93 research outputs found

    Late quaternary palaeoecology of the central and marginal uplands of the Karoo, South Africa

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    Pollen analysis of organic sediments from vleis in upland areas of the Central and marginal Karoo has provided a vegetation history spanning the late Quaternary in the Winterberg, Sneeuberg, Nuweveldberg and Cederberg Mountains. Fossil pollen studies indicate moist conditions at the beginning of the Holocene, followed by a drier period. The second half of the Holocene (4 600 BP) is characterised by moister conditions, becoming drier towards the present and resulting in a decline in grasslands and an increase in Karoo-bushes. In the western Cape, the late Pleistocene (15 000 to 10 000 BP) was characterised by conditions moister than the present. This was followed by a drier period which ameliorated in the late Holocene. Although climatic fluctuations occurred, fynbos has been maintained in situ throughout the sedimentation period (14 600 BP), highlighting the dominant role of the substrate and secondary importance of climate. Climatic changes caused a shuffling of plant communities within the Fynbos Biome - this long uninterrupted history may be one reason for the high species diversity of fynbos. San hunter-gatherers, who occupied southern Africa prior to 4 000 BP, had a negligible impact on the vegetation. Khoi herders, who were first documented in the fossil record about 1 800 BP, had a slight impact on the vegetation, particularly by altering the fire regime. However, the arrival of European Trekboers some four hundred years ago had a significant effect on the environment. Although the general climatic trend in the Karoo is one of a drier phase, the decline in grasses and eastward movement of xeric Karroid elements has been accelerated due to mismanagement and sedentary farming techniques. An extensive contemporary pollen rain study has been undertaken to examine the representivity of these fossil pollen data. The investigation shows that contemporary pollen rain is a good reflection of the vegetation communities in the Karoo and Cederberg. Multiple discriminant analysis compares fossil pollen assemblages with contemporary pollen spectra and proved useful for determining whether modern analogues exist for the fossil pollen assemblages. TWISA confirmed the zones derived from discriminant analysis. Environmental changes have occurred in the Karoo during the late Quaternary, resulting in fluctuations and changes in vegetation patterns which have been accelerated in the recent past by human activity. Bibliography: pages 293-318

    Receptor-Binding and Oncogenic Properties of Polyoma Viruses Isolated from Feral Mice

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    Laboratory strains of the mouse polyoma virus differ markedly in their abilities to replicate and induce tumors in newborn mice. Major determinants of pathogenicity lie in the sialic binding pocket of the major capsid protein Vp1 and dictate receptor-binding properties of the virus. Substitutions at two sites in Vp1 define three prototype strains, which vary greatly in pathogenicity. These strains replicate in a limited fashion and induce few or no tumors, cause a disseminated infection leading to the development of multiple solid tumors, or replicate and spread acutely causing early death. This investigation was undertaken to determine the Vp1 type(s) of new virus isolates from naturally infected mice. Compared with laboratory strains, truly wild-type viruses are constrained with respect to their selectivity and avidity of binding to cell receptors. Fifteen of 15 new isolates carried the Vp1 type identical to that of highly tumorigenic laboratory strains. Upon injection into newborn laboratory mice, the new isolates induced a broad spectrum of tumors, including ones of epithelial as well as mesenchymal origin. Though invariant in their Vp1 coding sequences, these isolates showed considerable variation in their regulatory sequences. The common Vp1 type has two essential features: 1) failure to recognize “pseudoreceptors” with branched chain sialic acids binding to which would attenuate virus spread, and 2) maintenance of a hydrophobic contact with true receptors bearing a single sialic acid, which retards virus spread and avoids acute and potentially lethal infection of the host. Conservation of these receptor-binding properties under natural selection preserves the oncogenic potential of the virus. These findings emphasize the importance of immune protection of neonates under conditions of natural transmission

    Mother's and children's ADHD genetic risk, household chaos and children's ADHD symptoms:A gene–environment correlation study

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    BACKGROUND: Chaotic home environments may contribute to children's attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. However, ADHD genetic risk may also influence household chaos. This study investigated whether children in chaotic households had more ADHD symptoms, if mothers and children with higher ADHD genetic risk lived in more chaotic households, and the joint association of genetic risk and household chaos on the longitudinal course of ADHD symptoms across childhood. METHODS: Participants were mothers and children from the Environmental Risk (E‐Risk) Longitudinal Twin Study, a UK population‐representative birth cohort of 2,232 twins. Children's ADHD symptoms were assessed at ages 5, 7, 10 and 12 years. Household chaos was rated by research workers at ages 7, 10 and 12, and by mother's and twin's self‐report at age 12. Genome‐wide ADHD polygenic risk scores (PRS) were calculated for mothers (n = 880) and twins (n = 1,999); of these, n = 871 mothers and n = 1,925 children had information on children's ADHD and household chaos. RESULTS: Children in more chaotic households had higher ADHD symptoms. Mothers and children with higher ADHD PRS lived in more chaotic households. Children's ADHD PRS was associated with household chaos over and above mother's PRS, suggesting evocative gene–environment correlation. Children in more chaotic households had higher baseline ADHD symptoms and a slower rate of decline in symptoms. However, sensitivity analyses estimated that gene–environment correlation accounted for a large proportion of the association of household chaos on ADHD symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Children's ADHD genetic risk was independently associated with higher levels of household chaos, emphasising the active role of children in shaping their home environment. Our findings suggest that household chaos partly reflects children's genetic risk for ADHD, calling into question whether household chaos directly influences children's core ADHD symptoms. Our findings highlight the importance of considering parent and child genetic risk in relation to apparent environmental exposures

    Polyoma Virus-Induced Osteosarcomas in Inbred Strains of Mice: Host Determinants of Metastasis

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    The mouse polyoma virus induces a broad array of solid tumors in mice of many inbred strains. In most strains tumors grow rapidly but fail to metastasize. An exception has been found in the Czech-II/Ei mouse in which bone tumors metastasize regularly to the lung. These tumors resemble human osteosarcoma in their propensity for pulmonary metastasis. Cell lines established from these metastatic tumors have been compared with ones from non-metastatic osteosarcomas arising in C3H/BiDa mice. Osteopontin, a chemokine implicated in migration and metastasis, is known to be transcriptionally induced by the viral middle T antigen. Czech-II/Ei and C3H/BiDa tumor cells expressed middle T and secreted osteopontin at comparable levels as the major chemoattractant. The tumor cell lines migrated equally well in response to recombinant osteopontin as the sole attractant. An important difference emerged in assays for invasion in which tumor cells from Czech-II/Ei mice were able to invade across an extracellular matrix barrier while those from C3H/BiDa mice were unable to invade. Invasive behavior was linked to elevated levels of the metalloproteinase MMP-2 and of the transcription factor NFAT. Inhibition of either MMP-2 or NFAT inhibited invasion by Czech-II/Ei osteosarcoma cells. The metastatic phenotype is dominant in F1 mice. Osteosarcoma cell lines from F1 mice expressed intermediate levels of MMP-2 and NFAT and were invasive. Osteosarcomas in Czech-II/Ei mice retain functional p53. This virus-host model of metastasis differs from engineered models targeting p53 or pRb and provides a system for investigating the genetic and molecular basis of bone tumor metastasis in the absence of p53 loss

    Duhemian Themes in Expected Utility Theory

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    This monographic chapter explains how expected utility (EU) theory arose in von Neumann and Morgenstern, how it was called into question by Allais and others, and how it gave way to non-EU theories, at least among the specialized quarters of decion theory. I organize the narrative around the idea that the successive theoretical moves amounted to resolving Duhem-Quine underdetermination problems, so they can be assessed in terms of the philosophical recommendations made to overcome these problems. I actually follow Duhem's recommendation, which was essentially to rely on the passing of time to make many experiments and arguments available, and evebntually strike a balance between competing theories on the basis of this improved knowledge. Although Duhem's solution seems disappointingly vague, relying as it does on "bon sens" to bring an end to the temporal process, I do not think there is any better one in the philosophical literature, and I apply it here for what it is worth. In this perspective, EU theorists were justified in resisting the first attempts at refuting their theory, including Allais's in the 50s, but they would have lacked "bon sens" in not acknowledging their defeat in the 80s, after the long process of pros and cons had sufficiently matured. This primary Duhemian theme is actually combined with a secondary theme - normativity. I suggest that EU theory was normative at its very beginning and has remained so all along, and I express dissatisfaction with the orthodox view that it could be treated as a straightforward descriptive theory for purposes of prediction and scientific test. This view is usually accompanied with a faulty historical reconstruction, according to which EU theorists initially formulated the VNM axioms descriptively and retreated to a normative construal once they fell threatened by empirical refutation. From my historical study, things did not evolve in this way, and the theory was both proposed and rebutted on the basis of normative arguments already in the 1950s. The ensuing, major problem was to make choice experiments compatible with this inherently normative feature of theory. Compability was obtained in some experiments, but implicitly and somewhat confusingly, for instance by excluding overtly incoherent subjects or by creating strong incentives for the subjects to reflect on the questions and provide answers they would be able to defend. I also claim that Allais had an intuition of how to combine testability and normativity, unlike most later experimenters, and that it would have been more fruitful to work from his intuition than to make choice experiments of the naively empirical style that flourished after him. In sum, it can be said that the underdetermination process accompanying EUT was resolved in a Duhemian way, but this was not without major inefficiencies. To embody explicit rationality considerations into experimental schemes right from the beginning would have limited the scope of empirical research, avoided wasting resources to get only minor findings, and speeded up the Duhemian process of groping towards a choice among competing theories

    Fasting Induces the Expression of PGC-1α and ERR Isoforms in the Outer Stripe of the Outer Medulla (OSOM) of the Mouse Kidney

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ co-activator-1α (PGC-1α) is a member of the transcriptional coactivator family that plays a central role in the regulation of cellular energy metabolism under various physiological stimuli. During fasting, PGC-1α is induced in the liver and together with estrogen-related receptor a and γ (ERRα and ERRγ, orphan nuclear receptors with no known endogenous ligand, regulate sets of genes that participate in the energy balance program. We found that PGC-1α, ERRα and ERRγ was highly expressed in human kidney HK2 cells and that PGC-1α induced dynamic protein interactions on the ERRα chromatin. However, the effect of fasting on the expression of endogenous PGC-1α, ERRα and ERRγ in the kidney is not known.In this study, we demonstrated by qPCR that the expression of PGC-1α, ERRα and ERRγ was increased in the mouse kidney after fasting. By using immunohistochemistry (IHC), we showed these three proteins are co-localized in the outer stripe of the outer medulla (OSOM) of the mouse kidney. We were able to collect this region from the kidney using the Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) technique. The qPCR data showed significant increase of PGC-1α, ERRα and ERRγ mRNA in the LCM samples after fasting for 24 hours. Furthermore, the known ERRα target genes, mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation gene COX8H and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle gene IDH3A also showed an increase. Taken together, our data suggest that fasting activates the energy balance program in the OSOM of the kidney

    Sport, peacemaking and conflict resolution: a contextual analysis and modelling of the sport, development and peace sector

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    International audienceIn recent years, a wide variety of organizations (notably the UN and nongovernmental ones) have used sport as an interventionist tool to nurture peacemaking across divided communities. This paper examines and theorizes these peacemaking initiatives across the expanding 'sport, development and peace' (SDP) sector. I begin by locating SDP projects within their historical contexts, and as significant elements within the emerging 'global civil society'. I then set out three ideal-type models of SDP project; namely, the 'technical', 'dialogical', and 'critical'. Each model is examined through a set of common social heuristics, such as its core objectives and paradigmatic methods. The models may be employed to analyze other peacemaking and development fields. The first two models are most influential among existing SDP projects; the potential benefits of the 'critical' model are also outlined

    A ‘Third Culture’ in Economics? An Essay on Smith, Confucius and the Rise of China

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    China's rise drives a growing impact of China on economics. So far, this mainly works via the force of example, but there is also an emerging role of Chinese thinking in economics. This paper raises the question how far Chinese perspectives can affect certain foundational principles in economics, such as the assumptions on individualism and self-interest allegedly originating in Adam Smith. I embark on sketching a 'third culture' in economics, employing a notion from cross-cultural communication theory, which starts out from the observation that the Chinese model was already influential during the European enlightenment, especially on physiocracy, suggesting a particular conceptualization of the relation between good government and a liberal market economy. I relate this observation with the current revisionist view on China's economic history which has revealed the strong role of markets in the context of informal institutions, and thereby explains the strong performance of the Chinese economy in pre-industrial times. I sketch the cultural legacy of this pattern for traditional Chinese conceptions of social interaction and behavior, which are still strong in rural society until today. These different strands of argument are woven together in a comparison between Confucian thinking and Adam Smith, especially with regard to the 'Theory of Moral Sentiments', which ends up in identifying a number of conceptual family resemblances between the two. I conclude with sketching a 'third culture' in economics in which moral aspects of economic action loom large, as well as contextualized thinking in economic policies

    Coordination in Networks Formation: Experimental Evidence on Learning and Salience

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