4 research outputs found


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    Grey literature is one of library material types which can be accessed restrictedly by the patrons.The paradox is that grey literature contains very important information to support research andstudy. Therefore by building a digital library it is assumed both security and accessibility of users tothe grey literature content will be accomodated. Designing a digital library as an institutionalrepository for UPH by using the Zachman Framework will take a very important role in definingthe technical and normative features of an ideal digital library. In addition to, the exploration andmodification of DSpace by using Software Evolution method will also define the technical andnormative features of DSpace performance. The result of these will be compared to one another byusing a simple relevancy test procedure. The result are 90,625 % of relevancy degree on technicalfeatures and 95,7 % of relevancy degree on normative features. According to the result, it can beclaimed that a high relevancy degree is found between the pre-made architectural system of digitallibrary and the post-modification of DSpace program.Keywords: digital library, DSpace, grey literature, institutional repository, Zachman Framework

    Pengembangan Sistem Authority Control Terintegrasi Dalam Proses Bisnis Perpustakaan

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    Authority control  adalah kegiatan menetapkan, membuat, dan menggunakan istilah standar yang dipakai dalam katalog perpustakaan beserta acuannya. Sampai saat ini authority control belum banyak digunakan, padahal  authority control merupakan hal yang penting bagi perpustakaan sebagai bentuk kontrol bibliografi. Oleh karena itulah, perlu dikembangkan sebuah sistem authority control yang efektif, yang dapat dijadikan alat atau sarana bagi pustakawan dalam menentukan keseragaman akses pada katalog sehingga terdapat konsistensi dalam penentuan titik akses informasi dan untuk meningkatkan hasil temu kembali informasi. Rancangan sistem authority control dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode SDLC (System Development Life Cycle)  yang meliputi studi kelayakan, investigasi sistem,  analisis sistem, desain sistem, implementasi, serta review dan maintenance (Avison dan Fitsgerald (2006). Penelitian ini dilakukan  sampai tahap pembuatan prototipe. Fasilitas yang disediakan dalam rancangan sistem ini adalah fasilitas penelusuran dan input data yang terdiri dari tajuk subjek, tajuk nama pengarang,  dan tajuk badan korporasi.Kata Kunci: Authority Control, Perpustakaan Nasional RI, Titik Akses Informasi, Referensi Silang, Tajuk Subjek, Tajuk Nama Pengarang, Tajuk Badan Korporas

    Perancangan Next Generation OPAC Berbasis Library 2.0 (Next Generation OPAC Design Based on Library 2.0)

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    ABSTRACTLibrary catalogue is challenged by the development of web technology that produce search engines dan also has change users’ interaction with information in this Web 2.0 enviroment. Users expect to participate and collaborate in the creation of information. This study aims to create a prototype of next generation OPAC which will use users’ contribution as an enrichment to OPAC. Users can contribute information to existing bibliographic record with tagging, rating and comment. Prototype was created using Drupal 7 and tested using Black Box method. Testing results shows that this prototype can fufill all functional requirements.Keywords: next generation OPAC, Web 2.0, Library 2.0, tagging, rating, review

    Perpustakaan indonesia menghadapi era open access:bunga rampai

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    vii, 250 cm. : Ilus. : 22 cm