3 research outputs found

    Kajian Performa Passive Residual Heat Removal System (PRHRS) pada System-Integrated Advanced Modular Reactor (SMART)

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    SMART (System-Integrated Advanced Modular Reactor) merupakan desain reaktor multifungsi Generasi III+ tipe SMR (Small Modular Reactor) yang dikembangkan oleh KAERI (Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute) dengan kapabilitas produksi listrik 107 MWe dan energi termal 365 MWt. Sistem SMART meliputi berbagai fitur keselamatan untuk mengatasi LOCA (Loss of Coolant Accident) dan skenario kecelakaan lainnya. Salah satu dari fitur tersebut adalah Passive Residual Heat Removal System (PRHRS) atau sistem pembuang sisa panas pasif yang bekerja tanpa membutuhkan sumber daya elektrik. Sistem ini bekerja sesuai dengan prinsip sirkulasi alam sehingga bergantung pada aspek termal, tekanan, dan pengaruhnya terhadap aliran massa. Ketiga aspek tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kapabilitas pembuangan panas pada sistem. Data performa PRHRS reaktor SMART pada beberapa kondisi kecelakaan yang diperoleh melalui studi eksperimental maupun simulasi termohidrolika dianalisis pada kajian ini. Hasil analisis menunjukkan unjuk kerja pembuangan sisa panas yang baik oleh PRHRS SMART dengan waktu aktuasi yang tepat dan pendinginan yang stabil. Dengan kapabilitas multifungsi dan kemampuan pendinginan yang baik pada berbagai skenario kecelakaan, SMART memiliki potensi tinggi untuk kelak diterapkan di Indonesia

    Development of respirator design for children using bamboo-based activated carbon filter and bipolar ionization

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    This paper proposes a respirator for children integrated with bamboo-based activated carbon filters and bipolar ionization as the sterilizer to increase protection from Covid-19 and other pathogens. The respirator, named as Bion-Kids, was designed based on the children's head-and-face anthropometry from direct measurement. The duration of sterilization process is controlled based on the activities, which are classified using the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model with dataset acquired from the accelerometer. Manufacturing process of the main body prototype comprises heat bending and 3D printing. The bamboo-based activated carbon filter was synthesized by applying heat and pressure at the strewed activated carbon particles on the N95 filter. Observation using scanning electron microscope showed the ability of the bamboo-based activated carbon filter to adsorb and trap the particles. Result of the qualitative fit test and questionnaire survey indicated that Bion-Kids is suitable and comfortable for the children's face. The result of filtration and bipolar ionization sterilization system analysis have also met the ISO14698 standard by not showing any infiltration of microorganisms on the blood agar media. This device may become an early-stage personal protective equipment against the transmission of Covid-19 and other pathogens

    Experimental Study of a Tubular Solar Distillation System with Heat Exchanger Using a Parabolic Trough Collector

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    One way to overcome the scarcity of clean water through sustainable approach is by utilizing a solar distillation system. This easy-to-use technology is adopting tubular solar distillation. The three main components, which are the most essential for producing the amount of permeate, are the solar collector, tubular and heat exchanger (HE). This study aims to determine the performance of a tubular solar distillation device equipped with HE using a parabolic trough collector (PTC). The PTC has an area of 5.1 m2 covered with a solar reflective chrome film. Aluminum tubular acts as the feedwater heater. The HE is placed inside the tubular, which acts as a coolant to convert the steam phase into freshwater/permeate and as a feedwater heater to flow into the tubular. In the present study, several parameters were tested: comprise temperature, solar radiation, pressure, humidity, mass flow rate, permeate productivity and efficiency. This study demonstrated the production of a sufficient amount of permeate, which was 5.32 L for 6 h. The efficiency of this device yielded a peak of 48.2% during solar radiation of 813 W/m2 in an average ambient temperature of 32 °C, with an overall average of 44.59%