the grouping in needed. There are two approaches proposed to do the restructurization : through concept of biosystematics and through biosystematics units. The biosystematic units approach has been selected. In the short term program, identification of biosystematic categories with high priority is suggested to be selected as the units to be handled. ln this respect, it is relevant to the management of agricultural pests and weeds, especially on rice. Special efforts must be given to biotype development, seasonal forms, complex species, and indication of evolutionary tendency of important species. The lack of data and information on these aspects will hinder the roles and function of biosystematics. For long term program, the activities will be focused on the identification of groups andresearch aspects which support their biosystematic endeavour. The suggested high prioritized group is Pyralidae as rice pests, followed by soil insect of agricultural importance, fruit flies of the family Tephtritidae, and horticultural, plantation and wood pests. For health aspect, focusing on sibling and complex species is needed, especially on the vectors of malaria and dengue haemorrhagic fever. Short term program projection is the availability and adequacy of data for treatment in short period. For long term program the formulation for anticipating the impacts of the development on the selected groups. Both of these program projections are also needed by the educational institutions for planning and determining human resources needed for conducting the program

    Dinamika Populasi Collembola Pada Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Di Perkebunan Cikasungka Kabupaten Bogor

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    Collembola is one of the dominant microarthopods in almost all soils types. They have important function in food webs soil ecosystem. This research was done at Cikasungka oil palm plantation for six months (April until September 2014). The aim of the research was to collect the information of diversity abundance and population fluctuations of Collembola, and their linkages between environmental factors. Collembolans were collected based on four points of soil sample from five trees of oil palm which has similar criteria. Distance of 0, 120, 240 cm from the trees, and compost lane were used to collect the samples. Results showed 37 species from 10.438 individuals with a density of 544 individu/m2. The species belongs to 4 orders and 13 families. Result also showed that are fluctuations in the abundance at the sample sites. The highest abundance of Collembolans was found in base tree zone (920 individu/m2) and compost lane (763 individu/m2). During six months, total populations of Isotomid sp. 5 (Isotomidae) was higher than the others species of Collembolans. Based on the correlation analysis, various species of Collembolans are positively correlated with rainfall and soil pH

    Keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan Collembola pada perkebunan kelapa sawit di Kecamatan Bajubang, Jambi

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    Collembola adalah organisme yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tanah karena membantu dalam perombakan bahan organik dalam rantai makanan dan perannya masih belum dikenal secara luas di Indonesia. Informasi tentang Collembola sangat terbatas, terutama di perkebunan kelapa sawit sehingga sangat menarik untuk dikaji. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman Collembola pada perkebunan kelapa sawit serta mengkaji pengaruh faktor lingkungan (curah hujan dan kelembaban) terhadap Collembola. Penelitian dilakukan di Perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat di empat desa, yaitu Bungku, Pompa Air, Sungkai, dan Singkawang di Kecamatan Bajubang, Jambi. Pengamatan dilakukan pada bulan November 2013 hingga April 2014. Pengambilan contoh tanah dilakukan dengan menggunakan pisau berbentuk segi empat berukuran 16 cm x 16 cm yang dimasukkan ke tanah sedalam 5 cm. Contoh tanah diambil pada empat plot yang berada pada empat desa. Pada setiap lokasi dibuat satu petak berukuran 50 m x 50 m. Pengambilan contoh tanah dilakukan pada piringan dan gawangan mati, setiap bulan selama 6 bulan, sebanyak 3 sampel di piringan dan 3 sampel di gawangan mati yang dilakukan secara acak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Collembola yang diperoleh dari seluruh area yang diamati berjumlah 3 ordo, 7 famili, dan 21 genus dengan total kelimpahan 21.951 individu. Kelimpahan Collembola yang ditemukan pada piringan berjumlah 9.960 individu terdiri atas 3 ordo, 6 famili, dan 17 genus. Sedangkan pada gawangan mati berjumlah 11.991 individu terdiri atas 3 ordo, 7 famili, 16 genus. Di antara ketiga ordo yang ditemukan Entomobryomorpha memiliki kelimpahan tertinggi, yaitu mencapai 19.999 individu baik pada piringan maupun gawangan mati. Dari hasil penelitian diduga bahwa kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman dipengaruhi oleh pemupukan, kekeringan, dan herbisida. Pemupukan dari bahan organik dapat meningkatkan kelimpahan, sementara kekeringan dan penggunaan herbisida dapat mengurangi kelimpahan Collembola

    May measurement month 2018: an analysis of blood pressure screening results from Indonesia.

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    Elevated blood pressure (BP) is a significant burden worldwide, leading to high cardio-cerebro-reno-vascular morbidity and mortality. For the second year of the May Measurement Month (MMM) campaign in Indonesia in 2018, we recruited 174 sites in 31 out of 34 provinces in Indonesia and screened through convenience sampling in public areas and rural primary health centres. Hypertension was defined as systolic BP ≥140 mmHg or diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg, or both, or on the basis of receiving antihypertensive medication. Blood pressure was measured three times followed the standard global MMM protocol, multiple imputation was used to estimate the mean of the 2nd and 3rd BP readings if these were not recorded. A total of 91 222 individuals were screened, and after multiple imputations, 27 331 (30.0%) had hypertension. Of individuals not receiving antihypertensive medication, 14 367 (18.4%) were hypertensive. Among the 47.4% of hypertensive individuals on antihypertensive medication, 10 106 (78.0%) had uncontrolled BP. MMM17 and MMM18 were still the most extensive standardized screening campaigns for BP measurement in Indonesia. Compared to the previous study, the proportion with uncontrolled BP on medication was significantly higher and provided the substantial challenges in managing hypertension in the rural community