286 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Grafik Pengendali Moving Average Dan Geometric Moving Average Pada Data Berkelompok

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    Untuk mengetahui proses produksi sudah memenuhi standar mutu dapat menggunakan grafik pengendali mutu. Pemilihan dan penggunaan metode pengendali mutu yang benar akan menghasilkan keputusan yang optimal. Dalam tulisan ini akan dibandingkan dua metode untuk Perubahan nilai yang kecil, yaitu grafik pengendali moving average dan grafik pengendali geometric moving average pada masalah kekentalan cat. Dengan mengetahui sifat-sifat yang dihasilkan oleh masing-masing grafik tersebut dan membandingkannya, maka dapat dipilih salah satu dari metode tersebut lebih baik dari metode lainnya. Sehingga metode yang lebih baik itu diharapkan dipakai pada masalah yang serupa, agar didapat keputusan yang lebih akurat

    Kontribusi USAha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah(umkm) dalam Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Depok

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    Penelitian ini mencoba mengetahui sampai seberapa besar Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah(UMKM) di Depok dapat menyerap tenaga kerja dan Kebijakan-kebijakan apa yang dapat diambil dalam rangka pemberdayaan UMKM agar dapat menyerap tenaga kerja lebih banyak. Penduduk depok pada tahun 2011 mencapai 1.756.565 orang ,terdiri dari 879.325 orang laki-laki dan 857.240 orang perempuan. Dari jumlah tersebut di atas yang masuk angkatan kerja mencapai 730.924 orang atau hanya 41%, itu berarti sekitar 59 persen terdiri anak-anak, remaja dan orang lanjut usia. Dari jumlah angkatan kerja yang mencapai 730.924 orang, yang dapat diserap oleh pasar tenaga kerja hanya sebesar 657.050, itu berartai terdapat pengangguran sebesar 73.874 orang atau mencapai 10%, Kemampuan UMKM di Depok Menyerap keseluruhan angkatan kerja sebesar 534.500 orang atau sekitar 73 %. Permasalahan yang paling banyak dihadapi oleh pengusaha UKM adalah masalah kurangnya modal, yakni sebesar 45%, disusul kemudian masalah kurang terampilnya sumber daya manusia, masalah bahan baku juga termasuk permasalahan serius, ini menempati tingkat permasalahan rangking tiga, yakni sebesar 4%. Masalah lainya seperti persaingan, lokasi, perijinan, pemasaran dan lain-lain merupakan permasalahan berikutnya yang sering dihadapi oleh pengusaha UK

    Karakteristik Umur Produk Pada Model Weibull

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    Long life of product can reflect its quality. Generally, good products have long life. There are functions that relationship with life as reliability function, hazard rate function, mean time to failure, and mean residual life. In this writing those functions be used to product which has the failure time of a component is distributed Weibull. The reliability function is exponential function. For value θ is constant, the reliability value is decrease function, if γ is greather with respect to time. Meanwhile hazard rate function could be monotone increase function, constant function, monotone decrease function, if doing by simulation with shape parameter by one. Really, the mean time to failure product hang on Weibull distribution parameters. But the mean residual life is reciprocal with respect to its reliability

    Pertidaksamaan Azuma Pada Martingale Untuk Menentukan Supremum Peluang

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    Counting probability a two-tailed hypothesis determine level of the significance. This case follows positive and negative random variables. So that the probability distribution is a symmetric. The probability will be counted by Azuma inequality on martingales. The lowest upper bound is a decay exponential function. It is determined in some a, n, m, and e value by a simulation. The conclusion of this paper is that the random variable value is higher than the probability value (supremum) is lower, vise versa. Therefore, Its property is same as the distribution function

    Grafik Pengendali Ragam Sampel untuk Monitoring Variabilitas Proses Produksi

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    The control chart is a graphical display or a quality characteristic that has been measured or computed from a sample versus the sample number or time. The variance chart is used to monitoring variability of production process. It is an altenative way to check variability process rather than R chart or s chart. The problems will be done are find the parameters of variance chart, predict process capability, verify defect per million opportunities (DPMO) of process result and simulation kinds of shift sigma values. This result could be used as information to production process at the future time. The result of discussion that upper conrol limit = 0.0014, center line = 0.00073, lower control limit = 0.00028, process capability = 1.003 and DPMO = 2,620 part per million. These parameters used for information in the next production process

    Analisis Pemilihan Karir Mahasiswa Akuntansi yang Mengikuti Magang untuk Berkarir di Bidang Akuntansi (Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa Program D3 Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Diponegoro)

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    The purpose of this study is to analyse the accountancy student's career choice after completing an internship to pursue career in accountancy. This study use job attributes, person-job fit, and person-organization fit as independent variable, then analyzed that affection to person-career fit as dependent variable. The population of this study was the accounting student's diploma programs of economics and business faculty at diponegoro university. The research data collection using questionnaire survey. The sampling method are purposive sampling. The criteria are the students must be completing their internship. The sample used in this study was 72 samples. Structural Equation Modelling—Partial Least Square used to be statistical analysis. The results of this study indicate that person-organization fit had direct effect to person-career fit. Another results are person-organization fit affect person-career fit through job attributes. This study also find out that person-organization fit affect person-career fit through person-job fit

    Evaluasi Sistem Pembelian Sparepart ( Studi Kasus pada PT. Kalimantan Prima Persada Tahun 2011)

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    PT. Kalimantan Prima Persada Site Rantau is one of the coal mines in South Kalimantan, precisely in the village Sabah district Rantau. The Company has various Divisions, on of that is a Inventory division (Inventory) which is at the Logistic. Inventory in the company\u27s goal is to minimize the breakdown unit (stop or can not operate anymore) and to minimize the funds of the company.This study aims to determine the deviations in the sparepart inventory purchase, transaction procedure and to determine the effectiveness of internal control system of the purchase system in PT. Kalimantan Prima Persada. The form of testing used in this study is testing the internal control system of internal control of spareparts inventory purchases PT. Kalimantan Prima Persada in 2011 by using the method of attributte sampling. Which is the method of quantitative tools Fixed Sample Size Attributte Sampling. The types of data collected in this study is documentary data. Purchase data as the main document and permit and also the supporting document such as Recommended Order and Purchase Ordet data.This study has shown that the activity of the Internal Control Structure Inventory Purchases Sparepart PT. Kalimantan Prima Persada whole has gone well and effectively (AUPL < DUPL, AUPL =3 %, DUPL =5%)
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