8 research outputs found

    Keragaman Morfologi dan Genetik Lengkeng di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur

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    Tujuan penelitian keragaman lengkeng di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur untuk memperoleh informasi keragaman morfologi dan genetik lengkeng yang berkembang di daerah Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur beserta keunggulannya masing-masing. Keragaman diamati dari 35 aksesi hasil eksplorasi di dua daerah tersebut. Hasil analisa DNA menggunakan penanda RAPD menunjukkan ke 32 aksesi tersebut memiliki tingkat kesamaan antara 36-96% yang terbagi kedalam empat kelompok besar pada tingkat kemiripan 40%. Kelompok pertama dengan tingkat kemiripan berkisar antara 42%-73% terdiri atas 16 aksesi, kelompok kedua dengan tingkat kemiripan 52% terdiri atas dua aksesi, kelompok ketiga dengan tingkat kemiripan antara 64%-96% terdiri atas 9 aksesi dan kelompok ketiga dengan tingkat kemiripan 73%-91% yang terdiri atas 5 aksesi. Aksesi yang memiliki kekerabatan terdekat adalah Tawangmangu 1 dan Tawangmangu 2 dengan tingkat kemiripan 96%, sedangkan aksesi dengan tingkat kekerabatan terjauh adalah Bandungan 1 dengan Purworejo 3. Dari 35 aksesi tersebut, diperoleh empat aksesi yang memiliki kualitas buah yang unggul, yaitu Pingpong, Tanpa Nama, Lokal Batu dan Itoh

    Genetic Diversity of Local Accessions of Dimocarpus Longan Revealed by ISSR Markers

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    There is no clear history of longan development in Indonesia even though it has developed well in Indonesia for many years. The study aimed at revealing genetic of diversity of local longan was done in Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Research Institute (ICSFRI) from March to April 2008. ISSR markers were employed to identify the genetic variation among eight morphologically more or less alike accessions of longan ssp. Matrix data was counted and dendogram of samples was constructed using UPGMA and SAHN method. The cluster showed similarity value 0.34-0.86. The highest similarity value was observed between KL I and KL II (0.86) while the lowest one was obtained between KL I and KL V/KL VI (0.34). ISSR markers were able to identify the genetic diversity of longan and were helpful to provide information on genetic diversities especially for future breeding programs

    Respons Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jeruk Keprok Batu 55 pada Beberapa Interstock melalui Metode Top Working

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    Pengembangan jeruk keprok berwarna kuning dapat dilakukan dengan menanam benih baru atau menerapkan metode top working yaitu metode mengganti suatu varietas tanaman yang ada dengan varietas baru sesuai selera konsumen. Metode top working dapat dilakukan pada batang bawah tanaman atau pada batang atas tanaman yang berfungsi sebagai batang antara atau interstock. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui respons pertumbuhan tanaman jeruk keprok Batu 55 pada beberapa interstock melalui metode top working. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Tlekung, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika (Balitjestro), Batu, Jawa Timur (950 m dpl.), mulai Bulan April sampai Oktober 2012. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan 10 perlakuan yaitu kombinasi antara interstock (pamelo, jeruk manis, jeruk siam, jeruk purut), dan kontrol (batang bawah Japansche Citroen) pada metode top working cara okulasi dan sambung kulit. Penelitian diulang sembilan kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan KB/P/JC-Ok (keprok Batu 55/interstock pamelo/Japansche Citroen-okulasi), KB/M/JC-SK (keprok Batu 55/interstock jeruk manis/Japansche Citroen-sambung kulit), dan KB/M/JC-Ok (keprok Batu 55/ interstock jeruk manis/Japansche Citroen-okulasi) menghasilkan persentase sambungan jadi 100%. Perlakuan KB/JC-Ok (keprok Batu 55/Japansche Citroen-okulasi) menghasilkan pecah tunas paling cepat, sedangkan perlakuan KB/S/JC-Ok (keprok Batu 55/ interstock jeruk siam/Japansche Citroen-okulasi) menghasilkan pertumbuhan terbaik pada pertambahan tinggi tunas dan jumlah daun. Kombinasi perlakuan interstock-top working mempunyai rasio C/N lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan tanaman jeruk muda (pembanding). Hasil penelitian ini untuk memberikan rekomendasi kepada petani tentang penggunaan interstock melalui metode top working pada tanaman jeruk keprok Batu 55

    Pendekatan Fenetik Taksonomi dalam Identifikasi Kekerabatan Spesies Anthurium

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    . Identifikasi kekerabatan Anthurium koleksi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropikadilakukan menggunakan pendekatan fenetik. Hasil identifikasi kekerabatan ini akan sangat bermanfaat dalam kegiatanpemuliaan Anthurium untuk menghasilkan varietas baru. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah parameter morfologi,organ vegetatif, organ reproduksi, dan polen. Penentuan hubungan kekerabatan Anthurium dilakukan mengikutipetunjuk Sokal dan Michener (1958). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Pemuliaan Balai Penelitian TanamanJeruk dan Buah Subtropika, Tlekung Batu dan Laboratorium Biologi Universitas Negeri Malang dari bulan Juni2005 hingga Januari 2006. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh ciri-ciri umum dan khusus dari masing-masing spesiesAnthurium yang selanjutnya ciri-ciri tersebut dianalisis dan disusun dalam bentuk matriks jumlah pasangan satuantaxonomi operasional (STO). Fenogram dibentuk dari perhitungan koefisien asosiasi matriks. Berdasarkan fenogramdiperoleh 5 kelompok kekerabatan berturut-turut dari yang terdekat sampai yang terjauh. Spesies yang tergabungdalam kelompok pertama (A. ferriense dan A.macrolobim) dan kedua (A. amnicola Dressler. dan A. andraeanumLinden) termasuk berkerabat dekat di mana indeks kesamaannya masing-masing 65 dan 57,1%. Kelompok 3 (A.halmoreii Croat. dan A. jenmanii Engl.), dan kelompok 4 (A. crystallinum Linden & Andre dan A. andicola Liebm.)merupakan pasangan-pasangan yang berkerabat jauh, yaitu dengan indeks kesamaan 53,7 dan 47,8%. Kelompokkelima (A. superbum Madison dan A. correa Croat) merupakan pasangan yang berkerabat paling jauh dengan indekskesamaan 32,8%. Indeks kesamaan antara kelompok 1 dan kelompok 2 sebesar 29%, kelompok 3 dan kelompok 4sebesar 26%, dan indeks kesamaan kelompok 5 terhadap keempat lainnya adalah sebesar 25,3%


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    Kampar is one of the largest citrus seed production centers in Indonesia which has a wide distribution range. In anticipating and preventing the spread of dangerous systemic diseases and the presence of vector pests, a survey was conducted to evaluate the health of the seeds and the application of technology to the process of citrus production in Kampar, Riau, Indonesia. The survey was conducted in November 2014 in Sungai Pinang, Tambang, Kampar Regency and at Padang Marpoyan Seed Center, Riau, Indonesia. The sample was selected by random sampling method on scattered seeds in captivity, Foundation Block (FB), Budwood Multiplication Block (BMB) plant in the protected screen house and in farmer land. The results of the survey showed that seed growers that have not used patches from the BMB mother tree are already available on the farmer's land of 1200 stems since 2014 while BMB in BBI is available since 2012. The condition of the parent FB and BMB trees managed by the Agriculture Service in Padang Marpoyan Seed Center is sufficiently good and protected in a screen house. The results of the seed health examination showed that the FB and BMB plants were free from Huanglongbing (HLB) and Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV) diseases. Whereas, the field of BMB plants on the farmer's land with no screen house protection and Parent Tree showed that the plant's population in the field were infected with CTV by 66.7%. The seed plants spread to 100% small seed grower were infected with CTV. In the medium seed grower cluster, CTV infection occurred as much as 87.5%. In large seed grower, the indexing results showed a positive mark and contained Liberibacter asiaticum pathogens that cause HLB

    Implementasi Raspberry Pi sebagai IP Kamera untuk Memonitoring Studio Bioskop

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    In the show the film in theaters 21 cineplex currently in need of a centralized monitoring system. However, the monitoring systems currently running in theaters only operates locally only areaand also less effective the current system is, because the output can not be configured as needed, therefore needed  an alternative solution to address all of these problems, One alternative solution is to utilize the raspberry pi as ip camera. Raspberry pi is a mini PC that has a lot of advantages which are as intelligent IP cameras in because the raspberry pi using an operating system or so-called mini debian Raspbian,thus allowing raspberry pi can be configured to suit your needs and can be integrated with the NOC (Network Operations Center) which is currently still under construction.Thus 21cineplex theater company has been getting an alternative solution to the above problems


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    Japansche citroen (JC) rootstock is still the main choice for producing citrus seeds for its high availability and compatibility. Other rootstocks have been used in the production, yet they produce unsatisfying results. Based on the theory, there is an alternative to use rootstock as interstock in order to stimulate the growth of scion. The objective of this reseach is to understand the effect of interstock on the growth of Mandarin cv. Batu 55, Tangerine cv. Pontianak and Lime cv. Nimas. This research was conducted in the screen house of Tlekung Experimental Field of Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruits Research Institute (ICSFRI) in Batu-East Java, located on 950 m asl, from January to April 2016. This research was arranged in a CRD design with 4 replications and 24 interstock-scion combination treatments. The interstocks used in this study were Carizzo citrange, Citrumello, Poncirus trifoliata, Volkameriana, Rough lemon, Troyer citrange, Kanci and control (JC) combined with 3 scions namely Mandarin cv. Batu 55, Tangerine cv. Pontianak and Lime cv. Nimas propagated by grafting. The result showed the percentage of successful grafting ranged between 37.5% to 100%, while the percentage of the shoot formed on grafted plants was 75%-100%. The use of Poncirus trifoliata as interstock has stimulated fastest bud break on Tangerine cv. Pontianak in just 24.75 days while the Troyer citrange has stimulated better shoot growth in Lime cv. Nimas, resulted to the highest shoot around 52.20 cm which was significantly different from other treatments. Meanwhile, Carizzo citrange has been found to have some influences to the plant diameter and the number of leave of Lime cv. Nimas but showed insignificant effect on the growth of its own diameter. The use of interstock showed that it can be used to promote the growth of scion which usually has slow growth when it is directly grafted on the rootstock