2 research outputs found

    Validity, reliability and responsiveness of the Brazilian version of the Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS-Br) in upper limb lesions

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    Lesões podem gerar consequências funcionais e mudanças de vida para o indivíduo. Além do exame físico, a aplicação de questionários de autorrelato são fundamentais para a tomada de decisão, determinação do prognóstico e avaliação da eficácia do tratamento. O Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS) é um questionário individual que avalia o estado funcional do indivíduo.  Suas vantagens propostas incluem sua ampla aplicabilidade, facilidade de administração, e adequada responsividade para análise da evolução funcional. Entretanto, esta escala ainda não está disponível na versão em português-brasileiro. Objetivo: Realizar a tradução e adaptação transcultural do questionário e analisar sua validade, confiabilidade e responsividade em pacientes com lesões do membro superior. Métodos: O PSFS-Br foi desenvolvido usando diretrizes padronizadas e o processo de tradução ocorreu em 5 etapas. Após a versão definitiva, 100 pacientes com lesões do membro superior foram recrutados e responderam o PSFS-Br, Quick-DASH-Br a Escala Visual Analógica em três ocasiões. Resultados: A compreensão adequada do instrumento pela população alvo resultou em boa validade de face. O PSFS-Br, quando comparado ao QuickDASH-Br, apresentou validade de construto fraca r = -0,36, excelente confiabilidade teste-reteste (ICC = 0,91) e apresentou alta responsividade com Tamanho do Efeito(TE) = 1,85, Média da resposta Padronizada (MRP) = 2, 75, Erro padrão de medida (EPM) = 0,36 e Minima diferença dectável (MDD) = 1,5. Conclusão: Este estudo demostrou que o PSFS-Br é uma ferramenta válida, confiável e responsiva para pacientes brasileiros com lesões do membro superior.Injuries can lead to functional consequences and changes in the lives of individuals. In addition to physical examination, a self-report questionnaire application is critical for decision making, prognosis determination, and treatment evaluation. The Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS) is an individual questionnaire that evaluates the individuals functional status and its advantages, which can be applied, ease of administration and responsive. However, this scale is not yet available in the Portuguese-Brazilian version. Objective: To perform a translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the questionnaire and to analyze its validity,reliability and responsiveness in patients with upper limb injuries. Methods: PSFS-Br was developed using standardized guidelines and the translation process took place in 5 steps. After a definitive version, 100 patients with upper limb injuries were recruited and answered by PSFS-Br, Quick-DASH-Br and Visual Analogue Scale on three occasions. Results: Proper understanding of the instrument by the target population resulted in good face validity. PSFS-Br, when compared to QuickDASH-Br, shows poor construct validity r = -0.36, excellent retest test reliability (ICC = 0.91) and high responsiveness with Effect Size (ES) = 1.85, Standand response mean (SRM) = 2.75, Standard Error of Measure (SEM) = 0.36 and Minimal Chande Diference (MCD) = 1.5. Conclusion: PSFS-Br is a valid, reliable and responsible tool for Brazilian patients with upper limb injuries

    Construct validity of the Patient-Rated Wrist and Hand Evaluation questionnaire (PRWHE) for nerve repair in the hand

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Background: Many tools have been described for outcome assessment after nerve repair. The Patient-Rated Wrist and Hand Evaluation (PRWHE) have been shown to be valid for several hand conditions. Objectives: To explore the construct validity of the PRWHE in comparison to cold intolerance, pain and dysfunction questionnaires; the Rosén score and its subcomponents; and threshold sensibility, dynamometry and dexterity tests for nerve repair of the hand. Study design: Clinical measurement. Methods: Construct validity was analysed through Pearson\u27s correlation coefficient in a convenience sample of 32 adult patients after long-term median and ulnar nerve repair. Results: The PRWHE total score was highly to moderately associated with the Disability of Arm, Shoulder and Hand (r = 0.83), Cold Intolerance Symptom Severity (r = −0.60) and McGill\u27s Pain (r = 0.58) questionnaires. In addition, it was correlated to motor (r = −0.55) and sensor subdomains (r = −0.56) of the Rosén score. Substantial to high associations were found for the motor, sensory impairment and dexterity test. Conclusions: The PRWHE was shown to be valid, based on construct validity, for patients with nerve repair of the hand