77 research outputs found

    On Fields of rationality for automorphic representations

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    This paper proves two results on the field of rationality \Q(\pi) for an automorphic representation π\pi, which is the subfield of \C fixed under the subgroup of \Aut(\C) stabilizing the isomorphism class of the finite part of π\pi. For general linear groups and classical groups, our first main result is the finiteness of the set of discrete automorphic representations π\pi such that π\pi is unramified away from a fixed finite set of places, π\pi_\infty has a fixed infinitesimal character, and [\Q(\pi):\Q] is bounded. The second main result is that for classical groups, [\Q(\pi):\Q] grows to infinity in a family of automorphic representations in level aspect whose infinite components are discrete series in a fixed LL-packet under mild conditions

    Supercuspidal part of the mod l cohomology of GU(1,n - 1)-Shimura varieties

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    Let l be a prime. In this paper we are concerned with GU(1,n - 1)-type Shimura varieties with arbitrary level structure at l and investigate the part of the cohomology on which G(ℚ[subscript p]) acts through mod l supercuspidal representations, where p ≠ l is any prime such that G(ℚ[subscript p]) is a general linear group. The main theorem establishes the mod l analogue of the local-global compatibility. Our theorem also encodes a global mod l Jacquet–Langlands correspondence in that the cohomology is described in terms of mod l automorphic forms on some compact inner form of G

    COHOMOLOGY OF IGUSA CURVES -- A SURVEY (Automorphic forms, Automorphic representations, Galois representations, and its related topics)

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    We illustrate the strategy to compute the R-adic cohomology of Igusa varieties in the setup of ordinary modular curves, with updates on the literature towards a genrealization

    Families of L-functions and their Symmetry

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    In [90] the first-named author gave a working definition of a family of automorphic L-functions. Since then there have been a number of works [33], [107], [67] [47], [66] and especially [98] by the second and third-named authors which make it possible to give a conjectural answer for the symmetry type of a family and in particular the universality class predicted in [64] for the distribution of the zeros near s=1/2. In this note we carry this out after introducing some basic invariants associated to a family

    On the cohomology of compact unitary group Shimura varieties at ramified split places

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    In this article, we prove results about the cohomology of compact unitary group Shimura varieties at split places. In nonendoscopic cases, we are able to give a full description of the cohomology, after restricting to integral Hecke operators at p on the automorphic side. We allow arbitrary ramification at p; even the PEL data may be ramified. This gives a description of the semisimple local Hasse-Weil zeta function in these cases. We also treat cases of nontrivial endoscopy. For this purpose, we give a general stabilization of the expression given in previous work, following the stabilization given by Kottwitz. This introduces endoscopic transfers of the functions ϕτ,h\phi_{\tau,h} which were introduced in previous work via deformation spaces of pp-divisible groups. We state a general conjecture relating these endoscopic transfers with Langlands parameters. We verify this conjecture in all cases of EL type, and deduce new results about the endoscopic part of the cohomology of Shimura varieties. This allows us to simplify the construction of Galois representations attached to conjugate self-dual regular algebraic cuspidal automorphic representations of GLn\mathrm{GL}_n, as previously constructed by one of us.Comment: 36 page

    Recent progress on Langlands reciprocity for GLn\mathrm{GL}_n: Shimura varieties and beyond

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    The goal of these lecture notes is to survey progress on the global Langlands reciprocity conjecture for GLn\mathrm{GL}_n over number fields from the last decade and a half. We highlight results and conjectures on Shimura varieties and more general locally symmetric spaces, with a view towards the Calegari-Geraghty method to prove modularity lifting theorems beyond the classical setting of Taylor-Wiles.Comment: 56 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the 2022 IHES summer school on the Langlands progra

    The stable trace formula for Igusa varieties, II

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    Assuming the trace formula for Igusa varieties in characteristic p, which is known by Mack-Crane in the case of Hodge type with good reduction at p, we stabilize the formula via Kaletha's theory of rigid inner twists when the reductive group in the underlying Shimura datum is quasi-split at p. This generalizes our earlier work under more restrictive hypotheses.Comment: 49 pages, comments welcom