2 research outputs found


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    Tipologi morfologi bahasa Bali sangatlah penting untuk dipahami agar dapat mengetahui tentang tipologi aglutinatif bahasa Bali, serta bagaimanakah tipologi inkorporasi bahasa Bali. Manfaat penelitian ini untuk memperkaya perkembangan linguistik Indonesia, khususnya khazana teori morfologi. Suber data secara intuisi diperoleh dari wawancara secara lisan dan tulisan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini metode simak dengan teknik catat, terjemahan, metode substitusi dan metode elisitasi. Konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini konsep tipologi aglutinatif,isolasi,fusi dan inkorporasi. Tipologi ini dipaparkan untuk memahami tipologi bahasa Bali. Teori yang digunakan teori Comrie. Penulis juga berusaha mentipekan bahasa Bali secara morfologis serta kontribusi  terhadap penelitian ini. Kesimpulan tipologi aglutinatif bahasa Bali mengadakan perubahan bentuk verba sesuai dengan argumen. Tipologi inkorporasi dilakukan dengan jalan memanfaatkan morfem leksikal menjadi sebuah kata.   The morphological typology of the Balinese language is very important to understand in order to find out about the agglutinative typology of the Balinese language, and how the typology of Balinese language incorporation. The benefits of this research are to enrich the development of Indonesian linguistics, especially the theory of morphological theory. The intuition of data spans is obtained from oral and written interviews. The method used in this research method is referred to as the note-taking technique, translation, substitution method, and elicitation method. The concept used in this study is the concept of agglutinative typology, isolation, fusion, and incorporation. This typology is explained to understand the typology of the Balinese language. The theory used by Comrie's theory. The author also tries to copy the Balinese language morphologically and contributes to this research. In conclusion, the Balinese agglutinative typology changes verb forms according to the argument. The typology of incorporation is done by utilizing lexical morphemes into a word


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    This study mapped the implementation of literacy enhancement program at special schools in Bali Province. This study was planned to complete within three years. In the first year, the mapping was focused on blind students. This study was conducted using a qualitative paradigm. Data were collected from special schools in three districts and cities in Bali Province with a total population of 65 students, consisting of 1stgrade (SDLB) –12thgrade (SMALB) students. Data were collected through document review, in-depth interviews, questionnaires, and observations. The data analysis showed that SpecialSchools in Bali Province applied three kinds of literacy enhancement activities to address the problems that students experienced; reading by the teacher, using audiobooks, and the provision of Braille corners. Those activities were expected to facilitateliteracy enhancement program as outlined in the guidelines. Teachers’ reading aloud promoted early and basic literacy skill and the use of audiobooks to enhance media and technology literacy. The Braille reading corner was intended to improve the library literacy. The only type of literacy enhancement activity that cannot be applied to blind students is visual literacy enhancement, yet this limitation can be overcome by providing three-dimensional media. Unfortunately, public participation was relatively low. School committees and parents / guardians generally understood the importance of literacy for students with visual impairments, but their real contributions need to be improved. The participation of the business and industrial sectors was found adequateas they provided books, literacy facilities, and learning tools. Many foundations that care for children with visual impairment also participated this program. The results of this study are expected to be used as a scientific basis for the betterment of literacy programs in Indonesia and to encourage stronger public participation