2,534 research outputs found

    Possible astrophysical probes of quantum gravity

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    A satisfactory theory of quantum gravity will very likely require modification of our classical perception of space-time, perhaps by giving it a 'foamy' structure at scales of order the Planck length. This is expected to modify the propagation of photons and other relativistic particles such as neutrinos, such that they will experience a non-trivial refractive index even in vacuo. The implied spontaneous violation of Lorentz invariance may also result in alterations of kinematical thresholds for key astrophysical processes involving high energy cosmic radiation. We discuss experimental probes of these possible manifestations of the fundamental quantum nature of space-time using observations of distant astrophysical sources such as gamma-ray bursts and active galactic nuclei.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures (MPL LaTeX style); Invited talk at the ``First IUCAA Meeting on the Interface of Gravitational and Quantum Realms'', Pune, 17-21 December 2001; Changes: Fig.3 now correctly attibuted to Liberati, Jacobson & Mattigl

    Ultra-high energy cosmic rays and new physics

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    Cosmic rays with energies beyond the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin `cutoff' at ∌4×1010\sim 4 \times 10^{10} GeV pose a conundrum, the solution of which requires either drastic revision of our astrophysical understanding, or new physics beyond the Standard Model. Nucleons of such energies must originate within the local supercluster in order to avoid excessive energy losses through photopion production on the cosmic microwave background. However they do not point back towards possible nearby sources, e.g. the active galaxy Cen A or M87 in the Virgo cluster, so such an astrophysical origin requires intergalactic magnetic fields to be a hundred times stronger than previously believed, in order to isotropise their arrival directions. Alternatively the primaries may be high energy neutrinos, say from distant gamma-ray bursts, which annihilate on the local relic background neutrinos to create ``Z-bursts''. A related possibility is that the primary neutinos may initiate the observed air showers directly if their interaction cross-sections are boosted to hadronic strength through non-perturbative physics such as TeV-scale quantum gravity. Or the primaries may instead be new strongly interacting neutral particles with a longer mean free path than nucleons, coming perhaps from distant BL-Lac objects or FR-II radio galaxies. Yet another possibility is that Lorentz invariance is violated at high energies thus suppressing the energy loss processes altogether. The idea that has perhaps been studied in most detail is that such cosmic rays originate from the decays of massive relic particles (``wimpzillas'') clustered as dark matter in the galactic halo. All these hypotheses will soon be critically tested by the Pierre Auger Observatory, presently under construction in Argentina, and by proposed satellite experiments such as EUSO.Comment: 15 pages (LaTeX), 6 figures; Invited talk at COSMO-01 Workshop, Rovaniemi, Finland, August 30-September 4, 2001; Changes: typos fixed, references adde

    Measuring the baryon content of the universe: BBN vs CMB

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    The relic abundance of baryons - the only form of stable matter whose existence we are certain of - is a crucial parameter for many cosmological processes, as well as material evidence that there is new physics beyond the Standard Model. We discuss recent determinations of the cosmological baryon density from analysis of the abundances of light elements synthesised at the end of ``the first three minutes'', and from the observed temperature anisotropies imprinted on small angular-scales in the cosmic microwave background when the universe was about 100,000 yr old.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures (LaTeX); Invited talk at the XIII Recontres de Blois "Frontiers of the Universe", 17-23 June 200

    Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: Reprise

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    Recent observational and theoretical developments concerning the primordial synthesis of the light elements are reviewed, and the implications for dark matter mentioned.Comment: 23 pages (uses iopconf1.sty) including 8 figures (epsf); updated version of invited talk at the Second International Workshop on Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics, Heidelberg, 20-25 July 199

    Successful Supersymmetric Inflation

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    The temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background observed by COBE provide strong support for an inflationary phase in the early universe, below the GUT scale. We argue that a singlet field in a hidden sector of an effective supergravity theory yields the required inflationary potential without fine tuning. Reheating occurs to a temperature low enough to avoid the gravitino problem, but high enough to allow subsequent baryogenesis. Two observational consequences are that gravitational waves contribute negligibly to the microwave background anisotropy, and the spectrum of scalar density perturbations is `tilted', improving the fit to large-scale structure in an universe dominated by cold dark matter.Comment: 4 pages, uuencoded PostScript (3 figures incl.), to appear in Proc. International EPS Conf. on High Energy Physics, Brussels, 199

    New results in cosmology

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    From an observational perspective cosmology is today in excellent shape - advances in instrumentation and data processing have enabled us to study the universe in detail back to when the first galaxies formed, map the fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background which provide a measure of the overall geometry, and reconstruct the thermal history reliably back to at least the primordial nucleosynthesis era. However recent deep studies of the Hubble expansion rate have suggested that the universe is accelerating, driven by some form of `dark' (vacuum) energy. If true, this implies a new energy scale in Nature of order 0.001 eV, well below any known scale of fundamental physics. This has refocussed attention on the notorious cosmological constant problem at the interface of general relativity and quantum field theory. It is possible that the resolution of this situation will require fundamental modifications to our ideas about gravity.Comment: 15 pages (JHEP LaTeX), 12 figures; Plenary talk at EPS-HEP 2001, Budapest, 12-18 July 2001; Revisions: refs updated, typos fixe

    Implications of cosmic ray results for UHE neutrinos

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    Recent measurements of the spectrum and composition of ultrahigh energy cosmic rays suggest that their extragalactic sources may be accelerating heavy nuclei in addition to protons. This can suppress the cosmogenic neutrino flux relative to the usual expectation for an all-proton composition. Cosmic neutrino detectors may therefore need to be even larger than currently planned but conversely they will also be able to provide valuable information concerning astrophysical accelerators. Moreover measurement of ultrahigh energy cosmic neutrino interactions can provide an unique probe of QCD dynamics at high parton density.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; Invited talk at the XXIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Christchurch, NZ, 25-31 May 200

    Neutrinos from the Big Bang

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    The standard Big Bang cosmology predicts the existence of an, as yet undetected, relic neutrino background, similar to the photons observed in the cosmic microwave background. If neutrinos have mass, then such relic neutrinos are a natural candidate for the dark matter of the universe, and indeed were the first particles to be proposed for this role. This possibility has however been increasingly constrained by cosmological considerations, particularly of large-scale structure formation, thus yielding stringent bounds on neutrino masses, which have yet to be matched by laboratory experiments. Another probe of relic neutrinos is primordial nucleosynthesis which is sensitive to the number of neutrino types (including possible sterile species) as well to any lepton asymmetry. Combining such arguments with the experimental finding that neutrino mixing angles are large, excludes the possibility of a large asymmetry and disfavours new neutrinos beyond those now known.Comment: Invited contribution for a special issue of the Proceedings of the Indian National Academy of Sciences, 20 pages, 5 figures (LaTeX); revised to include discussion of other post-WMAP paper

    Multiple inflation and the WMAP 'glitches' II. Data analysis and cosmological parameter extraction

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    Detailed analyses of the WMAP data indicate possible oscillatory features in the primordial curvature perturbation, which moreover appears to be suppressed beyond the present Hubble radius. Such deviations from the usual inflationary expectation of an approximately Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum are expected in the supergravity-based 'multiple inflation' model wherein phase transitions during inflation induce sudden changes in the mass of the inflaton, thus interrupting its slow-roll. In a previous paper we calculated the resulting curvature perturbation and showed how the oscillations arise. Here we perform a Markov Chain Monte Carlo fitting exercise using the 3-year WMAP data to determine how the fitted cosmological parameters vary when such a primordial spectrum is used as an input, rather than the usually assumed power-law spectrum. The 'concordance' LCDM model is still a good fit when there is just a 'step' in the spectrum. However if there is a 'bump' in the spectrum (due e.g. to two phase transitions in rapid succession), the precision CMB data can be well-fitted by a flat Einstein-de Sitter cosmology without dark energy. This however requires the Hubble constant to be h ~ 0.44 which is lower than the locally measured value. To fit the SDSS data on the power spectrum of galaxy clustering requires a ~10% component of hot dark matter, as would naturally be provided by 3 species of neutrinos of mass ~0.5 eV. This CHDM model cannot however fit the position of the baryon acoustic peak in the LRG redshift two-point correlation function. It may be possible to overcome these difficulties in an inhomogeneous Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi cosmological model with a local void, which can potentially also account for the SN Ia Hubble diagram without invoking cosmic acceleration.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figures (RevTex); Tables revised to include the \chi^2 and "Akaike information criterion" in comparison of cosmological models; Fits to WMAP3 EE spectrum shown; Additional references added; Accepted for publication in in Phys Rev

    Testing astrophysical models for the PAMELA positron excess with cosmic ray nuclei

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    The excess in the positron fraction reported by the PAMELA collaboration has been interpreted as due to annihilation or decay of dark matter in the Galaxy. More prosaically, it has been ascribed to direct production of positrons by nearby pulsars, or due to pion production during stochastic acceleration of hadronic cosmic rays in nearby sources. We point out that measurements of secondary nuclei produced by cosmic ray spallation can discriminate between these possibilities. New data on the titanium-to-iron ratio from the ATIC-2 experiment support the hadronic source model above and enable a prediction to be made for the boron-to-carbon ratio at energies above 100 GeV. Presently, all cosmic ray data are consistent with the positron excess being astrophysical in origin.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (RevTex4); revised to include additional data in figures and references; accepted for publication in PR
