21 research outputs found

    The Impact of Lateral Gene Transfer in Chlamydia

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    Lateral gene transfer (LGT) facilitates many processes in bacterial ecology and pathogenesis, especially regarding pathogen evolution and the spread of antibiotic resistance across species. The obligate intracellular chlamydiae, which cause a range of diseases in humans and animals, were historically thought to be highly deficient in this process. However, research over the past few decades has demonstrated that this was not the case. The first reports of homologous recombination in the Chlamydiaceae family were published in the early 1990s. Later, the advent of whole-genome sequencing uncovered clear evidence for LGT in the evolution of the Chlamydiaceae, although the acquisition of tetracycline resistance in Chlamydia (C.) suis is the only recent instance of interphylum LGT. In contrast, genome and in vitro studies have shown that intraspecies DNA exchange occurs frequently and can even cross species barriers between closely related chlamydiae, such as between C. trachomatis, C. muridarum, and C. suis. Additionally, whole-genome analysis led to the identification of various DNA repair and recombination systems in C. trachomatis, but the exact machinery of DNA uptake and homologous recombination in the chlamydiae has yet to be fully elucidated. Here, we reviewed the current state of knowledge concerning LGT in Chlamydia by focusing on the effect of homologous recombination on the chlamydial genome, the recombination machinery, and its potential as a genetic tool for Chlamydia

    Interrogating Genes That Mediate Chlamydia trachomatis Survival in Cell Culture Using Conditional Mutants and Recombination

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    Intracellular bacterial pathogens in the family Chlamydiaceae are causes of human blindness, sexually transmitted disease, and pneumonia. Genetic dissection of the mechanisms of chlamydial pathogenicity has been hindered by multiple limitations, including the inability to inactivate genes that would prevent the production of elementary bodies. Many genes are also Chlamydia-specific genes, and chlamydial genomes have undergone extensive reductive evolution, so functions often cannot be inferred from homologs in other organisms. Conditional mutants have been used to study essential genes of many microorganisms, so we screened a library of 4,184 ethyl methanesulfonate-mutagenized Chlamydia trachomatis isolates for temperature-sensitive (TS) mutants that developed normally at physiological temperature (37°C) but not at nonphysiological temperatures. Heat-sensitive TS mutants were identified at a high frequency, while cold-sensitive mutants were less common. Twelve TS mutants were mapped using a novel markerless recombination approach, PCR, and genome sequencing. TS alleles of genes that play essential roles in other bacteria and chlamydia-specific open reading frames (ORFs) of unknown function were identified. Temperature-shift assays determined that phenotypes of the mutants manifested at distinct points in the developmental cycle. Genome sequencing of a larger population of TS mutants also revealed that the screen had not reached saturation. In summary, we describe the first approach for studying essential chlamydial genes and broadly applicable strategies for genetic mapping in Chlamydia spp. and mutants that both define checkpoints and provide insights into the biology of the chlamydial developmental cycle. IMPORTANCE: Study of the pathogenesis of Chlamydia spp. has historically been hampered by a lack of genetic tools. Although there has been recent progress in chlamydial genetics, the existing approaches have limitations for the study of the genes that mediate growth of these organisms in cell culture. We used a genetic screen to identify conditional Chlamydia mutants and then mapped these alleles using a broadly applicable recombination strategy. Phenotypes of the mutants provide fundamental insights into unexplored areas of chlamydial pathogenesis and intracellular biology. Finally, the reagents and approaches we describe are powerful resources for the investigation of these organisms

    Genomics and Chlamydial Persistence In Vivo

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    Rifalazil Pretreatment of Mammalian Cell Cultures Prevents Subsequent Chlamydia Infection

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    Chlamydia species are widely disseminated obligate intracellular pathogens that primarily cause urogenital, ocular, and respiratory infections. In these studies, we show that exposing mammalian cells to antibacterial agents prior to Chlamydia inoculation protects the host cells against subsequent challenge by chlamydiae (the protective effect [PE]). Rifalazil exhibited a considerably stronger PE than did azithromycin, rifampin, doxycycline, and ofloxacin. Specifically, 0.002 μg/ml rifalazil incubated for 1 day with a monolayer of McCoy cells was sufficient to protect against a challenge 2 days later with Chlamydia trachomatis serovar D (UW-3). The PE was observed with five different mammalian cell lines and with a variety of C. trachomatis and Chlamydia pneumoniae isolates. The duration of the PE was 6 to 12 days for rifalazil (depending on the cell line), a maximum of 3 days for azithromycin, and less than a day for the other drugs tested. For rifalazil, the PE was shown to be mediated by inhibition of the chlamydial RNA polymerase since mutants with altered RNA polymerases had correspondingly altered PEs. These results suggest that rifalazil may be unique in its ability to prevent infection with obligate intracellular pathogens for a considerable time after treatment. This characteristic may be of particular public health value in reducing reinfection with chlamydiae

    Rifampin-Resistant RNA Polymerase Mutants of Chlamydia trachomatis Remain Susceptible to the Ansamycin Rifalazil

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    Stable, homotypic mutants of Chlamydia trachomatis for which MICs of rifampin and rifalazil are elevated were isolated by serial passage at sub-MIC concentrations of these compounds. An alternative approach, in which Chlamydia cells were incubated and subsequently passaged three times, all in the presence of the selective agent at concentrations above the MIC, appeared to be a more effective means of selecting for mutants. In every instance where an elevation in the MIC occurred, one or more mutations in the rpoB gene, encoding the rifampin binding site, were detected. With one exception, all rpoB mutants that contained a single mutation conferred lower levels of resistance than mutants containing multiple mutations. Some rpoB mutations conferred very high levels of resistance to rifampin, up to 512 μg/ml. In all cases, mutants remained susceptible to concentrations of rifalazil at or below 0.064 μg/ml. Thus, rifalazil, a compound that is extremely potent against Chlamydia wild-type cells (MIC of 0.00025 μg/ml), may also protect against the selection of mutants at physiologically achievable concentrations