3 research outputs found

    The E-box DNA binding protein Sgc1p suppresses the gcr2 mutation, which is involved in transcriptional activation of glycolytic genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    AbstractGlycolytic gene expression is mediated by the Gcr1p-Gcr2p transcriptional activation complex. A screen for multicopy suppressors of gcr2 yielded SGC1. SGC1’s suppression activity was specific to gcr2, it did not extend to gcr1. Disruption of SGC1 moderately affected glycolytic enzyme activities, although no growth defect was evident. Sgc1p exhibits a bHLH motif which is characteristic of E-box DNA-binding proteins. DNA footprinting experiments demonstrated Sgc1p’s ability to bind at an E-box. However, its binding specificity was less than 10-fold, which is also characteristic of E-box binding proteins. LexA fusion experiments demonstrated that Sgc1p has weak intrinsic activating activity independent of GCR1 and GCR2. We propose that Sgc1p binds at E-boxes of glycolytic genes and contributes to their activation

    Isolation and characterization of mutations affecting expression of the Δ9- fatty acid desaturase gene, OLE1, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    AbstractExpression of the Δ9- fatty acid desaturase gene, OLE1, of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is negatively regulated transcriptionally and post-transcriptionally by unsaturated fatty acids. In order to isolate mutants exhibiting irregulation of OLE1 expression, we constructed an OLE1p–PHO5 fusion gene as a reporter consisting of the PHO5 gene encoding repressible acid phosphatase (rAPase) under the control of the OLE1 promoter (OLE1p). By EMS mutagenesis, we isolated three classes of mutants, pfo1, pfo2 and pfo3 (positive regulatory factor for OLE1) mutants, which show decreased rAPase activity under derepression conditions (absence of oleic acid). Analysis of the transcription of OLE1 in these pfo mutants revealed that pfo1 and pfo3 mutants have a defect in the regulation of OLE1 expression at the transcriptional level while pfo2 mutants were suggested to have a mutation affecting OLE1 expression at a post-transcriptional step. In addition, four other classes of mutants, nfo1, nfo2, nfo3 and nfo4 (negative factor for OLE1) mutants that have mutations causing strong expression of the OLE1p–PHO5 fusion gene under repression conditions (presence of oleic acid), were isolated. Results of Northern analysis of OLE1 as well as OLE1p-PHO5 transcripts in nfo mutants suggested that these mutations occurred in genes encoding global repressors. We also demonstrated that TUP1 and SSN6 gene products are required for full repression of OLE1 gene expression, by showing that either tup1 or ssn6 mutations greatly increase the level of the OLE1 transcript

    O2R, a Novel Regulatory Element Mediating Rox1p-Independent O(2) and Unsaturated Fatty Acid Repression of OLE1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Fatty acid desaturation catalyzed by fatty acid desaturases requires molecular oxygen (O(2)). Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells derepress expression of OLE1 encoding Δ9 fatty acid desaturase under hypoxic conditions to allow more-efficient use of limited O(2). It has been proposed that aerobic conditions lead to repression of OLE1 by well-established O(2)-responsive repressor Rox1p, since putative binding sequences for Rox1p are present in the promoter of OLE1. However, we revealed in this study that disruption of ROX1 unexpectedly did not affect the O(2) repression of OLE1, indicating that a Rox1p-independent novel mechanism operates for this repression. We identified by promoter deletion analysis the 50-bp O(2)-regulated (O2R) element in the OLE1 promoter approximately 360 bp upstream of the start codon. Site-directed mutagenesis of the O2R element showed that the putative binding motif (5′-GATAA-3′) for the GATA family of transcriptional factors is important for O(2) repression. Anaerobic derepression of OLE1 transcription was repressed by unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs), and interestingly the O2R element was responsible for this UFA repression despite not being included within the fatty acid-regulated (FAR) element previously reported. The fact that such a short 50-bp O2R element responds to both O(2) and UFA signals implies that O(2) and UFA signals merge in the ultimate step of the pathways. We discuss the differential roles of FAR and O2R elements in the transcriptional regulation of OLE1