74 research outputs found


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    Abstrak  Pangan mempunyai  arti  yang  sangat  penting  sebagai  kebutuhan  dasar manusia  yang  harus dipenuhi  karena  itu, pangan menjadi  salah satu  pilar utama dalam  pembangunan  nasional. Apabila ketersedaiaan pangan suatu bangsa tidak mencukupi  dibandingkan  kebutuhannya maka dapat menciptakan ketidakstabilan ekonomi bangsa tersebut, selain itu berbagai gejolak sosial dan  politik  dapat terjadi  jika  ketahanan pangan  terganggu.  Di  Indonesia  pangan diidentikkan dengan beras, karena beras merupakan makanan utama bangsa  Indonesia pada umumnya.  Pemerintah  Indonesia  berupaya  untuk  menjaga  ketersediaan  beras  sepanjang tahun,  dengan  mendistribusikan  beras  secara  merata  dan  menjaga  harga  beras  agar tetap stabil serta  meningkatkan produksi  dalam  negeri (swasembada  pangan). Upaya pemerintah tersebut  menjadi semakin  kompleks mengingat  pertambahan penduduk Indonesia  yang  semakin  besar  dan  tersebar  di  berbagai  geografis  serta  memiliki  keadaan ekonomi  yang bervariasi. Manajemen Rantai pasok  beras perlu dilakukan, agar  persediaan beras cukup  untuk  memenuhi  kebutuhan  dalam  negri.  Penanganan  pasca  panen  dan manajemen  rantai  pasok  perlu  diperbaiki  agar  masyarakat  memenuhi  kebutuhan  pangan dengan harga relatif stabil. Jika persediaan beras  terlalu sedikit maka kebutuhan masyarakat tidak  dapat dipenuhi yang dapat menimbulkan krisis  pangan   namun jika persediaan terlalu besar, mengakibatkan pertambahan biaya yang harus dikeluarkan oleh  instansi berupa biaya penyimpanan  dan  perawatan  beras  yang  tidak  tersalurkan,  beban  bunga  bank,  opportunity loss dan kerusakan. Salah satu permasalahan pokok pada rantai pasok beras adalah masalah distribusi  yang  diakibatkan  oleh  sulitnya  akses  informasi  ketersediaan  beras.  Hal  ini menimbulkan masalah dalam distribusi padi berupa penumpukan beras maupun  kekosongan persediaan  beras  pada  gudang  yang  lain.  Jika  hal  seperti  ini  terus  menerus  terjadi,  maka dapat menimbulkan kerugian baik  terhadap petani, konsumen dan  semua pihak yang  terlibat dalam sistem rantai pasok beras. Fokus penelitian ini adalah merancang kerangka pengukuran kinerja dalam supply chain beras yang didalamnya  terlibat beberapa stakeholder antara  lain kelompok tani, pedagang dan konsumen. Sehingga dari rancangan ukuran kinerja ini nantinya dapat  diketahui  seberapa  baik  kinerja  elemen-elemen  dalam  supply  chain  padi  dan  dapat ditingkatkan efektivitasnya untuk meningkatkan kepuasan stakeholder. Key words : padi, supply chain, kinerja, customer, efektivita

    Analisis Beban Kerja Fisik dan Mental Pembuatan Mie Soun Menggunakan Metode CVL Dan NASA-TLX

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    The purpose of this research is to identify the physical work load and mental workload received by the worker in SME Mie Soun Cap Sriti, so the benefit of this research is to know how much physical work load and mental work load experienced by the soy noodle maker workers and can show the highest workload for further analysis in order to perform remedial solutions. The subjects of this study were all workers who numbered 14 people. The method of physical workload analysis in this study using Cardiovascular Load (CVL), and method of mental work load analysis in this study using NASA-TLX National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index. The results showed that workers who are included in the category of high physical workload or that need improvement is in the dissolution and drying section with the percentage of Cardiovascular Load (CVL) of 38.06% and 30.60% respectively. While workers who are included in the category of mental burden heaviest or very high received by the owner of SMEs and the drying section with NASA-TLX scores respectively 88.67 and 83.55. Proposed improvements include the addition of chainsaw tools and hand pallets on the dissolution, giving music to the owners of SMEs and drying and adding break time in the section of solubility and drying

    Strategi Pengembangan Taman Satwa Taru Jurug dengan Pendekatan Business Model Canvas

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    Taman Satwa Taru Jurug (TSTJ) is the right alternative place to be visited in the middle of chaotic Solo and surroundings that is better in development. TSTJ as a zoo is a potential tourist attraction in Solo. The purpose of this research is to get a new business model by increasing business added value throught formulated development strategy. The business values are created with Business Model Canvas (BMC) approach and analyzed using SWOT. The results of this research shows the business position is in quadrant I with the IFAS’s value 0,32 and EFAS’s value 1,13 with the results support the growth. So to get a better business model, TSTJ implement SO strategy, one of them is forming a team has focus on information technology work. So, on Key Resources block of BMC there is IT device as addition point


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    The waste generated from human activities is organic waste as much as 60-70% and the rest is non-organic waste 30-40%, meanwhile from the non-organic waste the composition of the second largest waste, 14% is plastic waste. Meanwhile, community involvement in reducing the use and recycling of plastic is still very minimal. One form of handling of waste waste is by utilizing the waste so that it has economic value. The purpose of this research is to utilize waste to be used as items of economic value through the development of plastic eyeglass frames using the Value Engineering method. There are 2 types of alternative substitutes for plastic eyeglass frames, namely plastic bottle cap waste (HDPE plastic type), and soap bottle waste (PP plastic type). The results of the calculation of production cost efficiency with a manual injector molding machine show that changing the material with plastic bottle caps is more efficient than production costs by replacing the material with soap bottle waste, where the COGS of products with plastic bottle caps is Rp. 58,700 with BEP of 384 units, while the COGS of products with soap bottle material is Rp. 93,700, with BEP of 622 units

    Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing (Studi Kasus: UMKM Roti Pantes)

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    This research was conducted at UMKM Roti Pantes Sukoharjo. The purpose of this study was to determine the internal and external factors in UMKM Roti Pantes in increasing competitiveness with competitors, as well as determining the right alternative strategies for UMKM Roti Pantes in increasing competitiveness. By using the SWOT analysis method (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) and QSMPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix). There are 3 data collection techniques used in this study, namely observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The results of data analysis show that with the SWOT method, are divided into 4 strength variables, 4 weakness variables, 7 opportunity variables and 3 threat variables. Meanwhile, with the QSPM matrix analysis, there are 3 alternative strategies for UMKM Roti Pantes in increasing competitiveness with competitors. The first strategy is to increase promotions with various kinds of social media as a means of showing product superiority. The second strategy is to change product packaging to be more attractive and modern. And the third strategy is paying attention to product quality to maintain consumer confidence

    Perancangan Desain Gitar Elektrik Senar 8 (TS-8) Dengan Kombinasi Perangkat Smartphone Sebagai Virtual Efek Gitar Menggunakan Metode Reverse Engineering

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    ABSTRAK Gitar elektrik merupakan suatu alat instrumental yang banyak digunakan dalam bermusik, karena dengan gitar elektrik musik yang dimainkan akan semakin bervariasi. Itu terjadi karena adanya perangkat pendukung yaitu efek pedal yang digunakan sebagai pengaturan suara dari gitar elektrik yang dimainkan. Dengan perkembangan perangkat smartphone dan aplikasi yang ada di platform android maupun IOS, para developer membuat terobasan baru dengan menciptakan aplikasi virtual efek gitar yang bisa digunakan layak efek pedal dengan hasil suara yang tidak jauh berbeda dengan aslinya. Namun gitar elektrik saat ini dengan jumlah 6 senar, masih belum bisa menjangkau untuk musik yang membutuhkan nada rendah dan berat, berarti perlu penambahan 2 senar agar bisa mendapatkan karakter suara yang low tunning. Dengan adanya penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang dan membuat sebuah gitar elektrik dengan jumlah 8 senar dan dikombinasikan dengan perangkat smatphone sebagai virtual efek gitar. Dengan metode reverse engineering, penelitian ini bisa membuat gitar elektrik TS-8 sebagai brand untuk gitar senar 8 lokal serta mendapatkan karakter low tunning dan bisa kombinasikan dengan perangkat smartphone. Tahapan reverse engineering yaitu pembongkaran produk untuk mencari anatomi dan dimensi pada gitar elektrik, penggabungan komponen antara gitar dan smartphone, melakukan benchmarking produk dan komponen, penentuan konsep desain dan komponen serta pembuatan sketsa rancangan produk. Dan terakhir adalah pembuatan produk gitar elektrik TS-8 dengan kombinasi perangkat smartphone sebagai virtual efek. Dari hasil penelitian, perancangan dan analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa gitar elektrik TS-8 memiliki karakter sound low tunning dengan artikulasi yang jelas dan aspek playbility yang cocok bagi player atau gitaris, serta easy to use dalam pengoperasian smartphone yang disematkan di body gitar yang mudah digunakan pada gitar elektrik TS-8. Dan hasil pengerjaan yang dilakukan oleh luthier wira musica dalam membuat gitar elektrik TS-8 sangatlah baik dan rapi untuk skala home industry, meskipun ada sedikit detail yang kurang rapi tapi tidak mengurangi dari performance dari gitar elektrik TS-8 yang nantinya bisa meningkatkan value dari industri kreatif gitar elektrik lokal. Kata Kunci: Reverse Engineering, Smartphone, Low Tunning, Senar

    Perancangan Alat Penggiling Kacang Dengan Motor Listrik Menggunakan Metode Reverse Engineering

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    Small and medium enterprisesoften referred to as one of the levers of the economy in an area where UKM every year is increasing so as to boost the economy and welfare of the region. UKM Sunten one of them an established business in Wonogiri by Mb Eny in an attempt Mb Eny have obstacles in his quest is in the process of grinding the beans too long this has led to queues of customers at lunch time because the long process of grinding peanut granules until smooth, then from that the purpose of this research is to develop a peanut roller with additional electric motors by using reverse engineering method to speed up the production process. Reverse engineering method is a method used in innovating an existing product by giving advantages, advantages of the previous product in accordance with the function of the product. The result of this research using reverse engineering torque method used to grind 1.8 Nm and produce a force of 15.8 N. With a peanut time of 25 kg for 18.25 minutes at a cost of Rp 350

    Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Produk Olahan Buah Parijoto Menggunakan Metode Marketing Mix (Studi Kasus: CV. Seleksi Alam Muria)

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    This study aims to (1) determine the influence of marketing mix elements on purchasing decisions for processed Parijoto fruit products, (2) identify marketing mix elements that have the most dominant influence on purchasing decisions for processed Parijoto fruit products, (3) determine the appropriate marketing strategy for companies to increase sales with the Marketing Mix approach. This research was conducted at CV. Selection Alam Muria, which is a company engaged in the food/beverage industry. The data used in this study are data from 57 respondents taken by purposive sampling method. The data analysis method used in this study was multiple linear regression analysis, which was processed using SPSS software. The results of this study indicate that together the elements of the marketing mix, namely product, price, location, and promotion have an influence on purchasing decisions, while individually the elements of the marketing mix that have a significant influence on purchasing decisions are price and promotion. Elements of the marketing mix that have the most dominant influence on purchasing decisions for processed fruit products Parijoto CV. Muria Natural Selection is a price. This is evidenced by looking at the Standardized Coefficients Beta value of each variable, where the price beta value (b2 = 0.504) is greater than location (b3 = 0.294), promotion (b4 = 0.31), and product (b1 = 0.31). The right marketing strategy for CV. Selection Alam Muria in increasing sales is to evaluate the price and location

    Pengukuran Dan Pengelolaan Risiko Pada Supply Chain Ikm Intip Dengan Pendekatan Metode House Of Risk (Studi Kasus : Ikm Intip Kota Surakarta)

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    Inadequate number of industrial Intip in Surakarta has proved that during this supply chain industrial’s Intip is not proactive in accepting a risk, so it makes business industrial Intip has low competitiveness and ultimately slowly industrial Intip began to be abandoned, displaced and even replaced with other types of culinary industry. Uncertainty of the type of risk and the cause of the dominant risks that occur in the activity of industrial Intip supply chain to make a number of parties industrial Intip owners tend to be carefully in managing each risk occurring. Embodiment industrial Intip supply chain effective and proactive can be realized by creating a supply chain risk management approach formulated by the House of Risk method. House of Risk method is a method that focuses quantify risk impact and probability level of the underlying risk. House of Risk method is considered more effective considering the causes of risk can bring more than one type of risk. Systematically, this method consists of two phases: risk identification and cause of risk (House of Risk Phase 1) and the risk management phase (Phase House of Risk 2). In the House of Risk phase 1 determining the cause of the dominant risk is done by calculating the value of ARP, while in the House of Risk phase 2 is the determination of the dominant risk management strategies by considering the ease of implementation of the strategy and the degree of correlation between strategy and underlying risk. Results phases House of Risk 1 indicates that the industrial Intip supply chain there are 46 types of risks stemming from the 34 types of causes risks. Through the calculation of the value of ARP and Pareto diagram identified eight dominant underlying risk. Through focus group discussion 8 types of causes dominant risk can be managed by 12 the formulation of strategies

    Perancangan Jack Stand Berbahan Limbah Bengkel Sepeda Motor Dengan Metode Value Engineering (Studi Kasus: Bengkel Amin Motor)

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    ABSTRACT Amin Motor is a service business that is a motorcycle workshop. One of the wastes produced by this workshop is solid waste in the form of metals originating from the use of motorized spare parts that have not been used. This study aims to utilize the waste into high-value products, namely Jackstand motorbike. The data collected is processed and analyzed using the Value Engineering and Zero One methods. The results of this study are to get the criteria that consumers want, namely quality, comfort, price, function, material and design. There are 2 alternative proposals for the initial product, function = 27.142; value = 0.1018, Alternative I function = 65.334 ; value = 0.38384, Alternative II function = 11.429; value = 0.08658 there is an increase in product value of 73,62%. Selected alternative design concepts can be an option for Amin's motorbike workshop as the product of choice. Keywords : Value Engineering, Zero One, Jackstand,Wast