7 research outputs found

    Penerapan Sistem Terdistribusi Pada Together in a Single Connection (Tsc) Berbasis Web

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    Distributed system is a computer networking technology which can be hardware or software. In hardware distributed system by a collection of computers that are heterogeneous, being in the software system is distributed in the form of software that connects two applications in the form of client and server side. TSC method is a method that already existed before, which can be used increase the ranking o f a blog. Implementation distributed system for TSC using landing page as the intermediary. Landing page serves as a liaison between web applications or blogs are listed as a member to raise the ranking of a database on the application server side. When someone does click on landing page seoindonesia, will open a blog or other web members. Landing page so it can be used as a way to count the number of visitors to a blog or website, which in turn can increase the number o f page visits and 1 with 1 clickbutton seoindonesia for test in histats.com

    Perancangan Keamanan Sistem Menggunakan Algoritma Honeypot pada Aplikasi Krs Online (Studi Kasus : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto)

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    Many colleges already apply web based academic information system use internet connection, so it is need a system security to protect from attacks such as SQL Injection and Brute Force. Honeypot is a system security which devide two system that are original and fake system. Original system used by user to access academic information system that source from correct database. While fake system used to separate hacker and user. Hackers who try to enter with SQL Injection is send to fake system directly which has wrong data. This fake system seems correct and all action that was happened in will be noted on log history. When hacker try some password ese Brute Force, system will reset user password automatically. This system already test with 79 times SQL Injection and 29 times Brute Force attack. All attacks can handle nicely with honeypot algorithm

    Pendeteksi Tingkat Kebisingan Berbasis Internet Of Things sebagai Media Kontrol Kenyamanan Ruangan Perpustakaan

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    The library is a place that is used as a study and reading room, so that a comfortable place is needed from disturbances in the library building. Based on the decision of the Minister of Environment in 1996, the standard noise for library environments ranged from 45 to 55 dB. but in fact there is often a commotion caused by visitors. in this study a noise level detection system was created where the noise detection system is expected to be used as a media for comfort control in the library room. The noise level detector uses a sound sensor that is connected to Arduino.The system will be equipped with a warning system in the form of Buzzer and Warning Text sounds that will be displayed on the P10 LED Panel and equipped with Internet of Things technology that allows the supervisor or guard of the library to monitor the noise of the library room real time via Web Server. The test results show that this tool can detect noise levels in the range of at least 41 dB and a maximum of 69 dB with a deviation of 0.6 and an average error of 1.0%. the average sound intensity measured in the library room is 56.24 dB. The average percentage of the success of the system against Buzzer and Warning text warnings is equal to 97.3% and the average percentage of the success of sending data to the web server in the noise level detector is 95

    Evaluasi Sistem Pencahayaan dan Penggunaan Energi Listrik pada Lampu Sorot di Gelanggang Olah Raga Kridosono YOGYAKARTA

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    Kridosono Yogyakarta sports building is one of the sports facilities in the Kotabaru Yogyakarta. As the function of the exercise routine for this sports building is basketball and volleyball, the use at night of course uses an artificial lighting system. Artificial lighting, especially spotlights that have been installed based on information from the sports building manager, is still lacking in the sense of lack of light. For this reason, this study aims to evaluate the lighting system and calculate the use of floodlight electrical energy after and before the evaluation. The results showed that the average lighting level in the Kridosono Sports Building Yogyakarta did not meet the minimum standard of 200 Lux. Recommendations through the calculation of lighting levels obtained results of 211.2 lux and 202.75 lux. For the DIALux 4.13 simulation using a Philips BVP130 1xLED210/740 spotlight and a Philips BVP130 1 xLED172/830 spotlight, the results are 240 lux and 230 lux. The total electrical energy consumption of the floodlights before the evaluation was 752 kWh/month and after being re-planned by replacing the spotlights using Philips BVP130 1xLED172/830 of 678.3 kWh/month so as to save electrical energy by 9.8% and using Philips BVP130 spotlights 1xLED210/740 electricity consumption is 670kWh/month so that it saves electrical energy by 10.9%

    Analisis Pemodelan Dinamik Motor Sinkron Tiga Fasa pada Percobaan Tegangan Tidak Seimbang

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    The problem that often arises lately in electrical motors is the occurrence of voltage imbalances. Unbalanced voltage is an unequal voltage value in a three-phase voltage system contained in an electric power system. On the basis of these problems, it is necessary to conduct research that can analyze the dynamics of the performance of synchronous motors. The frame of reference theory is used to analyze the performance of both synchronous and induction motors. This study implements the modeling of the transformation on the natural axis abc and the transformation on the dq0 axis of the stator and rotor variables in the coordinates of the reference frame. The results of this study indicate that the voltage imbalance from 1% to 5% at the electromagnetic torque has decreased from 8.5 Nm to 6 Nm, the stator current in one phase has increased from 44.2 amperes to 45.2 amperes, the motor rotation speed has decreased from 1820 rpm to 1570 rpm, motor output power decreased from 25550.05 watts to 18968.45 watts, and power efficiency decreased from 98.24% to 82.43%

    Radio Transmission Detection Using Doppler in UHF Frequency Band

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    The direction finder of a radio transmitter is a device that functions to find and determine the direction of a radio transmitter that works in the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band. UHF frequency used is in the range of 420 - 440 MHz. The concept of Doppler radio is used as a method to determine the direction a radio transmitter is located. Radio Doppler use four receiving antennas which are installed at a certain distance so that it can produce a difference in frequency (Doppler) on each radio antenna because of the difference in the angle of the detected signal. The direction of the incoming signal will be displayed on a set of 16 LEDs and each LED will represent the direction of the incoming angle of 22.5 degrees. The detected frequencies are 422,580 MHz and 429,980 MHz originating from the UHF transmitter with 100mW of power and amplified with a radio frequency amplifier of 3 Watts power. The results show that the frequency of 429,980 MHz was detected with a maximum detectable distance of 1500 meters. The frequency of 422,580 can be detected with a maximum distance of 800 meters. This radio direction finder is can be used to find radio signal in UHF band frequency 420-440 MHz. The direction of the radio transmitter location is simply show in group of led's as a direction detector