16 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Website Berhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Berdasarkan Metode Webqual 4

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    Based on the problems that occur for example at SMAN 2 CITY MOJOKERTO, where many cases of both the part of teachers, students and outsiders who struggle to get vital information from SMAN 2 CITY MOJOKERTO. Because of this, they invented www.sman2mojokerto.com website, where students as consumers can get the information that is accessible online anytime and anywhere. Then made a website as a means of delivering information that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. But the website has been built yet meet the needs of visitors. Based on data collection on the number of total required number of visits, the website is not in accordance with the amount included in the visit. In this case the user factors play an important role over the use and utilization of information technology. To determine the level of success of a technology implementation, the extent to which users can accept and understand that technology is an important thing to be able to assess the success of the implementation. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the www.sman2mojokerto.com website to find out the cause of the lack of interest of Internet users to the website www.sman2mojokerto.com the user satisfaction, the writer used WebQual 4.0 to test it

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Administrasi Kepegawaian pada PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero) Surabaya

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    PT Perkebunan Nusantara is government enterprise that entirely owned by republic of Indonesia. Employee data registration process need employee curriculum vitae and wages classification of each employee to complete the process. The problem that occurs because of rank difference between the director offices, regional offices and gardens. For example, employee a working in gardens and their rank is IIIB/2, then the director office promote the employee into IIIB/3 rank. The promotion approval will be send to the gardens employee a currently working, however the approval still yet to arrive, this causing the employee data obsolete. The director office will only pay the salaries according to the employee data, however because of obsolete data, the director office pay the wrong amount of salaries for employee A. This also cause gardens side and regional office side didn`t know the number of employee that entering their retirement age and the number of retired employee. Based upon the problem PTPN XII currently faced, application that capable to manage employee data in real time and integrated are greatly needed. This application can produce information that ease regional office and gardens to know the number of employee that entering their retirement age and retired employee

    Analysis Strategy Visibility and Activity at the Website Stikom.edu in Terms of Increasing Ranked Webometrics

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    Stikom Surabaya has a main website stikom.edu who became participants of webometrics. Webometrics is one of increased us based website on the internet which is used as a reference against the institution, then the visibility and activity. Cybermetrics lab publishes a ranking of universities every 6 months once in January and July. Stikom Surabaya following webometrics from 2012 and ranked 73 which was release in January 2016, after analyzed Stikom Surabaya decline rank on the website stikom.edu, then the required visibility strategy analysis and activity on the website stikom.edu in the webometrics ranking improvement efforts. The analysis is done using Web Impact Factor to measure the average number of links. The analysis is done generating strategies to increase ranking webometrics. The resulting strategy there are 4 categories were needed, namely, policy, technical, content or content and supporting or supporters. The resulting strategy is 12 new strategies to increase visibility/impact and 17 strategies to increase activity. The strategy can be done by planning time during 6 months from the last issued webometrics ranking and systematically

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pengolahan Angka Kredit Jabatan Fungsional Pustakawan pada Badan Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    One of the main causes for low level filing of promotion on the functional position librarian at the Library and Archives of East Java Province is evidence record activites after activities have been carried out, haven\u27t been stored properly. So happen discrepancy between the evidence activites with activities that have been carried out, when needed in the calculation of credit score. Than problem and analysis of the librarian data that is available, they need applications that can store evidence of activities in accordance with the activities they have done. In additional they also need applications that can be used to plan their activities beginning of each year as they have to achieve targets. While on the side of the official appraiser, needed an application that could be used to calculate the activity evidence of librarian accordance with ministerial decree number 9 in 2014 and accompanied the supervision of the official appraiser. The trial results of the application shows that the system is able to work according to function, such as: can be used to assist librarians in terms of storage and documentation of evidence of activities that have been carried out in accordance with the SKP that had been developed at the beginning of the period, can propose activities and displays the target the number of credits that must be achieved librarians, and can present the required reports related partie

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Tracer Study Berbasis Web pada STIKES Yayasan Rumah Sakit Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

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    Tracer study is one of the elements in the assessment and accreditation of academic policy making, especially in the preparation of curriculum. But in the process of the tracer study in STIKES there are some problems, and that problem is uneven distribution of questionnaires, costs a lot, waiting times filling out of the questionnaires are too long, problems possibility of mistake entering the data and the problem of data security is not guaranteed because there is no distribution of privileges. To solve that problems, STIKES need a web-based system tracer study. stakeholders can access the system to be able to answer the questionnaire quickly, so that the data from the questionnaire can be processed quickly and accurately. With this application can help the STIKES in conducting tracer easily and quickly. Stakeholders can do a tracer study questionnaire online that can be accessed anywhere. STIKES parties can see the direct results of tracer study reports and graphs based on the desired criteria

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Informasi Kegiatan Masjid Berbasis Web pada Masjid Tanwir Surabaya

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    Masjid Tanwir merupakan salah satu pusat ibadah umat islam di Surabaya, yang memiliki beberapa kegiatan rutin, yaitu meliputi sholat, pengajian dan Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran. Adapun kendala yang dihadapi oleh pengurus Masjid Tanwir saat ini adalah dalam proses pencatatan keuangan, pencatatan kehadiran jamaah dalam setiap kegiatan, dan pemberian informasi jadwal kegiatan kepada seluruh jamaah dan pengisi kegiatan masih dilakukan secara manual. Kendala yang dialami tersebut berdampak dalam pengelolaan kegiatan masjid yang kurang maksimal dan pengurus mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan evaluasi. Aplikasi Informasi Kegiatan Masjid Berbasis Web sangat diperlukan pengurus masjid agar pengurus masjid dapat mengatasi kendala dalam mengelola kegiatan masjid tersebut sehingga dalam mengelola kegiatan Masjid Tanwir Surabaya akan lebih maksimal, karena pengelolaan kegiatan masjid harus dilakukan secara cepat dan tepat sebagai salah satu faktor keberhasilan manajemen masjid yang baik. Aplikasi informasi kegiatan masjid yang telah dibuat dapat memberikan informasi kegiatan secara tepat kepada jamaah dan pengisi kegiatan dengan menggunakan sms gateway, serta dapat menghasilkan laporan kehadiran peserta dalam setiap kegiatan dan laporan keuangan masjid sehingga dapat membantu pengurus Masjid Tanwir dalam mengevaluasi tingkat kehadiran dalam setiap kegiatan, dan laporan keuangan masjid secara berkala

    Pengukuran Penerimaan Aplikasi E-Resources CENTER STIKOM Surabaya Menggunakan Metode TECHNOLOGY Acceptance Model 3

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    Stikom library has service that aims to make it easy for members to access the information and utilization of allkind of printed work and digital works. One of them is accommodating the digital works thaht is E-resources center. Since 2010-2015 it has been downloaded at 8.55 % facility of jurnal, 14.86% in facility of video, and 22.07 % . Information technology successfully if the user can accept it.User behavior also effect to successful of that application. One method that can measure is the technology acceptance model 3 (TAM3). TAM 3 discusses the interlationships of the construct (nomological netrwork) determine of why individuals adopt and use the information technology (IT). Based on analyzing the application of e-resources center aggred and received because the data showed the mean 2.930, and the most value is what the benefit at e-resources is information system positive 0.973 influence perceived usefulness 0. it is clear that the student interest using e-resources center and influenced by intention to use regularly

    Design of Application Planning Field Officer Elections

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    PT Superintending Company of Indonesia (SUCOFINDO) surabaya move in the service sector inspection and audit, testing and analysis, certification service, training service, and consultation. The company has some parts namely the administration, financial, operation, human resources, marketing, sales and support operation. The operating part is a part a main in the service for customers, the role of this part to support operating by digging resources from the personnel and put him on the operational in accordance with qualifications. Management and data processing the choice of officers field recently applied PT SUCOFINDO done manually and less objective. It was considered objective is an election officers who is not based on their competence the elections without seeing lifetimes and track record of activity the officers. Because curriculum vitae and track record wasn't archived well in addition to compare between the officers one with other officers needed accurate and time because it's should be flip through the curriculum vitae tree and track record. Factor the choice of officers the field namely curriculum vitae tree and track record, the status of the presence of officers, and calculation manday ( salary ) per day. Their final task is research that yields planning application selection officers to assist with the management the choice of officers , based on the results of the trial and evaluation research

    Analisis Kesuksesan dengan Penerapan Model DeLone & McLean pada Website Pusat Pelayanan Tugas Akhir (PPTA) Universitas Dinamika

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    Universitas Dinamika (Undika) adalah salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta di Surabaya, saat ini memiliki tiga fakultas yaitu Fakultas Teknologi dan Informatika (FTI), Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis (FEB), dan Fakultas Desain & Industri Kreatif (FDIK). Fakultas Teknologi dan Informatika (FTI) memiliki 3 macam program studi yaitu S1 Sistem Informasi (SI), S1 Teknik Komputer (TK), dan D3 Sistem Informasi (SI). Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) memiliki 3 macam program studi yaitu, S1 Manajemen, S1 Akuntansi, dan D3 Administrasi Perkantoran. Sedangkan Fakultas Desain & Industri Kreatif (FDIK) memiliki 3 macam program studi juga yaitu, S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV), S1 Desain Produk (DP), serta D4 Produksi Film dan Televisi (PFT). Untuk pelayanan kepada mahasiswa, Universitas Dinamika memiliki banyak bagian atau unit kerja. Salah satu bagian tersebut adalah Pusat Pelayanan Tugas Akhir (PPTA). Permasalahannya sampai saat ini website PPTA belum pernah dilakukan evaluasi. Permasalahan lainnya berdasarkan hasil penyebaran kuisioner pada 20 orang responden ditemukan bahwa 40% responden kesulitan untuk mendapatkan informasi TA, 35% responden merasa website PPTA masih belum terupdate, 40% responden merasa website PPTA belum bisa mendukung pengerjaan TA mahasiswa, 45% responden enggan untuk mengajak teman-temannya menggunakan website PPTA. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah variabel kualitas sistem dan kualitas layanan harus ditingkatkan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pengguna dan penggunaan. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif dalam variabel kualitas sistem indikator yang sebaiknya ditingkatkan adalah waktu merespon (response time) dan fleksibilitas sistem. Dalam variabel kualitas layanan yang sebaiknya ditingkatkan adalah jaminan sistem terhadap pengguna website. Dari hasil peningkatan kualitas sistem dan kualitas layanan maka hasil yang diharapkan adalah peningkatan jumlah pengunjung website PPTA yang akan berguna untuk mempermudah mahasiswa yang akan mengerjakan TA