63 research outputs found

    Implementasi Program Pembangunan Infrastruktur Perdesaan (Ppip) di Desa Wiru Kecamatan Bringin Kabupaten Semarang

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    The Village Infrastructure Development Program (PPIP) is a basic program of society empowerment, with purpose to increase the society welfare. Wiru Village, Bringin district, Semarang Regency is one of village that\u27s received the support from PPIP. This research goal is to describe and analyze how the local government of Semarang Regency is implementing The Village Infrastructure Development Program (PPIP) at Wiru Village, by using the qualitative approached with descriptive type. The analysis techniques to acquire data through interview, observation, and support of documents. This research is using the theory by Merilee S. Grindle who said that the driving factors of implementation program consist of three main factors, there are the content of policy and the scope of policy, and the result of implementation can be seen by effects and changes that happened on society. The result has shown that implementation of The Villages Infrastructure Development Program (PPIP) Implementation at Wiru Villages, Bringin District, Semarang Regency received a positive responses from villagers, and a change after access repair of villagers access welfare has simplify and make the mobility of villagers easier. Even thought, the strengthening of villagers institutions that handle the PPIP is still unfulfilled yet because the limit time of program. So of that, the villagers need a soft skills training to make sure that even The Village Infrastructure Development Program (PPIP) has done, the villagers still can utilize that soft skills of PPIP effects

    Implementasi Strategi Kebijakan Pelayanan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja di Kabupaten Semarang

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    The multilateral development scheme incorporates SRHR (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights) into the SDG'S (Suistanable Development Goals) indicator, it means that in all development aspects should not override the SRHR issues. Reproductive health services for teenagers have got no serious attention yet, whereas teenagers are the most vulnerable group that sustaining various risks of reproductive health problems. Major issues related to adolescent reproductive health also called by term Triad KRR (sexuality, HIV / AIDS and drugs) are actual issues that require the attention of all parties. This study aims to analyze the implementation of adolescent reproductive health services policy strategy and to identify factors affecting its implementation in Semarang regency. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques used through in-depth interviews, observation, and literature review. This study refers to Government Regulation No. 61 of 2014 and uses Grindle's implementation model. The results showed that adolescent reproductive health services got less attention so that it has not been able to achieve the desired goals. It is due to the lack of good coordination between the involved implementers, implemented strategies are less effective, Semarang Regency Government has not yet prepared technical guidance on teenagers reproductive health service policy, and distribution of beneficiaries is not evenly distributed

    Implementasi Peraturan Walikota Semarang Nomor 7 Tahun 2013 Tentang Peningkatan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif (Studi Di Puskesmas Pegandan Kecamatan Gajahmungkur Kota Semarang)

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    Semarang City\u27s goverment impose the Program of Exclusive Breast Feeding by publishing the Semarang Mayor goverment\u27s regulation nomor 7 by 2013. The low attainment of breast feeding in Gajah Mungkur compare with the target Dinas Kesehatan and national target were the background of done this research. The research aimed to analyze the implementation process these regulation later on it could be deduced that efforts need to be made in order to be effective implementation. This research was used qualitative research with observation, interview, and documentation to collect the data. The result of this research showed that the mplementation these regulation about the incresing of Exclusive breast feeding in Gajah Mungkur subdistrict have not been appropriate with these regulation. This problem occur because of a shortage in terms of resources, funds and facilities, the breast milk exclusive group support, communication, coordination, training of the officers which insufficient and the social economic effect of the society. Based on that problems, are needed to do some efforts which can be started by give right communication and continue support for the cadre ASI exclusive, coordination among Clinic officers Pegangan with group target and implementing the policies so that effective implementation require these regulation

    Implementasi Program Bpjs Kesehatan di Puskesmas Bandarharjo Semarang Utara

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    Healthcare and Social Security Agency known as BPJS is an Indonesian state-owned corporation (BUMN) which is particularly assigned by Indonesian government to take care the national social security system for all Indonesian Citizen. In the framework of fulfilling the needs of the people of Bandarharjo North Semarang, Society Healthcare Center or Puskesmas in Bandarharjo north semarang has a mission to provide proper healthcare services along with the Law no.24 year 2014 about National Health Insurance. In implementing the BPJS Kesehatan's program. Some variables are required in the implementation as support and obstacle aspects, there are four variables and indicators, it is according to George Edward III theory, which includes communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucracy structure. The objectives of this research are knowing the implementation of BPJS Kesehatan in Puskesmas Bandarharjo North Semarang and also finding out the obstacle and support factors that affect the implementation process of BPJS Kesehatan's Program. This research method uses qualitative research method and phenomenology approach.The result of this study is expected to explain that BPJS Kesehatan program at Puskesmas Bandarharjo has been running well, but there are still some applications which are not appropriate with the existing official regulations. The Obstacle factors of this policy are the lack of human resources, the lack of clarity of the information conveyed, and also the absence of SOP related to BPJS Kesehatan at the society healthcare center or Puskesmas of the Bandarharjo North Semarang

    Evaluasi Hasil Pelaksanaan Program Pemberdayaan Sistem Kewaspadaan Pangan Dan Gizi (Skpg) Dan Penanganan Daerah Rawan Pangan Di Kecamatan Godong Kabupaten Grobogan

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    The food insecurity problem is a complex issue because it does not only concern about the availability of food itself. Adequate food supply does not automatically indicate the conditions of food security at individual and household level. This study aims to explain the results of implementation of empowerment program of Food and Nutrition Vigilance System (SKPG) and Food Insecurity Handling at Godong District Regency of Grobogan as well as finding out the challenges and bottlenecks during the implementation of the program. The method used in this research is descriptive-qualitative method. In this study, the author use William Dunn's six criteria of evaluation: effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, equalization, responsiveness, and accuracy. The author found out that the program cannot be run optimally because the implementation program without need assessment. The program also did not meet the criteria of adequacy because the results of the program have not been able to solve the food insecurity problem, which proven by the increasing number of pre-prosperous family as much as 11.33% in 2015. Achieving equalization is yet not optimal indicated by minimal participation of groups inactivities carried out by BKP Grobogan. On the criteria of responsiveness, the program is not yet well assessed, which the needs of the target groups are not in accordance with the requirements. The accuracy of this program is also seen minimal because the target groups which are expected to have side business apparently not all of them has one

    Kualitas Pelayanan Penduduk Lanjut Usia Pada Komda Lansia Kabupaten Wonosobo

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    Government as a public servant should also seek to participate in improving service quality. Government efforts in providing services, especially to elderly population with the establishment of Komda Lansia. Increasing the elderly population will surely have an impact on the intensity of services provided by the Komda Lansia. The quality of Komda Lansia service in providing services to the elderly can be known based on the performance level of Komda Lansia in providing services. This research was conducted at Komda Lansia, District Wonosobo, Central Java. This study aims to determine the quality of elderly service in Komda Lansia in District Wonosobo, so it can be known what factors inhibit elderly service at Komda Lansia in District Wonosobo. The sample used is as many as 47 respondents, with the technique of sampling using technique Purposive Sampling. Data analysis using Important Performance Analysis (IPA). The service quality variables are performance level (X) and level of interest / expectation of elderly (Y), with service quality dimension are Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Tangible. The results of the study based on the Rating of Interest and Performance of Quality of Service, that the value for the average performance appraisal is 1.73 and the interest rating of 1.77. The value of interest is greater than the value of performance. This indicates a gap between services received by the elderly in the hope of the elderly. Based on Average Assessment Level of Interest and Level of Performance and Customer Gap Based on Service Quality Dimension, dimension Reliability occurs positive gap with average 0,006, dimension Response happened negative gap with average -0,073, dimension Assurance happened negative gap with average -0,150, Empathic dimension occurs negative gap with average -0,135, physical shape dimension happened positive gap with average 0,245. It can be said that the factors that inhibit the service is on the dimensions of Response, Assurance, and Empathy. It is this factor that needs to be improved to improve the Komda Lansia service of District Wonosobo

    Implementasi Sekolah Ramah Anak (Sra) Pada Sekolah Percontohan Di SD Pekunden 01 Kota Semarang Sebagai Upaya Untuk Mendukung Program Kota Layak Anak (KLA)

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    Children are not an object so that can rudely treated, they have own characteristic that need to be determined by the differentiation towards their treatment, with an aim to protect and guard them for supporting their future. At the District / City level, regulations and policies on child protection tend to focus when a child has entered into legal matters or has committed break the law, the actions of the government are limited to rehabilitation and often ignore the aspects of prevention. This prevention aims to prevent a child from taking unlawful acts. This research is to describe child-friendly school program as an effort to prevent child face with law (ABH) in Semarang City. This research uses qualitative approach with the theoretical concept from Mazmanian & Sabatier. The results of this research shows that the implementation of child-friendly school program as an effort to prevent child face with law (ABH) in Semarang City has not been implemented optimally yet, because the implementation of child-friendly school program still facing many obstacles like physically violence in school by their teacher or students. Lack of control from parents, as well as environmental influences of children who are factors causing child face with law. Suggestion from researcher are increased cooperation between related institutions, and also doing communication intensity towards their parents. Then, the lack of human resources to guide the student physically become an obstacle to the implementation of child-friendly school

    Peran Kelurahan Siaga Bencana Guna Penanggulangan Bencana Banjir Di Kelurahan Muktiharjo Lor Kecamatan Genuk Kota Semarang

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    Natural disasters are natural events that harm or threaten in human life. The potential occurrence of a disaster is always there all of the time and disasters can happened anytime and therefore needed handling with disaster preparedness. In responding to disasters Semarang make Semarang Regional Regulation No. 13 of 2010 on Disaster Management. Through the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) government involving the community by creating a Village Disaster Alert (KSB). The purpose of this study was to determine the role of KSB Muktiharjo Lor districtsof Genuk in response to floods in the Muktharjo Lor District of Genuk. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, documentary studies and literature. Results from this study is the difference in point views of KSB with BPBD. The government saw that the establishment of the KSB to the public as subordinate of government in handling disaster and its members are volunteers. But KSB members found it hard to to be a volunteer and hopes to become members of KSB wages. Need better coordination in order in handling disasters can be more responsive
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