158 research outputs found

    1 Kontribusi Keragaman Sumber Pendapatan Petani terhadap Total Pendapatan Rumahtangga Petani di Desa Banjararum, Kecamatan Kalibawang

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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: 1) mengetahui kondisi sosial ekonomi rumahtangga tani, 2) mengetahui ragam sumber pendapatan rumahtangga tani, dan 3) mengetahui kontribusi sumber pendapatan terhadap total pendapatan rumahtangga tani. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan analisis data primer wawancara menggunakan kuisioner. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian secara purposive di desa yang memiliki luas lahan sawah terbesar di Kecamatan Kalibawang. Responden dipilih secara proportional random sampling sebanyak 60 responden. Analisis yang digunakan berupa analisis deskriptif tabel frekuensi untuk kondisi sosial ekonomi petani dan analisis crosstab untuk kontribusi variasi sumber pendapatan rumahtangga tani. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kondisi sosial ekonomi rumahtangga tani mayoritas memiliki kepala rumahtangga berusia produktif yang berpendidikan rendah (SD) dengan penguasaan lahan sawah sempit (<0,5Ha). Sumber pendapatan rumah tangga tani relatif beragam dengan mayoritas memiliki 1 sumber pendapatan tambahan di luar pertanian lahan sawah contohnya buruh dan pedagang. Secara umum pendapatan USAhatani lahan sawah masih mendominasi kontribusi pendapatan total rumahtangga tani (40,85%)

    Pengaruh Status Kepemilikan Lahan Sawah terhadap Intensitas Penanaman di Desa Banjararum, Kecamatan Kalibawang, Kabupaten Kulon Progo

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    Status kepemilikan lahan sawah merupakan fenomena yang unik danbervariasidalam suatu masyarakat di pedesaan. Keunikan status kepemilikan lahan salah satunya dipengaruhi faktor adat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status lahan kepemilikan lahan sawah di Desa Banjararum, jenis pola urutan tanam danintensitas penanaman lahan di Desa Banjararum serta mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh antara status kepemilikan lahan terhadap intensitas penanaman. Status kepemilikan lahan yang akan diteliti dibatasi pada 3 jenis status kepemilikan lahan yang secara umum ada di Desa Banjararum, yaitu lahan milik sendiri, lahan sakap dan lahan sewa. Intensitas penanaman diperoleh berdasarkan frekuensi penanaman dalam satu tahun berdasarkan kalender tanam.Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Banjararum, Kalibawang, Kulon Progo yang merupakan Desa Berbasis Pertanian, pemilihan sampel ditentukan dengan metode Purposive Sampling dengan unit analisis rumah tangga tani. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode pengumpulan data primer melalui wawancara dengan kuesioner dan observasi lapangan. Analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif frekuensi,tabulasi silang/crosstab dan uji chi-square.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status kepemilikan lahan Desa Banjararum didominasi oleh status kepemilikan lahan sawah kombinasi, yang terdiri dari lahan milik sendiri dengan lahan sewa (33,3%). Pola tanam didominasi oleh Padi-padi-palawija (43,3%) dan intensitas penanaman 3 kali dalam 1 tahun (60%). Berdasarkan hasil analisis crosstab, terdapat pengaruh antara status kepemilikan dengan intensitas penanaman, namun hasil uji chi-square menunjukkan keduanya tidak berhubungan secara signifikan

    Identifikasi Karakter Morfofisiologi Kedelai Adaptif Lahan Masam

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    Efforts to increase soybean production in acid soil can be done in two ways, were: (1) Calcification to improve the physical and chemical properties of land that is suitable for planting soybeans, or (2) through use of genotypes that have a high tolerance for stress Al (Muhidin,2002). Therefore, adaptive soybean varieties with the sour land 30-35% aluminum saturation and pH 4.5-5.0, and supported by soybean cooking genjah age (75 days) prospectively for soybean development outside Java. Varieties that have been known to land a sour adaptiv like Ratai, Sibayak, Nanti, Tanggamus and Seulawah consistent power adaptations to soil acidity, this is indicated by both agronomic traits and physiology. Anatomical characters show the most stress in response to Al is the root, the varieties sour adaftiv land rooting organ hampered not at all, the roots can develop well. The study concluded that the varieties that have been known to land a sour adaftiv like Ratai, Sibayak, Nanti, Tanggamus and Seulawah have a high consistency of the soil acidity, with roots showing growth and the number of normal pods. Root dry weight parameters can be used to assess the toxicity consideration Aluminum plant, which can be used as character selection in plant breeding process

    Analisis Penerapan Value Creation Selling dalam Strategi Pemasaran Perusahaan Jasa Logistik: Studi Kasus di PT XYZ

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    A company is a market-oriented when the culture of value creation superior customer systematically and comprehensively implemented on company concerned. Value can be defined as the ratio of benefit to cost, where customers expect a rate of return equal or exceed the costs they incurred to obtain the products they bought. From the case studies conducted on PT XYZ, then, in getting the project tender delivery of goods geophysical equipment for the Brunei Loon project, it has been implemented value selling creation, which includes three main components, ie customer portraits, the proposed value, and benefits to customers or total value of ownership. Overall, the efficiency given value is about 20% compared to its closest competitor, the safety shipping and on time, as well as the positive benefits of the profit margin, cash flow, return on investment, brand equity, market share and customers

    Kapabilitas Dinamik, Kinerja Inovasi, dan Kinerja Perusahaan Jasa Logistik di Indonesia (suatu Kerangka Penelitian)

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    Market value of logistics services business in Indonesia in 2012 is estimated amount of USD 2.76 billion with an average growth of 12.1% per year. The industry is estimated growth in compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.6% or about Rp2,042 trillion in 2015. The attractive market conditions and business opportunities have not been harnessed yet by local players optimally. On the contrary, one by one the local players have been bankruptcy due to unable to compete with foreign logistics services companies. Based on data of Indonesian Logistics and Forwarder Association (ILFA), it is currently registered about 3,000 members, but about 50% of them are still active, while 50% of them are nonactive and getting problems. Of which are still active, not more than 20 companies are ready to compete with foreign logistics services companies. The problem is especially concerning human resource, networks, technology, and capital competencies. In line with that, the fundamental issues examined in this research are how the relationships of dynamic capabilities, innovation performance, and firm performance conceptually in the logistics service industry in Indonesia. To be able to answer the problems, it is necessary to research theoretically how each relationship of these three aspects in order to obtain a research model or framework. Thus the research framework can be used as a reference to construct hypotheses for further research. Based on the literature study, it can be concluded that dynamic capabilities directly affect innovation performance, in which the variables of dynamic capabilities encompass adaptive capabilities, absorptive capabilities, and innovative capabilities. In addition, dynamic capabilities can also directly affect the firm performance but can also indirectly impact on firm performance through innovation performance

    Organic Growth Improvement of Indonesian Logistics Companies (a Conceptual Model: Contribution of Strategic Management, Transformational Leadership, and Knowledge Management to Corporate Entrepreneurship and Its Impact on Organic Growth)

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    Indonesian logistics companies needed performance improvement (particularly in organic growth) for increasing their competitiveness. Based on previous researches that in order to increase organic growth, it could be conducted through developing corporate entrepreneurship, namely the activities that enhance company's ability to innovate, take risk and seize market opportunities. The purpose of this paper tried to explore the relationships among variables, namely organic growth (OG), corporate entrepreneurship (CE), transformational leadership (TL), knowledge management (KM), and strategic management (SM). Therefore, this research used causal-explanatory study to explain relationships among the variables. The results of this research were concluded that TL, KM, and SM have contributions to corporate entrepreneurship and organicgrowth. The relationships could be constructed in a conceptual model that could be verified through further research

    The Relationships Among Leadership, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Innovation and Competitive Advantage (a Conceptual Model of Logistics Service Industry)

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    Nowadays, improvement of competitive advantage is an important and urgent issue facing logistics service companies in Indonesia. Some previous researches showed that to improve the competitive advantage could be conducted through improvement of leadership, entrepreneurial mindset and innovation variables. This research intended to recognize relationships among the variables. The research used causal-explanatory method. The results of research encompass a conceptual model, status of each variable and hypotheses. The conceptual model could be further verified through verification research
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