14 research outputs found

    Digital Signature dengan Algoritma Sha-1 dan Rsa sebagai Autentikasi

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    Untuk meningkatkan daya saing tenaga kerja Indonesia dengan tenaga kerja asing, pada era MEA saat ini diberlakukan Surat Keterangan Pendamping Ijazah (SKPI) di seluruh Institusi Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia. SKPI ini nantinya akan menjadi acuan seseorang dalam melamar pekerjaan di suatu instansi / Perusahaan. Dan biasanya dalam melamar suatu posisi diperusahaan diperlukan SKPI yang telah dilegalisasi, namun di era digitalisasi ini manipulasi terhadap gambar, teks, atau berkas-berkas termasuk dokumen atau sertifikat hasil test, sangat mudah dilakukan. Sehingga dapat memberikan celah untuk melaksanakan praktik pemalsuan dokumen sertifikat. Dokumen digital merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya pemalsuan atau Perubahan dalam suatu dokumen, tentunya dokumen digital ini pun masih perlu pengamanan untuk menghindari Perubahan dari isi dokumen oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab dengan cara melakukan autentikasi pada dokumen tersebut. Penerapan Digital Signature dirasa sangatlah tepat sebagai autentikasi pada suatu dokumen, yang mana Digital Signature ini berfungsi sebagai penanda pada suatu dokumen yang memastikan bahwa dokumen tersebut adalah asli dan tidak pernah dimodifikasi. Untuk memberikan metode proteksi maksimum untuk keabsahan suatu digital signature. Adapun metode pembuatan digital signature adalah dengan menerapkan algoritma SHA-1 dan RSA yang dirasa cukup untuk memberikan jaminan otentikasi pengirim dan penerima dokumen digital yang telah didistribusikan

    Wawancara Klinis Berstruktur Konflik Kognitif Berbantuan Media untuk Mengatasi Miskonsepsi Siswa dalam Operasi Pecahan

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    This research aims to find out how the student's misconception before and after treatment (clinical structured interview through cognitive conflict with lego). This Didactical Design Research consists of three steps, (1) Design Didactical Analysis, (2) Metapedadidaktik Analysis, and (3) Retrosfektif. The sample of this research were 4 students of class VII G SMP Negeri 5 Pontianak. One pre-test was initially held to know the students' prior knowledge, afterwards, two consecutive post-tests were held in order know the success of the treatment and the significant effect of the treatment respectively. This research found 10 misconceptions when the pretest was held. Likewise 1 misconception was found when the first posttest was held, however no misconception was found when the second posttest was held. Since misconception in every subject was decreased, in first posttest was 91.67% and in second posttest was 100%, it means clinical structured interview through cognitive conflict with lego can overcome student's misconception on fraction operation. Kaywords: clinical interview, cognitive conflict, LEGO, misconceptio


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    Kampar is one of the largest citrus seed production centers in Indonesia which has a wide distribution range. In anticipating and preventing the spread of dangerous systemic diseases and the presence of vector pests, a survey was conducted to evaluate the health of the seeds and the application of technology to the process of citrus production in Kampar, Riau, Indonesia. The survey was conducted in November 2014 in Sungai Pinang, Tambang, Kampar Regency and at Padang Marpoyan Seed Center, Riau, Indonesia. The sample was selected by random sampling method on scattered seeds in captivity, Foundation Block (FB), Budwood Multiplication Block (BMB) plant in the protected screen house and in farmer land. The results of the survey showed that seed growers that have not used patches from the BMB mother tree are already available on the farmer's land of 1200 stems since 2014 while BMB in BBI is available since 2012. The condition of the parent FB and BMB trees managed by the Agriculture Service in Padang Marpoyan Seed Center is sufficiently good and protected in a screen house. The results of the seed health examination showed that the FB and BMB plants were free from Huanglongbing (HLB) and Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV) diseases. Whereas, the field of BMB plants on the farmer's land with no screen house protection and Parent Tree showed that the plant's population in the field were infected with CTV by 66.7%. The seed plants spread to 100% small seed grower were infected with CTV. In the medium seed grower cluster, CTV infection occurred as much as 87.5%. In large seed grower, the indexing results showed a positive mark and contained Liberibacter asiaticum pathogens that cause HLB

    Penugasan Guru untuk Melaksanakan Tugas-tugas Administrasi Sekolah (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif di SD Negeri 205 Bengkulu Utara)

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    This research generally aims to improve the ability of teachers who was given the task of the principal performing the task of school administration. In particular, this study aims to described the teachers's task who get the mandate to perform the school's administration in elementary schools include: (1) the implementation of personnel administration (2) implementing financial administration. (3) the administration of school facilities and infrastructure. (4) implementing public relations administration with the community. (5) carry out administrative mailing and archiving. (6) implementing student administration. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this study were principals, school operators and teachers. The techniques and stages of data collection in this study were Unstructured Interviews, Observation and Documentation Studies. The result of the research shows that the teacher can assist the administrative tasks of the school such as: (1) to carry out personnel administration (2) to carry out financial administration (3) to carry out administration of school facilities and infrastructure. (4) implementing public relations administration with the community (5) carry out administration of mailing and archiving. (6) carry out student administration.Finally based on the above results, the researcher suggested the assignment of teachers to carry out the task of school administration by the principal can meet the absence of primary school educators

    Effect of Glycerol Levels on the Motility and Fertility of Kampung Chicken Spermatozoa Frozen in Liquid Nitrogen

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    The use of various levels of glycerol as a cryoprotective agent for freezing kampung chicken semen was examined with respect to intravaginal insemination. There was a significant (P<0.05) effect of various levels of glycerol (4, 8, 12 and 16 %) on motile spermatozoa, but there was no significant effect on fertility. It was concluded that the use of glycerol for preservation of kampung chicken semen in liquid nitrogen gave satisfactory cryopreservative results on motility of thawed kampung chicken spermatozoa, but failed to produce fertile eggs. (Animal Production 9(1): 45-48 (2007

    Implementasi Raspberry Pi sebagai IP Kamera untuk Memonitoring Studio Bioskop

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    In the show the film in theaters 21 cineplex currently in need of a centralized monitoring system. However, the monitoring systems currently running in theaters only operates locally only areaand also less effective the current system is, because the output can not be configured as needed, therefore needed&nbsp; an alternative solution to address all of these problems, One alternative solution is to utilize the raspberry pi as ip camera. Raspberry pi is a mini PC that has a lot of advantages which are as intelligent IP cameras in because the raspberry pi using an operating system or so-called mini debian Raspbian,thus allowing raspberry pi can be configured to suit your needs and can be integrated with the NOC (Network Operations Center) which is currently still under construction.Thus 21cineplex theater company has been getting an alternative solution to the above problems

    Effect of Artificial Insemination TIME on the Fertility of Layer Hens

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    A study on the effect of AI time on the fertility of layer hens was carried out. Semen was collected from eight kampung roosters, with age ranging from 12-18 months. Completely Randomized Design was used to analyze the data obtained. Every eight hens (n=8) was inseminated intravaginally at 0-2 hrs, >2-4 hrs, > 4-6 hrs and >6-8 hrs after oviposition. The results showed that insemination time did not affect (P>0.05) the percentage of fertility from days 2 to 20. However, the insemination time affected (P0.05) the mean duration of the fertile period. In conclusion, the time of insemination at 0 – 2 hours after oviposition gave the best fertility. It is recommended that for the best fertility flock inseminations should be performed at a time of 0-2 hours after an egg is laid every 9 days. (Animal Production 8(2): 83-87 (2006