61 research outputs found

    Studi Batang Bawah Dan Pengaturan Lingkungannya Pada Pembibitan Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.) Dengan Cara Grafting

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    The experiment has been conducted in Labuhan Dalam, Tanjung Seneng, Bandar Lampung from January to June 2008. This experiment consisted of 3 subtitles that are: (1)The effect of root stock age and shading degrees on physic nut plant propagation with grafting. Is a factorial experiment (3x4) with split plot design, shading degrees as main plot consisted without shading, light shading), moderate shading, and heavy shading .Root stock age as subplot consisted 6, 8, and 10 weeks after transplanting; (2) The effect of root stock high and scion length on physic nut plant propagation with grafting. Is a factorial experiment (3x3) with randomized completely block design, the first factors were root stock high consisted 10, 15, and 20 cm from nursery medium. The second factors were scion length consisted 5 cm, 7,5 cm, and 10 cm; (3) The effect of kind of bend and IBA concentration on physic nut plant propagation with grafting. Is a factorial experiment (3x3) with randomized completely block design, the first factors were kind of bend consisted raffia rope, plastic rope, and faucet cellophane tape rope. The second factors were IBA concentration consisted 0, 1000, and 3000 ppm. The treatments were consisted 3 replication and each experiment unit consisted 10 seedlings. The result shows that (1) root stock age 8 and 10 weeks produces physic nut seedling growth better than root stock age 6 week. Physic nut seedling without shading and light shading (1 layer paranet) grow better than with moderate shading (2 layers paranet) and heavy shading (3 layers paranet); (2) Root stock high 15 cm produce physic nut seedling growth better than root stock high 10 cm and 20 cm. Length of scion 7,5 cm and 10 cm produces physic nut seedling growth better than length of scion 5 cm; (3) Plastic and faucet cellophane tape rope produce physic nut seedling growth better than raffia rope. IBA concentration 1000 and 2000 ppm produces physic nut seedling growth better than o pp

    Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa Dikaji dari Gaya Kognitifnya di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    This study aims to explain the Mathematical Communication Capabilities Matter Systems of Linear Equations In Two Variables studied from the Cognitive Style Class X Accounting I School SMK Negeri 1 Pontianak in the academic year 2015/2016. The method used is descriptive. Subject of research is 31 students of class X Accounting I SMK Negeri 1 Pontianak. The research subject is determined through purposive sampling technique. Data collection tool used is a test, questionnaire and interview guides. The results of data analysis showed that 50% of students of visual cognitive style groups have mathematical communication skills good enough to very well. As for the group of verbal cognitive styles, there are 38.46% of students who received a good mathematical communication skills category

    Respons Siswa Terhadap Sajian Simbol, Tabel, Grafik Dan Diagram Dalam Materi Logaritma Di SMA

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    This research aims to: (1) determine the students' response to the presentation of symbolic in logarithms in SMA Mujahidin Pontianak, (2) determine the students' responses to the presentation of table in logarithms in SMA Mujahidin Pontianak, (3) determine students' responses to the presentation of graphic in logarithms in SMA Mujahidin Pontianak, and (4) determine students' responses to the presentation of diagram in logarithms in SMA Mujahidin Pontianak. The subjects in this research are 68 students. The form of research is descriptive. The data collection of the students response is using questionnaires. The results of the data analysis showed that the grade X SMA Mujahidin Pontianak: (1) student response to the presentation of symbolic is 47.5% include to the Very Low category, (2) the response of students to the presentation of table is 70% include to the Moderate category, (3) response students to the presentation of graphic is 39.33% include to the Very Low category, and (4) the response of students to the presentation of diagram of 45.67% include to the Very Low category

    Pemahaman Konseptual Matematis yang Diajarkan Menggunakan Bahan Ajar Multi Representasi di SMA

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    The goal of this research is to know "How mathematical conceptual understanding is taught using teaching materials multi representation in high school Singkawang.” The results showed Learning to shape teaching materials based multi representation to improve conceptual understanding of mathematical, teaching materials multi representation can significantly improve the ability of conceptual mathematical students, proved dar III once treatment is (1) to change the representation of the situation into a mathematical model derived average a score of 3.40 or 85.05% of the maximum score; (2) changing the representation of symbols to graphs obtained a mean score 3.07, or 76.72% of the maximum score; (3) modify the graphical representation of mathematical symbols to obtained a mean score of 3.21 or 80.15% of the maximum score. research study by using multiple representations of teaching materials to improve conceptual understanding of mathematical able to resolve a problem with a mathematical concept known that the treatment I was on the aspect of high category. Treatment II and III in the category, is the aspect of high category, 80.15%, 80.15 and 79.41%

    Teknik Scaffolding Berbantuan Tablet Untuk Mengatasi Kesulitan Representasi Metematis Materi Program Linear Di SMA

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    : This research is purposed (1) to explain the difficulties that the students have in representing about program linier (2) to explain the mathematics materials using scaffolding technique by tablet is able to overcome the students\u27 difficulties in understanding mathematics presentation in program linier material. The research methodology is descriptive analysis. The samples of the research are eight students. The result of data analysis saws that scaffolding technique by tablet is able to help to overcome the students\u27 difficulties in understanding mathematics presentation in program linier material with the procedures are: (1) giving pre-test to the students to see the students\u27 difficulties that they have in understanding program linier material, (2) giving treatment which is appropriate to the students to overcome the problems they have. The students\u27 difficulty is they are difficult to understand the information presented in the mathematics test items, so that they do not understand the problem well, they do not know yet how to change verbal problem to mathematics style. After given the learning using tablet, the students will be able to represent the concept of mathematics with symbol, table, and graphic to emphasize the situation and the problem which are related to program linier

    Mengatasi Hambatan Belajar Problem Solving Matematis Siswa dengan Antisipasi Didaktis di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    The research work aimed to solve student epistemological obstacle in working on linear equation math story problem through didactic anticipation approach in grade VIII junior high school 03 Sungai Kakap. The participant of this study were 4 student of class VIII A. The research employed analytical descriptive method using clinical study case approach. The research finding showed that didactic anticipation approach could overcome the epistemological obstacle of studentin doing problem solving. Before given this approach, the four student found obstacles in problem solving. After given the didactic anticipation approach, the epistemological obstacle in understanding the problem, devising a plan, and carrying out the plan is overcome
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