3 research outputs found


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    Sumatra Island and its surroundings, Indonesia, are one of the most active tectonics in the world. The Aceh-Andaman earthquake, one of the most destructive earthquakes in the world, occurred there. It has attracted many earth scientists to apply various methods, including seismic tomography, to understand the island’s subsurface structure and tectonic system. This study is the first to delineate subsurface imaging beneath the island and its surroundings using a local-regional earthquake catalogue from the Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) seismicnetwork. The tomographic imaging of P-wave (Vp) conducted in this study has successfully delineated subduction slabs (high Vp), partial melting zones (low Vp), volcanic arcs (low Vp), and Sumatran Fault zones (low Vp). The relationship between the subduction zone and the volcanic arc on the island can be seen on several vertical sections where a partial melting zone occurs at a depth of about 100 km, which functions as magma feeding for some volcanoes on the island. The oceanic slab model also exhibits a more pronounced and steeper slope towards the southern regions of Sumatra Island, possibly attributed to the slab’s aging process in that direction. The results highlight the importance of the BMKG seismic network in imaging local-regional subsurface structures beneath Indonesia’s archipelago, especially for the main islands such as Sumatra.Otok Sumatra i njegova okolica, Indonezija, jedno su od najaktivnijih tektonskih područja na svijetu. Tamo se dogodio potres Aceh-Andaman, jedan od najrazornijih potresa na svijetu. Privukao je mnoge znanstvenike koji su u svojim istraživanjima primijenili različite metode, uključujući seizmičku tomografiju, kako bi razumjeli podzemnu strukturu i tektonski sustav otoka. Ova studija prva je koja prikazuje model podzemlja ispod otoka i njegove okolice koristeći se lokalno-regionalnim katalogom potresa iz seizmičke mreže Indonezijske agencije za meteorologiju, klimatologiju i geofiziku (BMKG). Tomografski model brzine P-valova (Vp), uspješno je razgraničio subduciranu ploču (velika brzina P-valova), zonu djelomičnoga taljenja (mali Vp), vulkanski luk (mali Vp) i rasjedne zone Sumatre (mali Vp). Odnos između subdukcijske zone i vulkanskoga luka na otoku može se vidjeti na nekoliko vertikalnih presjeka gdje se na dubini od oko 100 km javlja zona djelomičnoga taljenja koja služi kao izvor magme za neke vulkane na otoku. Model oceanske subducirane ploče također pokazuje izraženiji i strmiji nagib prema južnim regijama otoka Sumatre, što se vjerojatno može pripisati procesu starenja ploče u tome smjeru. Rezultati naglašavaju važnost BMKG seizmičke mreže u identifikaciji lokalno-regionalnih podzemnih struktura ispod indonezijskoga arhipelaga, posebno za glavne otoke kao što je Sumatra

    Preliminary study results of crustal structure beneath Mount Merapi, Central Java, Indonesia

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    International audienceIn this study, we put an effort to estimate crustal depth and image crustal structure beneath Merapi volcano by employing multicomponent analysis popularly known as Receiver Function technique. We collected a series of waveforms from teleseismic events recorded from October 2013 to mid-April 2015 at 53 stations as a part of DOMERAPI project. We processed selected seismograms by simple deconvolution process between radial and vertical components to estimate the depth of Moho discontinuity beneath the volcano. Current results show complex structure beneath the volcano and a relatively potential Moho depth at about 30 km, which becomes shallower to the North at about 23 km. Stations located at Southern and Northern area show potential low velocity zone though a velocity modelling is necessary to confirm its depth and how low the velocity is