5 research outputs found

    Development of a Diagnosis and Evaluation System for Hemiplegic Patients Post-Stroke Based on Motion Recognition Tracking and Analysis of Wrist Joint Kinematics

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    An inexperienced therapist lacks the analysis of a patient’s movement. In addition, the patient does not receive objective feedback from the therapist due to the visual subjective judgment. The aim is to provide a guide for in-depth rehabilitation therapy in virtual space by continuously tracking the user’s wrist joint during Leap Motion Controller (LMC) activities and present the basic data to confirm steady therapy results in real-time. The conventional Box and Block Test (BBT) is commonly used in upper extremity rehabilitation therapy. It was modeled in proportion to the actual size and Auto Desk Inventor was used to perform the 3D modeling work. The created 3D object was then implemented in C # through Unity5.6.2p4 based on LMC. After obtaining a wrist joint motion value, the motion was analyzed by 3D graph. Healthy subjects (23 males and 25 females, n = 48) were enrolled in this study. There was no statistically significant counting difference between conventional BBT and system BBT. This indicates the possibility of effective diagnosis and evaluation of hemiplegic patients post-stroke. We can keep track of wrist joints, check real-time continuous feedback in the implemented virtual space, and provide the basic data for an LMC-based quantitative rehabilitation therapy guide

    Anchoring Effect of the Prosecutor’s Demand on Sentence: Evidence from Korean Sexual Crime Cases

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    The anchoring effect can be found when a decision shows cognitive prejudice towards the initial information given. Several studies have argued that such an effect is present even for judges in the courtroom. This paper seeks to find a relationship between judges’ decisions on penalty sentences and the sentences recommended by prosecutors. In this study, 2,773 actual court cases are considered in the analysis, and quantile regression is used to show that the sentencing decisions judges make are anchored by the recommendations of prosecutors. However, this reliance on recommendations differs according to the seriousness of the crime committed. Specifically, at the lowest penalty levels, a one-month increase in the prosecutors’ sentencing recommendation results in a 0.25-month increase in the judges’ sentence, while at the highest sentence level, the judges’ sentences increase by 0.78 months under an identical condition. The results of this research indicate the need to create more objective and clear sentencing guidelines in the future in an effort to mitigate the psychological pressure experienced by judges with regard to serious offences or heinous crimes

    Economic Effects of Regulatory Reform in Korea

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    This paper adapts the World Bank Regulatory Quality Index (RQI), which is produced annually to provide a better understanding of the effects of regulatory reforms, instead of the Production Market Regulation (PMR) indicators, which are published every five years. We find that 9.9 to 36.0 billion USD worth of regulatory cost could be reduced if the regulatory quality in Korea improves to the level of the OECD average considering that the total burden of regulation in Korea is estimated to range from 2.2 to 357.4 billion USD. The estimated reduction in the regulatory cost accounts for roughly 0.76 to 2.47% of Korea’s GDP in 2013, underscoring the importance of regulatory reforms for the Korean economy. This paper introduces a new method with which to examine the distribution of regulatory costs across different industries and firm sizes. This alternative method is largely consistent with the conclusions reached by other studies, specifically that small firms typically bear a disproportionate regulatory burden