7 research outputs found

    SABRE polarized low field rare-spin spectroscopy

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    High-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is an indispensable technique for identification and characterization of chemicals and biomolecular structures. In the vast majority of NMR experiments, nuclear spin polarization arises from thermalization in multi-Tesla magnetic fields produced by superconducting magnets. In contrast, NMR instruments operating at low magnetic fields are emerging as a compact, inexpensive, and highly accessible alternative but suffer from low thermal polarization at a low field strength and consequently a low signal. However, certain hyperpolarization techniques create high polarization levels on target molecules independent of magnetic fields, giving low-field NMR a significant sensitivity boost. In this study, SABRE (Signal Amplification By Reversible Exchange) was combined with high homogeneity electromagnets operating at mT fields, enabling high resolution 1H, 13C, 15N, and 19F spectra to be detected with a single scan at magnetic fields between 1 mT and 10 mT. Chemical specificity is attained at mT magnetic fields with complex, highly resolved spectra. Most spectra are in the strong coupling regime where J-couplings are on the order of chemical shift differences. The spectra and the hyperpolarization spin dynamics are simulated with SPINACH. The simulations start from the parahydrogen singlet in the bound complex and include both chemical exchange and spin evolution at these mT fields. The simulations qualitatively match the experimental spectra and are used to identify the spin order terms formed during mT SABRE. The combination of low field NMR instruments with SABRE polarization results in sensitive measurements, even for rare spins with low gyromagnetic ratios at low magnetic fields.I. INTRODUCTIO

    External high-Quality-factor Resonator tunes up nuclear magnetic resonance

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    The development of powerful sensors for the detection of weak electromagnetic fields is crucial for many spectroscopic applications, in particular for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Here, we present a comprehensive theoretical model for boosting the NMR signal-to-noise ratio, validated by liquid-state 1H, 129Xe and 6Li NMR experiments at low frequencies, using an external resonator with a high quality-factor combined with a low-quality-factor input coil. In addition to an enhanced signal-to-noise ratio, this approach exhibits striking features such as a high degree of flexibility with respect to input coil parameters and a square-root dependence on the sample volume, and signifies an important step towards compact NMR spectroscopy at low frequencies with small and large coils

    Para-hydrogen raser delivers sub-millihertz resolution in nuclear magnetic resonance

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    The precision of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy1 (NMR) is limited by the signal-to-noise ratio, the measurement time Tm and the linewidth Δν = 1/(πT2). Overcoming the T 2 limit is possible if the nuclear spins of a molecule emit continuous radio waves. Lasers and masers are self-organized systems which emit coherent radiation in the optical and micro-wave regime. Both are based on creating a population inversion of specific energy states. Here we show continuous oscillations of proton spins of organic molecules in the radiofrequency regime (raser5). We achieve this by coupling a population inversion created through signal amplification by reversible exchange (SABRE) to a high-quality-factor resonator. For the case of 15N labelled molecules, we observe multi-mode raser activity, which reports different spin quantum states. The corresponding 1H-15N J-coupled NMR spectra exhibit unprecedented sub-millihertz resolution and can be explained assuming two-spin ordered quantum states. Our findings demonstrate a substantial improvement in the frequency resolution of NMR