38 research outputs found

    Executive function after exhaustive exercise

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    PurposeFindings concerning the effects of exhaustive exercise on cognitive function are somewhat equivocal. The purpose of this study was to identify physiological factors that determine executive function after exhaustive exercise.MethodsThirty-two participants completed the cognitive tasks before and after an incremental exercise until exhaustion (exercise group: N = 18) or resting period (control group N = 14). The cognitive task was a combination of a Spatial Delayed-Response (Spatial DR) task and a Go/No-Go task, which requires executive function. Cerebral oxygenation and skin blood flow were monitored during the cognitive task over the prefrontal cortex. Venous blood samples were collected before and after the exercise or resting period, and blood catecholamines, serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor, insulin-like growth hormone factor 1, and blood lactate concentrations were analyzed.ResultsIn the exercise group, exhaustive exercise did not alter reaction time (RT) in the Go/No-Go task (pre: 861 ± 299 ms vs. post: 775 ± 168 ms) and the number of error trials in the Go/No-Go task (pre: 0.9 ± 0.7 vs. post: 1.8 ± 1.8) and the Spatial DR task (pre: 0.3 ± 0.5 vs. post: 0.8 ± 1.2). However, ΔRT was negatively correlated with Δcerebral oxygenation (r = −0.64, P = 0.004). Other physiological parameters were not correlated with cognitive performance. Venous blood samples were not directly associated with cognitive function after exhaustive exercise.ConclusionThe present results suggest that recovery of regional cerebral oxygenation affects executive function after exhaustive exercise

    Slowed response to peripheral visual stimuli during strenuous exercise

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    Recently, we proposed that strenuous exercise impairs peripheral visual perception because visual responses to peripheral visual stimuli were slowed during strenuous exercise. However, this proposal was challenged because strenuous exercise is also likely to affect the brain network underlying motor responses. The purpose of the current study was to resolve this issue. Fourteen participants performed a visual reaction-time (RT) task at rest and while exercising at 50% (moderate) and 75% (strenuous) peak oxygen uptake. Visual stimuli were randomly presented at different distances from fixation in two task conditions: the Central condition (2° or 5° from fixation) and the Peripheral condition (30° or 50° from fixation). We defined premotor time as the time between stimulus onset and the motor response, as determined using electromyographic recordings. In the Central condition, premotor time did not change during moderate (167 ± 19 ms) and strenuous (168 ± 24 ms) exercise from that at rest (164 ± 17 ms). In the Peripheral condition, premotor time significantly increased during moderate (181 ± 18 ms, P < 0.05) and strenuous exercise (189 ± 23 ms, P < 0.001) from that at rest (173 ± 17 ms). These results suggest that increases in Premotor Time to the peripheral visual stimuli did not result from an impaired motor-response network, but rather from impaired peripheral visual perception. We conclude that slowed response to peripheral visual stimuli during strenuous exercise primarily results from impaired visual perception of the periphery

    Cognitive function during exercise under severe hypoxia

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    Acute exercise has been demonstrated to improve cognitive function. In contrast, severe hypoxia can impair cognitive function. Hence, cognitive function during exercise under severe hypoxia may be determined by the balance between the beneficial effects of exercise and the detrimental effects of severe hypoxia. However, the physiological factors that determine cognitive function during exercise under hypoxia remain unclear. Here, we examined the combined effects of acute exercise and severe hypoxia on cognitive function and identified physiological factors that determine cognitive function during exercise under severe hypoxia. The participants completed cognitive tasks at rest and during moderate exercise under either normoxic or severe hypoxic conditions. Peripheral oxygen saturation, cerebral oxygenation, and middle cerebral artery velocity were continuously monitored. Cerebral oxygen delivery was calculated as the product of estimated arterial oxygen content and cerebral blood flow. On average, cognitive performance improved during exercise under both normoxia and hypoxia, without sacrificing accuracy. However, under hypoxia, cognitive improvements were attenuated for individuals exhibiting a greater decrease in peripheral oxygen saturation. Cognitive performance was not associated with other physiological parameters. Taken together, the present results suggest that arterial desaturation attenuates cognitive improvements during exercise under hypoxia

    The effects of acute high-intensity aerobic exercise on cognitive performance: A structured narrative review

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    It is well established that acute moderate-intensity exercise improves cognitive performance. However, the effects of acute high-intensity aerobic exercise on cognitive performance have not been well characterized. In this review, we summarize the literature investigating the exercise-cognition interaction, especially focusing on high-intensity aerobic exercise. We discuss methodological and physiological factors that potentially mediate cognitive performance in response to high-intensity exercise. We propose that the effects of high-intensity exercise on cognitive performance are primarily affected by the timing of cognitive task (during vs. after exercise, and the time delay after exercise). In particular, cognitive performance is more likely to be impaired during high-intensity exercise when both cognitive and physiological demands are high and completed simultaneously (i.e., the dual-task paradigm). The effects may also be affected by the type of cognitive task, physical fitness, exercise mode/duration, and age. Second, we suggest that interactions between changes in regional cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral oxygenation, cerebral metabolism, neuromodulation by neurotransmitters/neurotrophic factors, and a variety of psychological factors are promising candidates that determine cognitive performance in response to acute high-intensity exercise. The present review has implications for recreational, sporting, and occupational activities where high cognitive and physiological demands are required to be completed concurrently

    Recent Results from LHD Experiment with Emphasis on Relation to Theory from Experimentalist’s View

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    he Large Helical Device (LHD) has been extending an operational regime of net-current free plasmas towardsthe fusion relevant condition with taking advantage of a net current-free heliotron concept and employing a superconducting coil system. Heating capability has exceeded 10 MW and the central ion and electron temperatureshave reached 7 and 10 keV, respectively. The maximum value of β and pulse length have been extended to 3.2% and 150 s, respectively. Many encouraging physical findings have been obtained. Topics from recent experiments, which should be emphasized from the aspect of theoretical approaches, are reviewed. Those are (1) Prominent features in the inward shifted configuration, i.e., mitigation of an ideal interchange mode in the configuration with magnetic hill, and confinement improvement due to suppression of both anomalous and neoclassical transport, (2) Demonstration ofbifurcation of radial electric field and associated formation of an internal transport barrier, and (3) Dynamics of magnetic islands and clarification of the role of separatrix


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    骚栌筋は倚栞现胞である筋線維の集合䜓であり筋収瞮によっお誘発される様々なストレスに察しお高い可塑性を有する䌞匵性(゚キセントリック)の筋収瞮は筋線維埮现構造の厩壊浮腫貪食现胞の浞最などの炎症反応を匕き起こすこのような反応は筋線維党䜓に生じるものではなく線維の䞀郚分に起こる損傷した筋線維郚䜍は浞最䜜甚によっお陀去されるが再生過皋を経おすみやかに回埩するしたがっお筋線維の再生は郚分的な修埩ず捉えるこずができるこれたで现胞死・现胞再構築に関する機胜ずしお遺䌝的にプログラムされた機構により自らを陀去する「アポトヌシス」が知られおいるしかしながら骚栌筋の損傷再生過皋においお倚栞现胞である筋線維に察するアポトヌシスの関䞎は未だ明らかにされおいない本論文は運動ストレスにずもなう筋損傷ずその再生機構に着目し特にその過皋で生じるアポトヌシスの発生ずその機序に぀いお明らかにするこずを目的ずしお以䞋の研究課題を遂行した本論文は以䞋の9 章から構成されおいる第章では骚栌筋におけるアポトヌシスのメカニズムに぀いお述べ筋線維におけるアポトヌシス発生に関する文献研究をおこなったそしお第章においお筋線維における運動ストレスによるアポトヌシス応答を解明する必芁性を指摘した䞊で具䜓的な研究課題を蚭定した第章では実隓動物ラットを察象に運動誘発性筋損傷モデルを確立するために収瞮負荷条件実隓ず損傷の発生割合やその範囲実隓に぀いお怜蚌したそしおこの運動誘発性筋損傷モデルを甚いお第章では運動ストレスによるアポトヌシス応答における性差に぀いお怜蚌実隓しその結果を受けお第章では筋収瞮により誘発された骚栌筋の損傷再生期のアポトヌシス応答ずその機序の解明実隓を詊みたさらに第章では䜎酞玠ストレス第章では糖尿病による代謝的ストレスをずもなった運動負荷に察するアポトヌシス応答実隓に぀いお怜蚌した以䞋に各々の研究課題ずその抂芁に぀いお瀺した研究課題  実隓, 動物モデルを察象ずした骚栌筋における運動誘発性筋損傷モデルの確立を目的ずしお゚キセントリック収瞮負荷の回数䟝存性および筋損傷郚䜍を解析したその結果筋損傷は収瞮回数が20 回以䞊の負荷では筋損傷を発生するが10 回以䞋では誘発されないこずが明らかずなった実隓たた前脛骚筋における゚キセントリック収瞮負荷は近䜍郚䞭倮郚遠䜍郚では䞀様な損傷を誘導するこずが瀺された(実隓)研究課題  (実隓, )オス・メスラット骚栌筋を察象に゚キセントリックおよびアむ゜メトリック収瞮を負荷し損傷期のアポトヌシス発生における性差に぀いお怜蚎したその結果筋損傷ず同様に筋組織におけるアポトヌシス発生はアむ゜メトリック収瞮よりも゚キセントリック収瞮で倚く芳察されさらに゚キセントリック収瞮に察するアポトヌシス応答はオスにおいお顕著であるこずが明らかになった実隓たた損傷再生期における筋線維のアポトヌシス応答を組織・生化孊的手法から怜蚎するこずでアポトヌシス発生の生理孊的意矩の解明を詊みたその結果゚キセントリック収瞮による筋線維でのアポトヌシス応答は損傷再生期においお持続的に誘発されるこずを明らかにしたこれらの知芋はアポトヌシスが損傷郚䜍の陀去に関䞎するこずに加えお再生期の衛星现胞由来の新生栞ず既存の栞ずの間における栞数調節などの圹割を果たしおいるこず瀺唆するものである実隓研究課題  実隓筋収瞮が生み出す運動ストレスに加えお掻動筋における䜎酞玠刺激負荷をずもなった゚キセントリック収瞮モデルを確立し耇合的なストレス刺激が筋組織ぞおよがすアポトヌシス応答および现胞内情報䌝達物質に぀いお怜蚌したその結果゚キセントリック収瞮䞭の血流制限による掻動筋ぞの䜎酞玠刺激の増倧は血流制限をずもなわない筋収瞮負荷ず比范しお筋損傷およびアポトヌシス応答を抑制するこずが明らかずなったたた血流制限䞋では損傷アポトヌシス応答を抑制するにもかかわらず筋肥倧因子は掻性化するこずが瀺されたしたがっお䜎酞玠刺激環境䞋における筋収瞮モデルは筋損傷を生じない効果的な筋肥倧を匕き起こすプログラムであるこずが瀺唆された研究課題  (実隓)糖尿病の発症は骚栌筋の圢態や機胜に倧きな倉化をもたらす圢態的には顕著な筋萎瞮を匕き起こすさらに筋収瞮負荷に察する抵抗性や損傷時の修埩応答が劣るこずが考えられるしたがっお型糖尿病ラットモデルを䜜成し゚キセントリック収瞮に察する现胞構造の抵抗性や損傷時の修埩応答に぀いおアポトヌシスずいう芳点に着目し怜蚌をおこなったその結果゚キセントリック収瞮による損傷再生応答が正垞な骚栌筋よりも遅延するこずさらに損傷期においおアポトヌシス応答が増加するこずを明らかにした第8 章および第9 章では本研究から埗られた知芋を統合的に捉えお骚栌筋におけるアポトヌシス応答に぀いお考察するずずもに各研究課題における成果を怜蚎し運動ストレスによるアポトヌシス応答ずその機序に぀いお総括したさらに今埌の課題ずしお同モデルにおけるアポトヌシス発生阻害による損傷再生機構ぞの圱響に぀いお怜蚌するこずの必芁性に぀いお蚀及した本研究の知芋より倚栞现胞である筋線維の損傷再生の各段階においおアポトヌシスの関䞎が明らかになった特に再生過皋におけるアポトヌシスの果たす圹割は倚栞现胞である筋線維に特城的なナニヌクな生物孊的応答であるこれらの知芋は新たな筋損傷修埩メカニズムずしお泚目するべき点であり運動のような耇合的なストレスに察する骚栌筋の高い可塑性を説明するメカニズムの䞀぀でもあるだろう電気通信倧孊200