122 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Jumlah Batu Bata Yang Pecah Menggunakan Desain Eksperimen Taguchi (Studi Kasus: USAha Batu Bata Bapak Kholil Ds. Bulak Karangawen)

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    Brick is a substansial element in building construction. The strength of building may depend on bricks, a solid construction uses the best quality brick's, which is not crumbling and broken into two parts. There are two popular types of bricks in Semarang, Penggaron bricks and Welahan bricks, Penggaron bricks is the most desirable type in market, but the quality of Penggaron bricks is worse than Welahan bricks, because the Penggaron bricks broken pieces are much more than Welahan's. So that Penggaron bricks were taken to do research in purpose of optimizing the number of brick's broken pieces that occurred during the production process. The method being used was the "Taguchi Design of Experiments" using Smaller is Better as quality character. The outcome of pre-experimental study was 3 factors and 2 levels so that L4 Orthogonal Array was used. After analyzing and conducting confirmation experiment, the result was obtained as follow, at the initial conditions, there are 4.6% of broken bricks, the broken bricks became 1.8%, after the experiment. The 1.8% of broken bricks were still within the range of the predicted value 1% to 2%

    Estimasi Parameter Regresi Logistik Multinomial Dengan Metode Bayes

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    Multinomial logistic regression is a logistic regression where the dependent variable is polychotomous is dependent variable value of more than two categories. Multinomial logistic regression parameter estimation usually use classical method that is based only on current information obtained from the sample without taking into account the initial information of logistic regression parameters. If have early information about parameter is prior distribution, the parameter estimation can use Bayes method. Bayesian methods combine information on the sample with prior distribution of information, and the results are expressed in the posterior distribution. If posterior distribution can not be derived analytically so approximated using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm especially Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. This algorithm uses acceptance and rejection mechanism to generate a sequence of random samples

    Analytical and Experimental Study Bamboo Beam Concrete

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    This study is known as the Bamboo Concrete Beams (B3) with bamboo casing as an alternative reinforcement, conducted through experimental methods. The test results were then verified through analytical calculations. Behaviors examined included mechanical properties of bending, beam flexural strength and fracture patterns are burdened by the quasi-static load. Researchers used 16 pieces of the test specimen. Bamboo specimens used in this study is a type of Petung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus Asper), with a long piece of bamboo varies from 2860 mm to 3910 mm, outer diameter of the bottom of the 105 mm to 155 mm and the outer diameter of the upper section of 95 mm to 135 mm, which are grouped into 5 kinds of testing that is,1. Bamboo intact, the inner segments remain, with BA code (2 pieces of the specimen)2. Bamboo intact, the inner segments removed, the code BP (2 pieces of the specimen)3. Bamboo shoots in a section removed (like bamboo pipes) and not given a bamboo rod stud, with code BTS (4 pieces of the test specimen).4. Bamboo shoots in a section removed (like bamboo pipes) and given a bamboo rod stud on the inside along ½ bamboo inner diameter, with code BAS (4 pieces of the test specimen). 5. One side of the split bamboo rod sections with a thickness of 75 mm, inner bamboo segments remain (such as drums) and given a bamboo rod stud on the inside, with code KTGN (4 pieces of the test specimen). Value of the maximum load Pmax, the maximum moment Mmax and Γ―Β΄max deflection for each specimen according to the results of observation and calculation is as follow

    Analisis Sistem Pelayanan Di Stasiun Tawang Semarang Dengan Metode Antrian

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    Semarang Tawang Station is one of the stations visited by customers. As it is known that the train journey into one of the fastest alternative but to use other means of transportation. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze queuing model that describes the conditions to determine the size of the performance of the system to see how the service provided. When the distribution is a Poisson arrival or services or the exponential model (M) but if the distribution is not Poisson or exponential, the model General (G). Model queue at the station with the number of arrivals and the number of services is (M/M/5):(GD/∞/∞)

    Pemodelan Markov Switching Vector Autoregressive (Msvar)

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    Economic and financial variables are variables that are fluctuated because of regime switching as a result of political and economical conditions. Linear modeling can not capture the regime switching, so it is better to use Markov Switching Vector Autoregressive Models (MSVAR). MSVAR is a combination of vector autoregressive models and hidden markov models. Daily return of Rupiah buying rate against the USD and Euro are economic variables that are fluctuated and they can explain economic condition of a country. The best model of five order iteration is MS (2) - VAR (4) with the smallest AIC value, that is -1460.48. Maximum Likelihood Estimation is a method to get parameters estimation. With 73 data, the return rates has transition probability 0.08 from crisis to normal state, while the transisition probablity of the opposite condition is 0.6. Expected value being at normal state is 13.10 days and being at crisis state is 1,68 days

    Prediksi Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan Menggunakan Support Vector Regression (Svr) dengan Algoritma Grid Search

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    The existence of capital market Indonesia is one of the important factors in the development of the national economy, proved to have many industries and companies that use these institutions as a medium to absorb investment and media to strengthen its financial position. Capital market Indonesia is an emerging market development is very vulnerable to global economic conditions and capital markets of the world. Prediction JCI (Jakarta Composite Index) is necessary to know the great value that will occur in the future so as investors can take the right policy. To predict in this study used a Support Vector Regression (SVR) method to find the hyperplane in the best regression function to predict the closing price of the JCI using a linear kernel function with output in the form of continuous data. Parameter selection cost and epsilon using a grid search algorithm combined with cross validation and obtained best cost 1 and best epsilon 0.1. While the criteria to measure the goodness of the model is MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) and R2 (Coefficient Determination). The results of this study showed that SVR with linear kernel function provides excellent accuracy in the prediction of JCI with R2 results on training data 98.4% with a MAPE 0.873% while the testing of data R2 90.9% with a MAPE 0.613%

    Pemodelan Status Kesejahteraan Daerah Kabupaten Atau Kota Di Jawa Tengah Menggunakan Geographically Weighted Logistic Regression Semiparametric

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    Welfare in society is one of the most important aspects in ensuring the realization of the social where people have a good level of welfare. Benchmarks achieved prosperity is the fulfillment of basic needs of society as feasible. Statistical methods have been developed for the analysis of spatial data by taking into account factors that Geographically Weighted Logistic Regression Semiparametric (GWLRS). GWLRS is a local form of the logistic regression where there are parameters that are influenced by the location (Geographically varying coefficient) and the parameters that are not influenced by the location (fixed coefficient). Selection of the optimum bandwidth using Cross Validation (CV). Model GWLRS Welfare Status district or city in Central Java showed that GWLRS models differ significantly from the logistic regression model. And models generated for each area will be different from each other. To get the best models, the number of models to be evaluated. One method for selecting the best model is the value of the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Based on AIC obtained the best model is the model GWLRS because it has the smallest AIC value of 46.11213 with a classification accuracy of 77.14%

    Analisis Antrian Rawat Jalan Poliklinik Lantai 1, Lantai 3 Dan Pendaftaran Rsup Dr. Kariadi Semarang

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    Hospital is an organization social and health that provides complete (comprehensive), the healing of disease (curative) and disease prevention (preventive) to the public. Hospital quality can be know from the professionality hospital personnel, efficiency, and effectiveness of services.The duration of registration procedure and service for doctor consultation can affect patient satisfaction of Outpatient Hospital Dr. Kariadi Semarang in obtaining health care. Therefore, it's necessary queuing models that suitable. so as to obtainable an effective service, balance and efficient which can reduce the long queues and long waiting time. From the analysis, obtainable queuing models at the registration that is (M/M/8):(GD/∞/∞) with the counter number 8 server. In the vct-cst polyclinic and child development polyclinic the model is (M/M/1):(GD/∞/∞) with the number of server 1 doctor while for the nervers polclinic, child health, internal disease, gynecologic and obstetrics, cdc, general surgery, hemodialysis and kb, fertility and the test tube babies that is (M/M/c): (GD/∞/∞) with the number of servers depending on each clinic

    Pendekatan Regresi Polinomial Orthogonal Untuk Menentukan Kadar Salinitas Dan Konsentrasi Larutan Kitosan Pada Pembuatan Antibakteri

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    Indonesia is one of the countries with big marine resource. It can cause increased marine waste, such as the shells. Shells can be processed into chitosan. Chitosan has the benefits with high economic value, one of the benefit is became a source of natural antibacterial. Antibacterial test of the chitosan and salinity of the S. aureus bactery indicating inhibition zone formation. The larger inhibition zone indicated that antibacterial produced is better. To optimize the level of salinity and concentration of chitosan so this is used polynomial orthogonal regression approach. This approach can be done on design with the quantitative factors and it have same distance. Determination of the degree of polynomial orthogonal based on orthogonal contrasts that have significant factor of salinity and concentration of chitosan, then it can be determined the shape of regression equation. From the that equation can be determined the extreme points using a differential count. When return to the form of the design it can be determined in what levels of salinity and concentration of chitosan that can maximize the inhibition zone in millimeters. After optimization obtained maximum value of salinity is 18,2846375915% and concentration of chitosan is 1,999699328% with assessment of inhibition zone of antibacterial for S. aureus is 1,72486650 mm
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