2 research outputs found

    Kekuatan Hukum Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Menerbitkan Keputusan (Beschikking) Dihubungkan dengan Penerapan Asas Praesumptio Iustae Causa

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    Executant of local governmentin carrying out their duties, authorities, obligations and responsibilities and because of higher legislation authority can establish regional policy which is defined in local regulation, regional regulation and other local conditions. The publishing of regional head decreerelated to arrangement the cost of Land and Building Tax as arulein terms of implementation for using the Land and Building Tax isunder the authority of Subang district Government .Accordingly, this study focused on the problem: (1)How is the power of Subang district decreeNo. 973/Kep.604-Dipenda/2005 about BP-PBB in Subang district associated with the praesumptio iustae causa. This research obtained through normative juridical approach. The nature of study for this research is descriptive analysis. Based on this research we can conclude that: first, Subang District Decree No.973/Kep.604-Dipenda/2005 About BP-PBB in Subang district eligible formal andmaterial requirements for making a decision, so the decision is validaccording to the lawandit can produce the principle of praesumptio iustae causa. Keywords: Policy, Government, Regions, Decisio

    Membangun Sistem Politik yang Tidak Rentan Korupsi (Perspektif Perubahan Budaya Versus Perubahan Sistem)

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    The change of system in this Republic is not necessarily followed by cultural change (behavioral culture) of society and apparatus. The conception of the state of welfare state law can not be felt maximally by the society, given the amount of state money lost due to acts of corruption committed by a handful of people. Law enforcement efforts against corruption must go hand in hand with efforts to change the behavior patterns of people who are happy to commit acts of corruption. The research problem is how to build a political system that is not vulnerable to corruption (Perspective of Cultural Change (Culture) Versus System Change (Structural)). The research methodology used is normative legal research (Doctrinal Reseach). The conclusions obtained include: apart from strengthening the system in the form of institutional strengthening and legislation, strengthening the efforts of preventing corruption through the improvement of anti-corruption community behavior must go hand in hand. Efforts to eradicate corruption from the aspect of behavior change is not an easy thing, but it takes a long time since the changed is the behavior of the society that has been entrenched. The approach to behavioral change in society of corruption perceptions should be changed by building a new perception that corruption is an act that can be very harmful to the state and society. Keywords: Corruption, System, Culture   Perubahan sistem di Republik ini tidak serta merta diikuti dengan Perubahan kultural (budaya perilaku) masyarakat dan aparat. Konsepsi negara hukum welfare state belum dapat dirasakan secara maksimal oleh masyarakat, mengingat banyaknya uang negara yang hilang akibat tindakan korupsi yang dilakukan oleh segelintir orang. Upaya penegakkan hukum terhadap tindak pidana korupsi harus berjalan beriringan dengan upaya merubah pola perilaku masyarakat yang senang dalam melakukan tindakan korupsi. Permasalahan penelitian adalah bagaimana Membangun Sistem Politik yang Tidak Rentan Korupsi (Perspektif Perubahan Budaya  (Kultural) Versus Perubahan Sistem (Struktural)). Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif (Doctrinal Reseach). Kesimpulan yang diperoleh antara lain; selain dari penguatan sistem berupa penguatan kelembagaan dan peraturan Perundang-undangan, penguatan terhadap upaya pencegahan korupsi melalui pembenahan perilaku masyarakat yang anti korupsi harus berjalan beriringan. Upaya memberantas korupsi dari aspek Perubahan perilaku masyarakat bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah, akan tetapi membutuhkan waktu yang lama mengingat yang dirubah adalah perilaku masyarakat yang sudah membudaya. Pendekatan Perubahan perilaku masyarakat akan persepsi korupsi semestinya dirubah dengan membangun persepsi baru bahwa korupsi adalah perbuatan yang sangat dapat merugikan negara dan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Korupsi, Sistem, Buday