41 research outputs found

    Self-employment in Brazil and its determinants: a spatial analysis

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    In this paper, we intend to identify some factors underlying the different rates of participation of self-employed workers in Brazilian municipalities. In contrast with previous analysis, our study is sensitive to the spatial dimension of self-employment in Brazil. Relying on geo-referenced data from areal units, our approach avoids the restrictive assumptions of independence between area effects. Two different approaches to spatial analysis are exploited, Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) and Spatial Econometrics. We show that substantial geographical heterogeneity in rates of self-employment exists within Brazil. The results point to the presence of clusters of municipalities with similar rates of participation of self-employment in the economy. The fitting of a spatial lag model to the data demonstrates that significant part of variation in self-employment is explained by spatial dependence. In addition, the municipality's degree of urbanization, rate of employment in the secondary sector as well as GDP per capita among others, indeed influences its rate of self-employment. We conclude that spatial analysis can provide useful insights in analyzing self-employment in Brazil.Brazil; self-employment


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    The aim of this paper is to identify the Brazilian industrial cores and peripheries. The study is based on two sets of data: the first describes 35600 industrial firms, and the second has information on the economic, social and urban structure of 5507 cities (2000). The conclusions are: (1) 84% of the industrial value-added (IVA) is concentrated in some type of industrial cluster; (2) 75% is in 15 spatial industrial agglomerations, which are industrial clusters with industrialized peripheries; (3) the are other 23 industrial cluster (local industrial agglomerations and industrial enclaves) with 9% of IVA; (4) the remaining 16% is geographically dispersed. Our main conclusion is: the Brazilian economic space is a mixed case. It is not a set of disconnected or isolated industrial islands, but it is still behind a full regional economic integration.


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    The literature about the economics of science and technology (C&T) suggests not only that the technological innovation demands the expansion of the institutional borders between universities, research institutes, industrial firms and the financial system, but also that science leads as well as follows technology. Medical innovation, particularly, is very dependent on scientific research, which represents a source of information which in turn move the productive sector. The latter introduces a series of questions that motivate the researchers in their attempt to understand how to human body reacts to certain products and therapies. This article analyses the pattern of C&T interaction for both the national system of innovation (NSI) and the health innovation system. The panel data and simultaneous equations models analyze the interactions between C&T. The basic theory about the existence of a mutual sense of determination between them has been confirmed, which means that science moves technology and technology also influences scientific development. The estimated models, which use data from articles and patents as proxies of science and technology, represent just the tip of the iceberg related to a multifaceted and complex institutional arrangement, the NSI.

    Violência urbana: uma análise comparativa da vitimização em São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Recife e Vitória

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    In the present article we reinterpret the routine activities model trying to incorporate some elements of rational choice model. The empirical analysis estimates the probability of victimization. The data base is a victimization survey conducted by FIA/USP and ILLANUD, in 2002. The survey was carried in Recife, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Vitória. We consider five categories of victimization: aggression, robbery, theft, burglary and auto theft. The more important factors to explain victimization are the proximity between the victim and the offender and the victim attractiveness. The comparison among cities shows that Recife is the capital with greater probability of victimization.victimization, criminality

    Qualidade do Ensino em Matemática: Determinantes do Desempenho de Alunos em Escolas Publicas Estaduais Mineiras

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    Este artigo analisa os determinantes do desempenho de alunos em Matemática nas séries finais do primeiro e segundo ciclo do Ensino Fundamental e do Ensino Médio em Minas Gerais no ano de 2003. Modelos hierárquicos em três níveis são utilizados. No primeiro nível, nós incluímos muitos atributos de alunos e de seu background familiar; no segundo, algumas características das escolas, principalmente o culto-aluno; no terceiro, variáveis referentes ao município onde a escola se localiza. Quatro fontes de dados são utilizadas: Sistema de Avaliação de Ensino (SIMAVE), Sistema de Informação Custo Aluno (SICA), Censo Escolar e o de Indicadores de Responsabilidade Social de Minas Gerais (IMRS), todos para 2003. Os resultados mostram que, para todas as séries, a escolaridade da mãe e a presença de, no mínimo vinte livros em caso, contribuem positivamente para o desempenho do aluno em Matemática. Para o Ensino fundamental, é importante, também, realizar a tarefa de matemática em casa. Para a 3a série do Ensino Médio, não alocar tempo para tarefas domésticas contribui positivamente para o resultado nos testes de Matemática.Educação, Qualidade, Modelos Hierárquicos