27 research outputs found

    Mapping of potential sea-cage farming sites through spatial modelling: Preliminary operative suggestions to aid sustainable mariculture expansion in India

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    Sea cage farming in marine open waters is considered as the most viable technique in Indian mariculture to enhance production. Owing to the support of the government in research and development, and policy initiatives, marine cage farming is progressing steadily in the country. Technological guidance from research institutions and financing under the ambitious “Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)” and blue growth mission objectives have inspired stakeholders and fisheries administrators in maritime states to explore open sea cage culture. Site selection is a key parameter affecting the success of cage culture systems and, technically analysed geo-referenced demarcation of spatial information is necessary for minimising the risks. Thus, in the light of rising demand for spatial allocation of coastal areas, the present study identifies and aggregates locations within 3 km of the coastline, that have the potential for sea cage farming operations in the country. The site suitability was examined based on optimal standards required for the prospective candidate species selected for mariculture in India. The locations were vectorised in a GIS platform, and the potential areas available for sea cage installations were demarcated. An optimised site suitability schema was developed for the spatial demarcation of potential site selection.The preliminary results identified 134 sites covering a total area of 46,823.2 ha suitable for marine cage culture along Indian territorial waters. Among the coastal states, the top three states holding the maximum area suitable for sea cage farming are Andhra Pradesh (11,792 ha), Gujarat (11,572.2 ha) and Tamil Nadu (7,673 ha). It is envisaged that spatial suitability demarcation even on this pilot scale will accelerate the expansion of sea cage farming in the country

    Gravity Venting of the Left Ventricle: A Useful Adjunct

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    Venting of the left ventricle helps in decompressing the heart and improves visibility during surgery. Venting may be performed by direct cannulation of the left ventricle or the pulmonary veins. It may also be performed indirectly from the aortic root or pulmonary artery. We describe a method of left ventricular venting, by gravity, using the venous return of the heart

    Recent Development in Carbon-LiFePO<sub>4</sub> Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Mini Review

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    Li-ion batteries are in demand due to technological advancements in the electronics industry; thus, expanding the battery supply chain and improving its electrochemical performance is crucial. Carbon materials are used to increase the cyclic stability and specific capacity of cathode materials, which are essential to batteries. LiFePO4 (LFP) cathodes are generally safe and have a long cycle life. However, the common LFP cathode has a low inherent conductivity, and adding a carbon nanomaterial significantly influences how well it performs electrochemically. Therefore, the major focus of this review is on the importance, current developments, and future possibilities of carbon-LFP (C-LFP) cathodes in LIBs. Recent research on the impacts of different carbon sizes, LFP’s shape, diffusion, bonding, additives, dopants, and surface functionalization was reviewed. Overall, with suitable modifications, C-LFP cathodes are expected to bring many benefits to the energy storage sector in the forthcoming years

    Silica-coated Mn-doped ZnS nanocrystals for cancer theranostics

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    Doped nanocrystals such as manganese-doped zinc sulfide (ZnS:Mn) are useful nanomedicine probes for cancer cell labeling and anticancer drug delivery. However, the synthesis and retention of fluorescence of these nanocrystals is highly indispensable for efficient cell theranostics. Herein, we report a modified synthesis of highly fluorescent hydrophobic ZnS:Mn nanocrystals with the advent of dual ligands. Our results demonstrate that the alkylamine ligand with the carbon chain length of C18 promotes the diffusion of Mn from the surface into the interior of ZnS nanocrystals. Optical measurements show that the quantum yield of Mn (QYMn) can reach as high as 80% in the presence of a dual ligand combination of oleylamine-octadecylamine because of the increased probability of 4T1→ 6A1emission, originating from the energy transfer of ligated nanocrystals. These doped nanocrystals after ligand exchange of organic ligands with glutathione exhibited a high retention of quantum yield (QY: ~50-60%), and further coating with silica showed the QY of ~35-40%. Finally, we show the application of these doped nanocrystals for cancer theranostics such as HeLa cell labeling and anti-cancer drug delivery.Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)We acknowledge funding from the Joint Council Office, A*STAR, Singapore (grant no. JCOAG03-FG03). We thank the core facilities (XRD, TEM) support staff at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE, Singapore). E.H.A. and S.T.S. acknowledge the National Institution of Education (NIE) and LKC School of Medicine NTU, respectively, for their support in completing and publishing this work

    Charge generation and recombination in diketopyrrolopyrrole polymer: Fullerene bulk heterojunctions studied by transient absorption and time-resolved microwave conductivity

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    Charge generation and recombination dynamics in organic photovoltaic bulk heterojunction films comprising the donor polymer, PDPP-TNT (poly{3,6-dithiophene-2-yl-2,5-di(2-octyldodecyl)-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione-alt-naphthalene}), blended with the fullerene acceptor, PC71BM ([6,6]-phenyl C71-butyric acid methyl ester), have been studied. The charge-carrier generation process was studied using femtosecond transient absorption, and it was found that the efficiency of charge generation is not dominated by geminate recombination but rather is limited by exciton diffusion in the films. Highly sensitive nanosecond transient absorption (ns-TA) and time-resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC) were used to study charge recombination. From ns-TA measurements, we obtained a recombination rate constant of 1 × 10–9 cm3 s–1 and found that charge recombination is limited by the diffusion of charge carriers (Langevin-type recombination). TRMC signals were comparable with ns-TA on shorter time scales. However, in contrast with ns-TA, the TRMC signal contained an additional long-lived component. The fast decay on shorter time scales is attributed to the recombination of the majority of the charge carriers. The long-lived component is assigned to a small population of charge carriers with high mobility, suggesting they are located in isolated, crystalline domains within the bulk heterojunction. These findings are discussed in relation to the morphology of the blend film, fluorescence quenching properties, and device performance including photoinduced charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage (PhotoCELIV) measurements described in our previous publications

    Excited-state dynamics in diketopyrrolopyrrole-based copolymer for organic photovoltaics investigated by transient optical spectroscopy

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    We investigate the photoexcited state dynamics in a donor-acceptor copolymer, poly{3,6-dithiophene-2-yl-2,5-di(2-octyldodecyl)-pyrrolo[3,4-c]- pyrrole-1,4-dione-alt-naphthalene} (pDPP-TNT), by picosecond fluorescence and femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopies. Timeresolved fluorescence lifetime measurements of pDPP-TNT thin films reveal that the lifetime of the singlet excited state is 185 ± 5 ps and that singlet-singlet annihilation occurs at excitation photon densities above 6 × 1017 photons/cm3. From the results of singlet-singlet annihilation analysis, we estimate that the single-singlet annihilation rate constant is (6.0 ± 0.2) × 109cm3 s-1 and the singlet diffusion length is -7 nm. From the comparison of femtosecond transient absorption measurements and picosecond fluorescence measurements, it is found that the time profile of the photobleaching signal in the charge-transfer (CT) absorption band coincides with that of the fluorescence intensity and there is no indication of long-lived species, which clearly suggests that charged species, such as polaron pairs and triplet excitons, are not effectively photogenerated in the neat pDPP-TNT polymer

    Energy transfer and photoluminescence properties of lanthanide-containing polyoxotitanate cages coordinated by salicylate ligands.

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    Polyoxotitanate (POT) cages have attracted considerable attention recently; much of this from the fact that they can be considered to be structural models for the technologically important semiconductor TiO2. Among the reported POT cages, lanthanide-containing (Ln-POT) cages are of particular interest owing to the fascinating luminescence properties of Ln3+ ions and the versatile coordination environments that they can adopt. In the present study, we report the energy transfer mechanism and photoluminescence properties of a series of isostructural Ln-POT cages coordinated by salicylate ligands, of general formula [LnTi6O3(OiPr)9(salicylate)6] (Ln-1, Ln = La to Er excluding Pm). Both visible (for Pr-1, Sm-1, Eu-1, Ho-1 and Er-1) and near-infrared (for Nd-1 and Er-1) Ln3+-centred photoluminescence can be sensitised in solution, and most importantly, their excitation bands all extend well into the visible region up to 475 nm. With the assistance of steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy, an energy-transfer mechanism involving the salicylate-to-Ti4+ charge-transfer state is proposed to account for the largely red-shifted excitation wavelengths of these Ln-1 cages. The photoluminescence quantum yield of Nd-1 upon excitation via the charge-transfer state reaches 0.30 ± 0.01% in solution, making it among the highest reported values for Nd3+-complexes in the literature