15 research outputs found

    Assessment of therapeutic education conducted by nurses in patients with type 2 diabetes in the context of the sense of coherence

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    Aim. Assessment of the effectiveness of therapeutic education conducted by nurses working in the internal medicine wards in patients with diagnosed type 2 diabetes in the context of the sense of coherence

    Synthesis, computational and experimental pharmacological studies for (thio)ether-triazine 5-HT6R ligands with noticeable action on AChE/BChE and chalcogen-dependent intrinsic activity in search for new class of drugs against Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease is becoming a growing problem increasing at a tremendous rate. Serotonin 5-HT6 receptors appear to be a particularly attractive target from a therapeutic perspective, due to their involvement not only in cognitive processes, but also in depression and psychosis. In this work, we present the synthesis and broad biological characterization of a new series of 18 compounds with a unique 1,3,5-triazine backbone, as potent 5-HT6 receptor ligands. The main aim of this research is to compare the biological activity of the newly synthesized sulfur derivatives with their oxygen analogues and their N-demethylated O- and S-metabolites obtained for the first time. Most of the new triazines displayed high affinity (Ki < 200 nM) and selectivity towards 5-HT6R, with respect to 5-HT2AR, 5-HT7R, and D2R, in the radioligand binding assays. For selected, active compounds crystallographic studies, functional bioassays, and ADME-Tox profile in vitro were performed. The exciting novelty is that the sulfur derivatives exhibit an agonistic mode of action contrary to all other compounds obtained to date in this chemical class herein and previously reported. Advanced computational studies indicated that this intriguing functional shift might be caused by presence of chalcogen bonds formed only by the sulfur atom. In addition, the N-demethylated derivatives have emerged highly potent antioxidants and, moreover, show a significant improvement in metabolic stability compared to the parent structures. The cholinesterase study present micromolar inhibitory AChE and BChE activity for both 5-HT6 agonist 19 and potent antagonist 5. Finally, the behavioral experiments of compound 19 demonstrated its antidepressant-like properties and slight ability to improve cognitive deficits, without inducing memory impairments by itself. Described pharmacological properties of both compounds (5 and 19) allow to give a design clue for the development of multitarget compounds with 5-HT6 (both agonist and antagonist)/AChE and/or BChE mechanism in the group of 1,3,5-triazine derivatives

    The Phenoxyalkyltriazine Antagonists for 5-HT6 Receptor with Promising Procognitive and Pharmacokinetic Properties In Vivo in Search for a Novel Therapeutic Approach to Dementia Diseases

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    Among the serotonin receptors, one of the most recently discovered 5-HT6 subtype is an important protein target and its ligands may play a key role in the innovative treatment of cognitive disorders. However, none of its selective ligands have reached the pharmaceutical market yet. Recently, a new chemical class of potent 5-HT6 receptor agents, the 1,3,5-triazine-piperazine derivatives, has been synthesized. Three members, the ortho and meta dichloro- (1,2) and the unsubstituted phenyl (3) derivatives, proved to be of special interest due to their high affinities (1,2) and selectivity (3) toward 5-HT6 receptor. Thus, a broader pharmacological profile for 1–3, including comprehensive screening of the receptor selectivity and drug-like parameters in vitro as well as both, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties in vivo, have been investigated within this study. A comprehensive analysis of the obtained results indicated significant procognitive-like activity together with beneficial drug-likeness in vitro and pharmacokinetics in vivo profiles for both, (RS)-4-[1-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)propyl]-6-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)-1,3,5-triazin-2-amine (2) and (RS)-4-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)-6-(1-phenoxypropyl)-1,3,5-triazin-2-amine (3), but insensibly predominant for compound 2. Nevertheless, both compounds (2 and 3) seem to be good Central Nervous System drug candidates in search for novel therapeutic approach to dementia diseases, based on the 5-HT6 receptor target

    Nurses’ professional image among elderly residents of Nowa Deba town.

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    StreszczenieWstęp: Współczesne pielęgniarstwo dąży do zapewnienia społeczeństwu coraz doskonalszej opieki pod względem jakościowym zarówno w chorobie, jak i w zdrowiu. Zakres realizowanych zadań w pielęgniarstwie jest między innymi wynikiem oczekiwań społecznych. Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że podmiotem opieki pielęgniarskiej jest człowiek, istotne jest poznanie opinii społecznych na temat wizerunku zawodu pielęgniarki.Tytuł: Wizerunek pielęgniarki w opinii starszych mieszkańców miasta Nowa Dęba.Cel pracy: Poznanie opinii starszych mieszkańców miasta Nowa Dęba na temat wizerunku zawodu pielęgniarki.Materiał i metody: Badania zostały przeprowadzone w okresie luty- kwiecień 2014r. wśród mieszkańców miasta Nowa Dęba w wieku lat 65 i powyżej. W badaniu wzięło udział 50 osób w tym 36 kobiet i 14 mężczyzn. Aby poznać opinie respondentów na temat wizerunku zawodu pielęgniarki posłużyłam się metodą sondażu diagnostycznego, techniką badawczą była ankieta, natomiast narzędziem badawczym był autorski kwestionariusz ankiety.Wyniki: Ponad połowa ankietowanych odpowiedziała że zawód pielęgniarki jest potrzebny. Zawód pielęgniarki cieszy się bardzo dużym zaufaniem. Wysokie zaufanie dla tego zawodu deklaruje trzy czwarte badanych. Zdaniem respondentów pielęgniarka ma nieco niższy status zawodowy niż lekarz.Wnioski: Otrzymane wyniki mogą mieć wpływ na dalsze zainteresowanie tematem wizerunku i prestiżu zawodowego pielęgniarki w opinii biorców opieki pielęgniarskiej.AbstractIntroduction: Nowadays, nursing strives to provide the society with constantly improving quality of care in both health and disease. The range of tasks performed by a nurse is, among others, a result of societal expectations. Taking into account that the subject of nursing care is a human, ascertaining the public image of the nursing profession is very important.Title: Nurses’ professional image among elderly residents of Nowa Deba town.Aim of the study: Researching the opinion of the elderly residents of Nowa Deba on the professional image of nursing profession.Materials and methods: The study has been performed between February and April 2014 among the residents of Nowa Deba 65 years old and over. 50 persons participated in the study, including 36 females and 14 males. To ascertain the opinion of the respondents. I have used a diagnostic poll method, with survey as a research technique and an ad hoc questionnaire as a research tool. Results: Over a half of participants have indicated that the nurses’ profession is necessary and enjoys very significant public trust, as declared by three quarters of participants. According to respondents, a nurse has a slightly lower professional status than a physician.Conclusions: The results obtained may encourage further interest in professional image and prestige of nurses’ profession in the eyes of the care receiver

    Realization of the educational function of a nurse in patients with diagnosed type 2 diabetes and a sense of coherence

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    Wstęp. Edukacja zdrowotna pacjenta polega na dostarczaniu wiedzy, pomoc pacjentowi w podejmowaniu właściwych decyzji dotyczących jego zdrowia a także kształtowanie postaw prozdrowotnych. Szczególna rola w tym procesie przypada pielęgniarkom. Przez pojęcie poczucia koherencji należy rozumieć trwały sposób widzenia świata przez człowieka jako zrozumiałego, sterowalnego i sensownego, który kształtuje się poprzez doświadczenie życiowe.Cel pracy. Ocena realizacji funkcji edukacyjnej pielęgniarek pracujących w oddziałach internistycznych w przygotowaniu pacjentów z rozpoznaną cukrzycą typu 2 do samoopieki w kontekście poczucia koherencjiMateriał i metody. Badaniem ankietowym objęto 100 pielęgniarek pracujących w oddziałach internistycznych. Kwestionariusz zawierał pytania dotyczące sytuacji społeczno-demograficznej i zawodowej pielęgniarek oraz prowadzenia edukacji zdrowotnej pacjentów we własnej praktyce zawodowej. Poczucie koherencji zmierzono za pomocą kwestionariusza orientacji życiowej SOC- 29.Wyniki. 56 spośród 100 uczestników ankiety (56%) miało średnie, a 44 ankietowanych (44%) wysokie poczucie koherencji. Osoby z wysokim poczuciem koherencji poruszają w zaleceniach szerszy wachlarz tematów niż osoby ze średnim poczuciem koherencji.Wnioski. Pielęgniarki prowadząc edukację zdrowotną pacjentów wykorzystują wiedzę zdobytą podczas kształcenia podyplomowego. Osoby, które takie kształcenie odbyły poruszają podczas edukacji szerszy wachlarz tematów niż osoby, które takiego kształcenia nie odbyły. W celu polepszenia prowadzenia działań pielęgniarek w obszarze edukacji zdrowotnej pacjentów wskazane jest uwzględnienie tej problematyki w programach szkoleń.Introduction. Patients’ health Education involves deliver their knowledge, help the patients make informed decisions about their health as well as forming health benefits attitudes. Here, a special role is to be played by nurses. The notion of coherence is to be understood as a permanent way of seeing the world by man as comprehensible, steady and sensible, which is formed through life experience.Aim of the study. Evaluation of the implementation of the educational function of nurses working in internal medicine departments in the preparation of patients with diagnosed type 2 diabetes for self-care the context of a sense of coherence.Materials and methods. A survey study was executed with 100 nurses working in internal medicine departments. The instrument contained questions concerning socio-demographic and professional situation of nurses and undertaking health education to patients in their own professional practice. Coherence was measured using the SOC-29 life-orientation questionnaire.Results. 56 out of 100 survey respondents (56%) had average and 44 respondents (44%) had high coherence. People with a high sense of coherence move in the recommendations a wider range of topics than people with average sense of coherence.Conclusions. Nurses lead patient health education use the knowledge gained during postgraduate education. Persons who have such education have raised a broader range of topics during education than those who did not. Thus, in order to improve nursing practice with respect to health education of patients it is essential to include this topic in the postgraduate education program

    Update on Current Imaging of Systemic Lupus Erythematous in Adults and Juveniles

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease involving multiple organs and organ systems. Musculoskeletal (MSK) involvement is one of the most frequent and the earliest locations of disease. This disease affects joints and periarticular soft tissues, tendon sheaths and tendons, bones, and muscles. Multimodality imaging, including radiography, ultrasound (US), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), plays a significant role in the initial evaluation and treatment follow up of MSK manifestations of the SLE. In this paper, we illustrate MSK imaging features in three clinical forms of SLE, including nondeforming nonerosive arthritis, deforming nonerosive arthropathy, and erosive arthropathy, as well as the other complications and features of SLE within the MSK system in adults and juveniles. Advances in imaging are included. Conventional radiography primarily shows late skeletal lesions, whereas the US and MRI are valuable in the diagnosis of the early inflammatory changes of the soft tissues and bone marrow, as well as late skeletal manifestations. In nondeforming nonerosive arthritis, US and MRI show effusions, synovial and/or tenosynovial hypertrophy, and vascularity, whereas radiographs are normal. Deforming arthritis clinically resembles that observed in rheumatoid arthritis, but it is reversible, and US and MRI show features of inflammation of periarticular soft tissues (capsule, ligaments, and tendons) without the pannus and destruction classically observed in RA. Erosions are rarely seen, and this form of disease is called rhupus syndrome

    Histamine H3 receptor ligands - KSK-59 and KSK-73 : reduce body weight gain in a rat model of excessive eating

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    Noting the worldwide rapid increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity new effective drugs are now being sought to combat these diseases. Histamine H3 receptor antagonists may represent an effective therapy as they have been shown to modulate histamine synthesis and release and affect a number of other neurotransmitters (norepinephrine, acetylcholine, γ-aminobutyric acid, serotonin, substance P) thus influencing the food intake. Based on the preliminary studies determining affinity, intrinsic activity, and selected pharmacokinetic parameters, two histamine H3 receptor ligands were selected. Female rats were fed palatable food for 28 days and simultaneously administered the tested compounds intraperitoneally (i.p.) at a dose of 10 or 1 mg/kg b.w./day. Weight was evaluated daily and calorie intake was evaluated once per week. The plasma levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, leptin, adiponectin, ghrelin, corticosterone, CRP and IL-6 were determined at the end of experiment. The glucose tolerance test was also performed. To exclude false positives, the effect of tested compounds on spontaneous activity was monitored during the treatment, as well as the amount of consumed kaolin clay was studied as a reflection of possible gastrointestinal disturbances comparable to nausea. The histamine H3 receptor antagonists KSK-59 and KSK-73 administered i.p. at a dose of 10 mg/kg b.w. prevented weight gain in a rat model of excessive eating. They reduced adipose tissue deposits and improved glucose tolerance. Both compounds showed satisfying ability to penetrate through biological membranes determined in in vitro studies. Compound KSK-73 also reduced the caloric intake of the experimental animals what indicates its anorectic effect. These results show the pharmacological properties of histamine H3 receptor antagonists, (4-pyridyl)piperazine derivatives, as the compounds causing not only slower weight gain but also ameliorating some metabolic disorders in rats having the opportunity to overeat

    The phenoxyalkyltriazine antagonists for 5-HT6 receptor with promising procognitive and pharmacokinetic properties in vivo in search for a novel therapeutic approach to dementia diseases

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    Among the serotonin receptors, one of the most recently discovered 5-HT(6) subtype is an important protein target and its ligands may play a key role in the innovative treatment of cognitive disorders. However, none of its selective ligands have reached the pharmaceutical market yet. Recently, a new chemical class of potent 5-HT(6) receptor agents, the 1,3,5-triazine-piperazine derivatives, has been synthesized. Three members, the ortho and meta dichloro- (1,2) and the unsubstituted phenyl (3) derivatives, proved to be of special interest due to their high affinities (1,2) and selectivity (3) toward 5-HT(6) receptor. Thus, a broader pharmacological profile for 1–3, including comprehensive screening of the receptor selectivity and drug-like parameters in vitro as well as both, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties in vivo, have been investigated within this study. A comprehensive analysis of the obtained results indicated significant procognitive-like activity together with beneficial drug-likeness in vitro and pharmacokinetics in vivo profiles for both, (RS)-4-[1-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)propyl]-6-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)-1,3,5-triazin-2-amine (2) and (RS)-4-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)-6-(1-phenoxypropyl)-1,3,5-triazin-2-amine (3), but insensibly predominant for compound 2. Nevertheless, both compounds (2 and 3) seem to be good Central Nervous System drug candidates in search for novel therapeutic approach to dementia diseases, based on the 5-HT(6) receptor target