4 research outputs found

    Circulating Fatty Acids Associate with Metabolic Changes in Adolescents Living with Obesity

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    Fatty acids play a crucial role in obesity development and in the comorbidities of obesity in both adults and children. This study aimed to assess the impact of circulating fatty acids on biomarkers of metabolic health of adolescents living with obesity. Parameters such as blood lipids, redox status, and leukocyte telomere length (rLTL) were measured alongside the proportions of individual fatty acids. The Mannā€“Whitney U test revealed that individuals with obesity exhibited an unfavorable lipid and redox status compared to the control normal weight group. The group with obesity also had lower plasma n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and a higher ratio of n-6 to n-3 PUFAs than the control group. They also had a shorter rLTL, indicating accelerated biological aging. There was an inverse association of rLTL and plasma n-6-to-n-3 PUFA ratio. Future studies should explore the impact of recommended nutrition plans and increased physical activity on these parameters to determine if these interventions can enhance the health and well-being of adolescents with obesity, knowing that early obesity can track into adulthood

    Ex vivo and in vivo antioxidant activity of Ī²-hydroxy-Ī²-arylalkanoic acids

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    The interplay between oxidative stress and inflammation is implicated in many chronic diseases including Alzheimer`s disease, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer. Thirteen Ī²-hydroxy-Ī²-arylalkanoic acids were previously synthesized and evaluated for their anti-inflammatory activity. The aim of this study was to asses ex vivo antioxidant activity of synthesized acids, as well as ibuprofen and to identify the compounds with the most promising results for further investigation on their capacity to counteract in vivo oxidative stress triggered by inflammation. The antioxidant potential of tested compounds was evaluated by determining the concentrations of total antioxidative status, total oxidative status, prooxidant antioxidant balance and the total sulfhydryl groups. Z score statistics were used to calculate the summary scores for antioxidative activity, prooxidative activity and oxy score. The tested compounds and ibuprofen demonstrated mild prooxidative activity ex vivo. Seven acids with substituents on one benzene ring exhibited better results than ibuprofen and were selected for in vivo testing. In vivo results demonstrated better antioxidant protection compared to ex vivo results. Compound g which contains nitro group on the benzene ring demonstrated the lowest oxy score, and four compounds exhibited better results than ibuprofen

    Uloga laboratorijskih biomarkera u dijagnostici i praćenju pacijenata sa COVID-19

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the cause of a highly transmittable and heterogenic infection of the respiratory tract, characterized by a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations with a different degree of severity. Medical laboratories play an important role in early diagnosis and management of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. Indeed, the results of several laboratory tests are essential for assessing the severity of the disease, selecting appropriate therapeutic procedures and monitoring treatment response. Routine laboratory testing in COVID-19 patients includes biomarkers of acute phase reaction, hematological and biochemical parameters that indicate tissue injury. The aim of this review paper is to describe the role of these biomarkers in the diagnostics and management of adult and pediatric COVID-19 patients.Novi koronavirus SARS-CoV-2 je uzročnik lako prenosive i veoma heterogene infekcije respiratornog trakta, koju karakteriÅ”e Å”irok spektar kliničkih manifestacija, različitog stepena težine. Medicinske laboratorije igraju važnu ulogu u ranoj dijagnostici i praćenju pacijenata sa COVID-19. Rezultati nekoliko laboratorijskih testova su od suÅ”tinskog značaja za procenu težine bolesti, odabir odgovarajućih terapijskih procedura i praćenje odgovora na terapiju. Rutinska laboratorijska ispitivanja kod pacijenata sa COVID-19 uključuju biomarkere akutne faze, hematoloÅ”ke i biohemijske parametre koji ukazuju na oÅ”tećenje tkiva. Cilj ovog rada je da se prikaže uloga tih biomarkera u dijagnostici i praćenju toka bolesti kod odraslih i pedijatrijskih pacijenata sa COVID-19

    Childhood obesity accelerates biological ageing: is oxidative stress a link?

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    Obesity is multifactorial pathophysiological condition with an imbalance in biochemical, immunochemical, redox status and genetic parameters values. We aimed estimate connection between relative leukocyte telomere lengths (rLRL) - biomarker of cellular aging with metabolic and redox status biomarkers values in a group of obese and lean children. The study includes 110 obese and 42 lean children and adolescents, both genders. The results suggested that rLTL are significantly shorter in obese, compared to lean group (p30kg/m2 according to logistic regression analysis was PCA derived antioxidant factor's score (OR: 1.66, 95th Cl: 1.05-2.6, p=0.029). PCA analysis confirmed oxidative stress importance in biological ageing caused by obesity and its multiple consequences related to prooxidants augmentation and antioxidants exhaustion and gave us clear signs of disturbed cellular homeostasis deepness, even before any overt disease occurrence.This is peer-reviewed version of the following article: SuboÅ”ić, B., Zdravković, V., JeÅ”ić, M., Munjas, J., Kovačević, S., Guzonjić, A., Mitrović, J., Saso, L., Đuričić, I.,& Kotur-Stevuljević, J.. (2024). Childhood obesity accelerates biological ageing: is oxidative stress a link?. in British Journal of Nutrition Cambridge University Press.. [https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007114524000898