44,981 research outputs found

    Floor-fractured crater models of the Sudbury structure, Canada

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    The Sudbury structure in Ontario, Canada, is one of the oldest and largest impact structures recognized in the geological record. It is also one of the most extensively deformed and volcanically modified impact structures on Earth. Although few other terrestrial craters are recognized as volcanically modified, numerous impact craters on the Moon have been volcanically and tectonically modified and provide possible analogs for the observed pattern of modification at Sudbury. We correlate the pattern of early deformation at Sudbury to fracture patterns in two alternative lunar analogs and then use these analogs both to estimate the initial size of the Sudbury structure and to model the nature of early crater modification at Sudbury

    The Sudbury-Serenitatis analogy and 'so-called' pristine nonmare rocks

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    The Serenitatis Basin is the one lunar basin from which we confidently identify a suite of samples as pieces of the impact melt sheet: the distinctive Apollo 17 noritic breccias. Recent studies of the Sudbury Complex indicate that its 'irruptive' is almost entirely of impact-melt origin, making it the closest terrestrial analog to the Serenitatis melt sheet. Any attempt to model the evolution of the Moon's crust should be compatible with the relatively well-understood Sudbury Complex. However, the Sudbury-Moon analogy might be a misleading oversimplification, if applied too rigidly. The cause of evolutionary differences between the Serenitatis impact melt and the Sudbury impact melt is discussed

    Sudbury project (University of Muenster-Ontario Geological Survey): New investigations on Sudbury breccia

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    Sudbury breccias occur as discordant dike breccias within the footwall rocks of the Sudbury structure, which is regarded as the possible remnant of a multiring basin. Exposures of Sudbury breccias in the North Range are known up to a radial distance of 60-80 km from the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC). The breccias appear more frequent within a zone of 10 km adjacent to the SIC and a further zone located about 20-33 km north of the structure. From differences in the structure of the breccias, as for example the size of the breccia dikes, contact relationships between breccia and country rock as well as between different breccia dikes, fragment content, and fabric of the ground mass, as seen in this section, the Sudbury Breccias have been classified into four different types. (1) Early breccias with a clastic/crystalline matrix comprise small dikes ranging in size from approx. 1 cm to max. 20 cm. (2) Polymict breccias with a clastic matrix represent the most common type of Sudbury breccia. The thickness of the dikes varies from several tens of centimeters to a few meters but can also extend to more than 100 m in the case of the largest known breccia dike. Contacts with country rock are sharp or gradational. Heterogenous matrix consisting of a fine-grained rock flour displays nonoriented textures as well as extreme flow lines. Chemical analysis substantiates at least some mixing with allochthonous material. (3) Breccias with a crystalline matrix are a subordinate type of Sudbury breccia. According to petrographical and chemical differences, three subtypes have been separated. (4) Late breccias with a clastic matrix are believed to represent the latest phase of brecciation. Two subtypes have been distinguished due to differences in the fragment content

    A comparison of the chemistry of pseudotachylyte breccias in the Archean Levack Gneisses of the Sudbury structure, Ontario

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    The Archean Levack Gneisses of the North Range host millimeter-thick veins and centimeter-thick lenses of pseudotachylyte, as well as substantially larger meter-wide, dykelike bodies of pseudotachylytic 'breccia'. The 'breccia' occurs up to several tens of kilometers away from the Sudbury Igneous Complex and is commonly sited within or near joints and other natural weaknesses such as bedding, dyke contacts, and lithological boundaries. The larger 'breccia' dykes comprise a generally dark matrix containing rounded to subrounded and occasionally angular rock fragments derived predominantly from Levack Gneiss. Selected samples of bulk Sudbury Breccia and Sudbury Breccia matrices were chemically analyzed and compared to existing data on the Levack Gneisses and Sudbury Breccia. The matrices are apparently enriched in Fe and, to a lesser extent, Mg, Ti, and Ca compared to the wallrocks and the majority of clasts. This enrichment can be partly explained by the preferential cataclasis and/or frictional melting of hydrous ferromagnesian wallrock minerals, but also appear to require contamination by more basic exotic lithologies. This suggests that certain components of pseudotachylitic Sudbury Breccia have undergone significant transport during their formation

    Impact origin of the Sudbury structure: Evolution of a theory

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    This paper reviews the origin, development, and present status of the widely accepted theory, proposed by Robert S. Dietz in 1962, that the Sudbury structure was formed by meteoritic or asteroidal impact. The impact theory for the origin of the Sudbury structure seems supported by a nearly conclusive body of evidence. However, even assuming an impact origin to be correct, at least three major questions require further study: (1) the original size and shape of the crater, before tectonic deformation and erosion; (2) the source of the melt now forming the Sudbury Igneous Complex; and (3) the degree, if any, to which the Ni-Cu-platinum group elements are meteoritic. The history of the impact theory illustrates several under-appreciated aspects of scientific research: (1) the importance of cross-fertilization between space research and terrestrial geology; (2) the role of the outsider in stimulating thinking by insiders; (3) the value of small science, at least in the initial stages of an investigation, Dietz's first field work having been at his own expense; and (4) the value of analogies (here, between the Sudbury Igneous Complex and the maria), which although incorrect in major aspects, may trigger research on totally new lines. Finally, the Sudbury story illustrates the totally unpredictable and, by implication, unplannable nature of basic research, in that insight to the origin of the world's then-greatest Ni deposit came from the study of tektites and the Moon

    Constraints on Two-Body Axial Currents from Reactor Antineutrino-Deuteron Breakup Reactions

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    We discuss how to reduce theoretical uncertainties in the neutrino-deuteron breakup cross-sections crucial to the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory's efforts to measure the solar neutrino flux. In effective field theory, the dominant uncertainties in all neutrino-deuteron reactions can be expressed through a single, common, isovector axial two-body current parameterized by L1,AL_{1,A}. After briefly reviewing the status of fixing L1,AL_{1,A} experimentally, we present a constraint on L1,AL_{1,A} imposed by existing reactor antineutrino-deuteron breakup data. This constraint alone leads to an uncertainty of 6-7% at 7 MeV neutrino energy in the cross-sections relevant to the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory. However, more significantly for the Sudbury experiment, the constraint implies an uncertainty of only 0.7% in the ratio of charged to neutral current cross-sections used to verify the existence of neutrino oscillations, at the same energy. This is the only direct experimental constraint from the two-body system, to date, of the uncertainty in these cross-sections.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, uses RevTeX 4, one additional reference added. Some points clarified in response to referee report. To be published in Physics Letters

    Imaging radar investigations of the Sudbury structure

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    This paper reports preliminary results of airborne imaging radar studies of the Sudbury structure carried out in preparation for a CCRS European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS-1) investigation. The data used were synthetic aperture radar (SAR) C-band (5.66 cm) images acquired from about 6 km altitude in 1987. They cover the Sudbury area in both wide and narrow swath modes, with east-west flight paths and north-south illumination directions. Narrow swath resolution is 6 m in range and azimuth; wide swath resolution is 20 m in range and 10 m in azimuth. The STAR imagery has proven highly effective for field use, providing excellent rendition of topography and topographically expressed structure. Reasons for this include the illumination geometry, notably the look azimuth normal to the long axis of the Sudbury structure and Penokean fold axes, the good spatial resolution, and the short wavelength. Forested areas in the Sudbury area tend to be uniformly rough at C-band wavelength, with backscatter dominated by local incidence angle (i.e., topography). Field work using the SAR imagery has to date been concentrated in the North Range and Superior Province as far north as the Benny greenstone belt. This area was chosen for initial investigation of the original size and shape of the Sudbury structure because the effects of the Penokean Orogeny were minimal there. Field work using SAR indicates that there has been little postimpact deformation of the North Range or adjacent Superior Province rock. There appears to be no evidence for an outer ring concentric with the North Range as indicated by early Landsat imagery. The apparent ring shown by Landsat is visible on the SAR imagery as the intersection of two regional fracture patterns not related to the Sudbury structure. There is no outer ring visible southwest of the structure. This can reasonably be explained by Penokean deformation, but there is no outer ring to the northeast cutting the relatively undeformed Huronian sediments of the Cobalt Embayment

    What can the Falkland Islands tell us about Diphthong Shift?

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    Sudbury project (University of Muenster-Ontario Geological Survey): Field studies 1984-1989 - summary of results

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    In cooperation between the Ontario Geological Survey and the Institute of Geology and Institute of Planetology, geological, petrological, and geochemical studies were carried out on impact-related phenomena of the Sudbury structure during the last decade. The main results of the field studies are briefly reviewed. Footwall rocks, sublayer, and lower sections of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC) were mainly mapped and sampled in the northern (Levack Township) and western (Trillabelle and Sultana Properties) parts of the north range. Within these mapping areas Sudbury Breccias (SB) and Footwall Breccias (FB) were studied; SB were also investigated along extended profiles beyond the north and south ranges up to 55 km from the SIC. The Onaping Formation (OF) and the upper section of the SIC were studied both in the north range (Morgan and Dowling Townships) and in the southern east range (Capreol and McLennan Townships)

    Noril'sk/Siberian plateau basalts and Bahama hot spot: Impact triggered?

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    Twenty-eight years after one of us argued that Sudbury was an astrobleme, this interpretation has only recently attained wide acceptance; not so for the view that the Sudbury Cu/Ni sulfide ores are cosmogenic. Other research has provided the triggering of plateau basalts by super-large impacts a modicum of respectability. The recent apparent successful tying in of the K/T extinctions to the Chicxulub astrobleme in the Yucatan encourages the search for an impact event that may have caused the other two major post-Paleozoic extinctions (P/Tr, Tr/J). This gives us heart to offer two further outrageous hypotheses. The cosmogenic concept for the Sudbury ore deposite remains viable because it is giant, nonultramafic, and unique (except for Noril'sk). The Triassic/Jurassic boundary catastrophic extinctions have been attributed to the Manicouagan asteroidal impact, but recent radiometric dating indicates these events are diachronous (Manicouagan astrobleme 212 +/- 2 Ma and Tr/J boundary 200 Ma)
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