221 research outputs found

    Sel Surya Hibrid Bulk Heterojunction Nanopartikel Zno/cu-feofitin

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    The hybdrid solar cell in bulk-heterojunction form has been fabricated. It was combined among ZnO and chlorophyll derivatives (Cu-Pheophytin) and insertion of CuSCN layer as hole conductor. The hybrid film of ZnO/Cu-pheophytin has a wide absorption spectrum compare with the ZnO film alone. The characterization result of the hybrid film of ZnO/Cu-pheophytin solar cell has fill factor about 55% which indicated an ideal curve of I-V characteristic. Moreover, the conversion efficiency of the cell was 0.3%

    Menghindari Kekerasan terhadap Anak Menurut Perspektif Undang-undang Perlindungan Anak

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    Bentuk kekerasan sering dialami oleh seorang anak baik secara fisik maupun non fisik. Pasca pemberlakuan UU No. 23 tahun 2002 terntang perlindungan anak, pemerintah senantiasa dituntut untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap anak dari bahaya kekerasan. Bentuk perlindungan anak selain diwujudkan dalam bentuk pencegahan melalui pemberlakuan sanksi, juga diwujudkan dalam bentuk pembinaan yang perlu melibatkan berbagai pihak. Meskipun demikian, ternyata bentuk kekerasan terhadap anak masih sering terjadi, sehingga anak yang seharusnya mendapatkan hak-haknya secara patut masih sering terabaikan. Apapun yang menjadi penyebab, tentu tidak lepas dari implementasi undang- undang yang belum terjalan secara baik. Violence is mostly experienced by a child physically and non-physically. After the implementation of regulation Number 23 year 2002 on children protection, government is demanded to give the protection for the children from the danger of violence. The form of protection can be a prevention through the implementation of sanction and education which invites the participation from all parties. However, violence is still experienced by children that their rights are still ignored mostly. That is due to the implementation of regulation Number 23 year 2002 has not run well

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Anak Jalanan dalam Prespektif Hukum Positif dan Hukum Islam (Studi Kasus pada Yayasan Madinatunajjah Kota Cirebon)

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    Number of street children in Indonesia has increased rapidly in recent years. An increasing number of street children is a growing social phenomenon that needs serious attention from various parties. Islam as a universal religion, it wants the children can live and grow properly. The goals of this papers is to elaboration the implementation of legal protection of street children in Foundation Madinatunnajjah Cirebon. The method used in this study are a normative juridical approach to determine the extent of law protect street children, and sociological juridical approach to see the protection effort not only in law but also in its implementation. Jumlah anak jalanan di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan pesat dalam beberapa tahun belakangan. Peningkatan jumlah anak jalanan yang pesat merupakan fenomena sosial yang perlu mendapat perhatian serius dari berbagai pihak. Islam sebagai agama yang universal, sangatlah menghendaki agar anak-anak itu dapat hidup dan tumbuh berkembang secara baik. Tujuan dari pembahasan ini adalah untuk menentukan bagaimana bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap anak jalanan di Yayasan Madinatunnajjah Cirebon. Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah normative yudisial untuk mengetahui sejauh mana hukum memberikan perlindungan kepada anak jalanan, dan sosiologi yuridis untuk melihat perlindungan bukan hanya dari aspek hukum tetapi juga aspek sosialnya

    Penanggulangan Penyalahgunaan Napza di Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Kondisi penyalahgunaan narkoba di Indonesia sudah sangat mengkhawatirkan. Menurut catatanBadan Narkotika Nasional (BNN), warga negara Indonesia yang telah menjadi korban penyalahgunaanbarang haram ini angkanya telah mencapai lebih dari 4 juta jiwa. Tulisan ini akan mengulas mengenainarkotika, psikotropika dan zat adiktif (NAPZA), penyalahgunaannya dan penanggulangannya di propinsiJawa Barat. Ada dua program yang dicanangkan untuk penanggulangan NAPZA di Jawa Barat diantaranyaadalah Program Satuan Reserse Narkoba dan BNNP Jawa Barat dan Program layanan RehabilitasiBerbasis Masyarakat (RBM) Kementerian Sosial R

    Membangun Jejaring Litbangkes: Gunakan Bahasa Advokasi yang Mudah Dipahami Klien dan Pemerintah Daerah

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    Membangun jejaring litbangkes melalui satu ikon yang dapat menjadi magnet (daya tarik untuk mendatangkan institusi lain) sekaligus dapat mempromosikan hasil-hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Balitbangkes Depkes RI itu sendiri. Yakni sebuah ikon dalam bentuk gedung Mosquito Theater dan pameran yang pembangunannya dilakukan secara bertahap selama 3 tahun (2006-2008). Yaitu dengan adanya pemutaran film-film dokumenter tentang seputar pemberantasan penyakit bersumber binatang. Dari sini, diharapkan peran serta masyarakat dapat lebih meningkat lagi. Sementara itu, dipihak lain, adanya gedung ini merupakan bahasa yang mudah dipahami dalam advokasi dengan pemerintah daerah khususnya, karena mengintegrasikan substansi pariwisata yang notabene merupakan visi dari pemerintah daerah baik provinsi maupun kabupaten

    Analisa Proses Drawing pada Pembentukan Asbak dengan Kuping Berbentuk Alur

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    The design of the press tool is one of the practice courses that teach the skill in designing tool forming and cutting the product from the plate. The quality of the design is determined by the ability to apply the design procedure. Competence is widely applied in the design of drawing prints with a certain level of product complexity. Practice activity of designing drawing drawing of students of Engineering Design Program of Mechanical Polytechnic of State of Bangka Belitung done conventionally, where only using drawing table or computerized depiction software then printed on drawing paper. This results in frequent errors in student design drawings. To overcome these problems required drawing prints that can form a specific product such as ashtrays, with the aim of producing a construction drawing print that can be applied and utilized in the teaching of press tool design. The method of making this tool consists of data collection, concept making, tool design, machining & testing. Based on the results of trials that have been done, carried out on 10 blank by using a lubricant in the form of vegetable oil. Of the 10 experiments the formation showed that the central pool of ashtrays can be perfectly formed, while 4 pieces of the grooves on the ear of the ashtray have not been formed well where there are still folds or curves that are not regular

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Dengan Peran Serta Masyarakat Pada Program Pemberantasan Malaria Di Kecamatan Cipatujah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

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    S. Malaria control program is aimed to prevent of disease transmission and treat­ment. The successes of malaria control program depend on many factors. One of those fac­tors is community participation which is initially by awareness. The study which is aimed to asses relationship between knowledge and community participation was conducted in Sin­dangkerta village - Cipatujah Sub District - District of Tasikmalaya. This area has been high endemie malaria since malaria program was launched in southern coastal of java island. Data collection was carried out by interview to 270 respondents which was chosen as a sam­ple. The results of th is study are 77.4% of sample is good knowledge however 13% lack par­ticipation. Base on statically test, there is not significantly relationship between knowledge and participation. This research suggested that Health District office of Tasikmalaya have to undertake facilitating and stewardship for improving community participation by local specific method and involving of key person as well

    Hubungan Kepadatan Populasi Nyamuk Anopheles Sundaicus Dengan Tempat Perkembangbiakan Di Kabupaten Ciamis

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    The flight distances of Anopheles sundaicus in Sukaresik District of Ciamis is 910 meters from its breeding places, however the area which is related to mosquito density is not described due to influence of many variables, therefore the study was carried out to determine relationship between flight range and mosquito density. The benefit of data related to priority setting for malaria vector control. The methodology analysis for this study was performed by entomological survey which is divided into 5 zones. The range of zone was 0 into 375 meters from breeding places with different of human density (Zone I was0 - 75 m, Zone II was 75-150 m, Zone III was 150 - 225 m, zone IV was 225 - 300 m and zone V was300 - 375 m). Each zone was selected 5 houses for catching stations of mosquito both indoor and outdoor. The number of An. sundaicus which was trapped both indoor and outdoor was combined and grouped by range zone, therefore was calculated the number of proportion each zone. The replication of this study is 3 times at interval of 14 days. The result of proportion was analyzed to figure out each zone relationship between range of potential breeding places mosquito density and human density. The conclusion of thisstudy: the human density under flight range of An. sundaicus area related to mosquito density, however the range of breeding places and human density was not correlated to mosquito density. The recommendation of this study: for malaria control both human density and house density should be considered

    Formulasi Evaluasi Produk Pratikan Pada Pengoperasian Mesin Produksi Untuk Mata Kuliah Praktek Teknologi Mekanik

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    Untuk meningkatkan ketrampilam mahasiswa dalam melakukan kegiatan Praktek Mesin produksi, perlu dilakukan beberapa persiapan antara lain teori penunjang yang membekali mahasiswa dalam mempercepat alih pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yaitu mata kuliah Teknologi Mekanik dam mata kuliah gambar teknik. Untuk mencapai kemampuan ketramilan tersebut diperlukan peralatan pendukung yaitu Mesin Frais, Mesin Sekrap, Mesin Bubut, beserta alat potong Mesin Gerinda dan Alat Ukur; Mikrometer, Jangka Sorong, Busur Derajat dengan beberapa gambar kerja yang digunakan sebagai acuaan dalam melakukan kegiatan alih ketrampilan .Gambar kerja yang digunakan V Blok, Mur T, Bubut bertingkat 1, Bertingkat 2, Bubut Toleransi, Gerinda Pahat Rata Kanan, Gerinda Kasar Kanan. Evaluasi Produk Pratikan terdiri dari beberapa kriteria antara lain; Kehadiran Pratikan, Proses Produk, Performen Produk, Akuurasi Ukuran Produk, Ketepatan waktu Produk, sebagai gambaran diabil sebanyak 32 Pratikan.. Hasil Pratikan dievaluasi dengan memberikan prosentase (bobot nilai) pada masing masing kriteria selanjutnya diolah untuk menentukan nilai akhir Pratikan dengan NA (Nilai Angka) atau NH (Nilai Huruf)