6 research outputs found

    Management of female genital mutilation / cutting-related obstetric complications: a training evaluation

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    Although female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) is a prevalent practice in Liberia, healthcare workers lack the capacity to provide adequate care for FGM/C survivors. Therefore, Liberian nurses, physician assistants, midwives and trained traditional midwives were trained in sexual, obstetric and psychosocial care for FGM/C survivors in 2019. Through questionnaires, we assessed knowledge acquisition, trainee attitudes towards FGM/C care and acceptability to implement WHO-endorsed recommendations. The questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics for quantitative data and an inductive approach for qualitative data. A total of 99 female and 34 male trainees participated. Most trainees perceived FGM/C as harmful to women''s health, as a violation of women''s rights and showed a willingness to change their clinical practice. While 82.8% (n = 74/90) perceived their role in advocating against FGM/C, 10.0% (n = 9/90) felt that they should train traditional circumcisers to practice FGM/C safely. The pre-training FGM/C knowledge test demonstrated higher scores among physician assistants (13.86 ± 3.02 points) than among nurses (12.11 ± 3.12 points) and midwives (11.75 ± 2.27 points). After the training, the mean test score increased by 1.69 points, from 12.18 (±2.91) points to 13.87 (±2.65) points. The trainings successfully increased theoretical knowledge of FGM/C-caused health effects and healthcare workers'' demonstrated willingness to implement evidence-based guidelines when providing care to FMG/C survivors

    Impact of reducing sitting time in women with fibromyalgia and obesity: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Sitting time has negative effects on health, increasing the risk of obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes, and cancer. Thus, primary health care education interventions aimed to reduce sitting time and sedentary behavior could have beneficial effects on people’s health and wellbeing. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of an intervention based on reducing sitting time to decrease cardiometabolic risk on a sample of women diagnosed with fibromyalgia and moderate obesity. Methods: Randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention to decrease cardiometabolic risk in 84 participants. Sedentary behavior was monitored using an accelerometer before and at 3-month follow-up. Results: Compared with the control group, body mass index decreased, and the number of steps taken increased, in the intervention group 3 months after the intervention. No significant differences were found in the rest of the variables measured. Conclusion: The intervention group decreased sitting time after the intervention. Group activities and support from primary care may be useful to improve treatment adherence

    Ageism and nursing students, past or reality?: a systematic review

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    Objective: This systematic review aimed to summarise and update existing knowledge about ageism among nursing students through the following research question: what is the perception and attitudes of ageism among student nurses? Design: A systematic review of longitudinal and cross-sectional studies of ageism in nursing students was carried out. Data sources: The literature search was conducted in the scientific databases Pubmed and Scopus in February 2021. Review methods: After the screening process, 22 studies meeting the selection criteria were selected; 8 more were identified after manually searching the selected paper' reference lists. A total of 30 studies were included in the review. The JBI Critical Appraisal Checklists for Analytical Cross-Sectional studies and for Cohort Studies were used to appraise the articles' quality. Results: There was large variability in the manifestation of ageism among student nurses, as well as in the instruments used for assessment. Most of the articles analysed attitudes towards old age, the majority of which were positive. Being a female student, being on the final year of study and having regular contact or cohabitation with an older adult were three of the main determinants in the expression of positive attitudes towards the elderly. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that student nurses generally have positive attitudes towards old age, although ageist beliefs and discriminatory behaviours were identified and should be studied in greater depth. Training programs for future care professionals have a responsibility to educate from a non-stereotypical perspective based on current societal needs

    Experiencia de trabajo de enfermeras inmigrantes y de minorías étnicas en los servicios de salud europeos: Un estudio cualitativo

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the perception of culture and experience of working in European health services of a purposive sample of qualified migrant and ethnic minority nurses currently living in Belgium, Portugal, Spain and Turkey. METHOD: A qualitative phenomenological method was chosen. Individual interviews took place with 8 qualified migrant and ethnic minority nurses currently living in four European countries. Thematic analysis was conducted using Braun and Clark's stages after qualitative data had been verbatim transcribed, translated into English, and analyzed. RESULTS: Four themes and 4 subthemes emerged from thematic analysis of the transcripts. CONCLUSION: Migrant and ethnic minority nurses working in the European Union experience and witness discrimination and prejudice from patients and colleagues due to cultural differences. European health services should closely monitor and address discrimination and prejudice towards migrant and ethnic minority staff and patients, and take initiatives to reduce and, eventually, eradicate them.Objetivo: Analisar a percepção da cultura e experiência de trabalho em serviços de saúde europeus de uma amostra intencional de enfermeiros qualificados migrantes e de minorias étnicas que moram atualmente na Bélgica, Portugal, Espanha e Turquia. Método: Optou-se pelo método fenomenológico qualitativo. Realizaram-se entrevistas individuais com 8 enfermeiros qualificados migrantes e de minorias étnicas que moram atualmente em quatro países europeus. A análise temática foi realizada por meio das etapas de Braun e Clark após os dados qualitativos terem sido transcritos na íntegra, traduzidos para o inglês e analisados. Resultados: Quatro temas e 4 subtemas emergiram da análise temática das transcrições. Conclusão: Enfermeiros migrantes e de minorias étnicas que trabalham na União Europeia vivenciam e testemunham discriminação e preconceito de pacientes e colegas devido a diferenças culturais. Os serviços de saúde europeus devem acompanhar de perto e combater a discriminação e o preconceito contra os trabalhadores e pacientes migrantes e de minorias étnicas, e tomar iniciativas para os reduzir e, em seguida, erradicá-los

    An evaluation of undergraduate student nurses' gameful experience while playing an escape room game as part of a community health nursing course

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    Background: The integration of innovative strategies to teaching and learning in higher education, such as escape room games, can enhance the acquisition of key professional competencies including communication, teamwork and critical thinking. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate undergraduate student nurses' gameful experience while playing an escape room game as part of a nursing course. Design: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Participants: A total of 126 third year student nurses enrolled in the “Community Health Nursing II” course. Method: The escape room game took place in a classroom at the Faculty of Health Ciences. The measures included the GAMEX scale in its Spanish version and a self-reported questionnaire to evaluate the student's outcome of scape room game immediately after the end of the activity. Results: The vast majority (99.21%) considered the escape room game to be an appropriate and an innovative teaching and learning strategy. The mean score for each of the GAMEX dimensions was over 3, with the exception of Absence of negative effects. Our results suggest that the students enjoyed playing the game (mean = 4.40; SD = 0.71), that escape room games should be integrated in nursing courses (mean = 4.54; SD = 0.74) and that playing the game increased their motivation for learning (mean = 3.06; SD = 1.09). Gender differences were observed in the GAMEX Dominance dimension (p < 0.005). Conclusion Gamification in general, and escape rooms in particular, have proven to be a valid tool for the acquisition of professional competencies in higher education

    Experiência de enfermeiros migrantes e de minorias étnicas em trabalho em serviços de saúde europeus: estudo qualitativo

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    Objetivo: Analisar a percepção da cultura e experiência de trabalho em serviços de saúde europeus de uma amostra intencional de enfermeiros qualificados migrantes e de minorias étnicas que moram atualmente na Bélgica, Portugal, Espanha e Turquia. Método: Optou-se pelo método fenomenológico qualitativo. Realizaram-se entrevistas individuais com 8 enfermeiros qualificados migrantes e de minorias étnicas que moram atualmente em quatro países europeus. A análise temática foi realizada por meio das etapas de Braun e Clark após os dados qualitativos terem sido transcritos na íntegra, traduzidos para o inglês e analisados. Resultados: Quatro temas e 4 subtemas emergiram da análise temática das transcrições. Conclusão: Enfermeiros migrantes e de minorias étnicas que trabalham na União Europeia vivenciam e testemunham discriminação e preconceito de pacientes e colegas devido a diferenças culturais. Os serviços de saúde europeus devem acompanhar de perto e combater a discriminação e o preconceito contra os trabalhadores e pacientes migrantes e de minorias étnicas, e tomar iniciativas para os reduzir e, em seguida, erradicá-los.Objetivo: Analizar la percepción de la cultura y la experiencia de trabajar en los servicios de salud europeos de una muestra intencional de enfermeros calificados de minorías étnicas y migrantes que actualmente viven en Bélgica, Portugal, España y Turquía. Método: Se decidió utilizar un método cualitativo fenomenológico. Se realizaron entrevistas individuales con 8 enfermeros calificados inmigrantes y de minorías étnicas que actualmente viven en cuatro países europeos. El análisis temático se realizó utilizando las etapas de Braun y Clark después de que los datos cualitativos fueran transcritos palabra por palabra, traducidos al inglés y analizados. Resultados: Del análisis temático de las transcripciones surgieron 4 temas y 4 subtemas. Conclusión: Los enfermeros de minorías étnicas y migrantes que trabajan en la Unión Europea experimentan y son testigos de la discriminación y de los prejuicios de los pacientes y colegas sobre la base de la diferencia cultural. Los servicios de salud europeos deben monitorear de cerca y abordar la discriminación y los prejuicios hacia el personal y los pacientes de minorías étnicas y migrantes, y tomar iniciativas para reducirlos y, eventualmente, erradicarlos.Objective: To analyze the perception of culture and experience of working in European health services of a purposive sample of qualified migrant and ethnic minority nurses currently living in Belgium, Portugal, Spain and Turkey. Method: A qualitative phenomenological method was chosen. Individual interviews took place with 8 qualified migrant and ethnic minority nurses currently living in four European countries. Thematic analysis was conducted using Braun and Clark’s stages after qualitative data had been verbatim transcribed, translated into English, and analyzed Results: Four themes and 4 subthemes emerged from thematic analysis of the transcripts. Conclusion: Migrant and ethnic minority nurses working in the European Union experience and witness discrimination and prejudice from patients and colleagues due to cultural differences. European health services should closely monitor and address discrimination and prejudice towards migrant and ethnic minority staff and patients, and take initiatives to reduce and, eventually, eradicate them