2,798 research outputs found

    Zero-temperature Phase Diagram of Two Dimensional Hubbard Model

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    We investigate the two-dimensional Hubbard model on the triangular lattice with anisotropic hopping integrals at half filling. By means of a self-energy functional approach, we discuss how stable the non-magnetic state is against magnetically ordered states in the system. We present the zero-temperature phase diagram, where the normal metallic state competes with magnetically ordered states with (Ï€,Ï€)(\pi, \pi) and (2Ï€/3,2Ï€/3)(2\pi/3, 2\pi/3) structures. It is shown that a non-magnetic Mott insulating state is not realized as the ground state, in the present framework, but as a meta-stable state near the magnetically ordered phase with (2Ï€/3,2Ï€/3)(2\pi/3, 2\pi/3) structure.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Robust surface electronic properties of topological insulators: Bi2Te3 films grown by molecular beam epitaxy

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    The surface electronic properties of the important topological insulator Bi2Te3 are shown to be robust under an extended surface preparation procedure which includes exposure to atmosphere and subsequent cleaning and recrystallization by an optimized in-situ sputter-anneal procedure under ultra high vacuum conditions. Clear Dirac-cone features are displayed in high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectra from the resulting samples, indicating remarkable insensitivity of the topological surface state to cleaning-induced surface roughness.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Echo Delay and Overlap with Emitted Orientation Sounds and Doppler-shift Compensation in the Bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum

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    The compensation of Doppler-shifts by the bat, Rhinolophusferrumequinum, functions only when certain temporal relations between the echo and the emitted orientation sound are given. Three echo configurations were used: a) Original orientation sounds were electronically Doppler-shifted and played back either cut at the beginning (variable delay) or at the end (variable duration) of the echo. b) Artificial constant frequency echoes with variable delay or duration were clamped to the frequency of the emitted orientation sound at different Doppler-shifts. c) The echoes were only partially Doppler-shifted and the Doppler-shifted component began after variable delays or had variable durations. With increasing delay or decreasing duration of the Doppler-shifted echo the compensation amplitude for a sinusoidally modulated + 3 kHz Dopplershift (modulation rate 0.08 Hz) decreases for all stimulus configurations (Figs. 1, 2, 3). The range of the Doppler-shift compensation system is therefore limited by the delay due to acoustic travel time to about 4 m distance between bat and target. In this range the overlap duration of the echo with the emitted orientation sound is always sufficiently long, when compared with data on the orientation pulse length during target approach from Schnitzler (1968) (Fig. 5)


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    The reactions of potassium 1,3-bis(ethoxycarbonyl)indolizine-2-thiolates with ethyl 4-bromocrotonate afforded the corresponding indolizine derivatives having (E)-(3-ethoxycarbonyl-2-propenyl)thio, (E)- and (Z)-(3-ethoxycarbonyl-1-propenyl)thio group at the 2-position. The alkaline treatment of these S-alkylated indolizines gave the title compounds in good yields.ArticleHETEROCYCLES. 78(2): 319-324 (2009)journal articl

    Bulk-sensitive Photoemission of Mn5Si3

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    We have carried out a bulk-sensitive high-resolution photoemission experiment on Mn5Si3. The measurements are performed for both core level and valence band states. The Mn core level spectra are deconvoluted into two components corresponding to different crystallographic sites. The asymmetry of each component is of noticeable magnitude. In contrast, the Si 2p spectrum shows a simple Lorentzian shape with low asymmetry. The peaks of the valence band spectrum correspond well to the peak positions predicted by the former band calculation.Comment: To be published in: Solid State Communication

    Possible Kondo resonance in PrFe4P12 studied by bulk-sensitive photoemission

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    Pr 4f electronic states in Pr-based filled skutterudites PrT4X12(T=Fe and Ru; X=P and Sb) have been studied by high-resolution bulk-sensitive Pr 3d-4f resonance photoemission. A very strong spectral intensity is observed just below the Fermi level in the heavy-fermion system PrFe4P12. The increase of its intensity at lower temperatures is observed. We speculate that this is the Kondo resonance of Pr, the origin of which is attributed to the strong hybridization between the Pr 4f and the conduction electrons.Comment: 4 pages(camera ready format), 4 figures, ReVTeX
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