34 research outputs found
Hasil Penangkapan Nyamuk di Lokasi Transmigrasi Kumpeh, Desa Puding dan Sungaibungur, Provinsi Jambi
A study on the transmission o fbrugian filariasis has been done in the transmigration area of Kumpeh, in the Province of Jambi. During this study an intensive collection of mosquitoes was done in the transmigration areas as well as two nearby villages. Two methods of collections were used, i.e. landing collection and by CDC light traps. From this study 7 genera consist of 34 species of mosquitoes were cought. Among these mosquitoes there were 5 species of Mansonia known as. the vector of brugian filariasis in these area
Filariasis in the Transmigration Area of Kumpeh, Jambi Sumatera
Penelitian mengenai penularan filariasis yang disebabkan oleh Brugia malayi telah dilakukan di daerah transmigrasi Kumpeh, Jambi. Pemeriksaan darah dilakukan terhadap para transmigran di tiga blok C, D dan E; 3 bulan, 9 bulan dan 18 bulan setelah mereka tiba di daerah ini. Filariasis klinis telah tampak dalam 3 bulan setelah kedatangan mereka dan terus naik pada pemeriksaan-pemeriksaan berikutnya. Delapan belas bulan sesudah kedatangan mereka di tempat ini ditemukan satu transmigran yang mengandung mikrofilaria sedangkan "disease rate" paling tinggi ditemukan di blok D, sebesar 20,3%. Di blok E ditemukan satu orang dengan gejala limphodema
Penularan Filariasis di Pemukiman Transmigrasi Kumpeh, Jambi Ditinjau dari Aspek Sosio Antropologi
Study on the socio-cultural aspects in relation to filariasis transmission dynamics was carried out in the transmigration area of Kumpeh, Iambi. In this study a number of 266 respondents originated from Java were interviewed. Beside interview by using questionnaires, focus group discussions and observation were also implemented. From this study it was known that the word "filariasis" seemed to be unpopular among the transmigrants. They used to called the disease untut or penyakit kaki gajah. A great number of the respondents stated that the disease is transmitted through mosquito bites, but they did not know the mode of the transmission. A small number of the respondents were of the opinion that the disease was hereditary and this knowledge was adopted from the local inhabitants. The attitude of the respondents towards filariasis control measures was positive, and it was shown among others, by their willingness to be bled for filariasis examination. Their behaviour in its connection with filariasis transmission was not supportive towards filariasis control e.g. they used to stay in the ladang, and chat outdoor during the night without protection against mosquito bites. From this study it was also known that they exposed themselves to the mosquito bites mainly in the ladang when they take guard of their crops from pests damages. Their low education affected their perception towards filariasis and will hamper health education on filariasis control
Aspek-aspek Ekologi dan Sosial dalam Penanggulangan "Emerging Infectious Diseases"
Ecological and social fators play very important roles in the control of emerging infectious diseases, beside case management, surveillance and laboratory examinations. The ecological factors include physical environmental factors such as altitude, latitude, climate, season, temperature, humidity, water, air, food and land; as well as biological environmental factors such as flora, fauna, agent, vector, host and biological agents used for vector control. The social factors include: education, economic status, behaviour, attitude, habit, religion, culture, population migration and density. Intervention to ecological and social factors could be done as preventive measures. We should learn from the failures as well as successes in the control of infectious diseases which gave considerations on ecological and social factors. For new diseases, studies should also be conducted to know what kinds of ecological and social factors have important roles in the control of these diseases
Bionomi Anopheles Spp di Daerah Endemis Malaria di Kecamatan Lengkong, Kabupaten Sukabumi
Studies of Filariasis in Keban Agung and Gunung Agung Villages in South Bengkulu, Sumatera, Indonesia IV: Ecological and Seasonal Aspect of Four Mansonia Species
Dalam penelitian mengenai nyamuk Mansonia spp. di desa Gunung Agung dan Keban Agung, Bengkulu Selatan ternyata nyamuk Ma. bonneae dan Ma. annulata lebih banyak ditangkap daripada Ma. dives dan Ma. uniformis. Habitat nyamuk ini adalah rawa-rawa buatan atau daerah-daerah pinggiran hutan. Secara umum tidak ada hubungan antara curah hujan dan kepadatan nyamuk jenis Mansonia spp. Dari penelitian distribusi vertikal ternyata Ma. bonneae dan Ma. dives lebih banyak tertangkap di tempat yang tinggi sedangkan Ma. uniformis dan Ma. annulata di tempat yang rendah
Efektivitas D-alletrin 0,223% terhadap Nyamuk Cx. P. Quinquefasciatus di Laboratorium
Susceptibility test of 0,223% d-alletrin against adult Cx. p. quinquefasciatus was conducted in the Entomology Laboratory of Health Ecology Research Centre in Jakarta. A randomized complete design was performed using 4 replicates for each application. Regression analysis was applied to analyse the data. The adult mosquitoes of 3 days old, blood-fed females was involved in the test. The indicator of 0,223% d-alletrin effectiveness was knock-down time and mortality. The results showed that d-alletrin was able to knock-down 20% of Cx. p. quinquefasciatus within one hour. Based on regression analysis (Y = 3,31 + 0,31 X) knock-down time 50 (WLso) was reached at the 170th minute. While 50% mortality was reached at the 198th minute (Y = -3,6 + 0,37 X). After 6 hours of exposure all of the mosquitoes were knocked-down and 91% were killed and after 7 hours of exposure all of the mosquitoes were killed
Fauna Anopheles di Tapanuli Selatan dan Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara