267 research outputs found

    Scattering due to Plasmas

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    Development of immunoglobulin diversity at the heavy chain locus of cattle

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    Immunoglobulins (Ig) are formed by combinatorial recombination of a set of germline genes and undergo mutation in B-lymphocytes as they develop and mature. Combinatorial assortment can result in enormous diversification of the primary Ig repertoire in species where the number and variability within these segments is high (e.g. humans and mice). Many other species are unable to diversify the primary repertoire through rearrangement. In these animals, somatic hypermutation and gene conversion play a major role in driving pre-immune diversity. The bovine humoral immune system is not capable of generating a significant level of heavy chain Ig diversity through combinatorial assortment due to the small size of the IgH gene family and the low diversity apparent within the CDRs of the VH segments of this family. To learn more of the molecular processes responsible for diversification, this study hypothesized that somatic hypermutation would introduce nucleotide substitutions throughout the Ig reading frame including the JH-C intron whereas if gene conversion were the dominant process behind diversification, modifications would be confined to the Ig reading frame. To distinguish these possibilities, Ig heavy chain sequences were recovered from the rearranged locus using lymphoid tissues of cattle of different ages for sequence analysis. This also allowed determination of the timing of Ig diversification and comparison of the extent of diversification. Analysis revealed that single base substitutions predominated, with purines targeted more frequently than pyrimidines and transitions favoured over transversions. Seventeen deletions spanning 1 to 26 nucleotides and 5 insertions in the range of 1 to 3 bases were also observed. As would be expected, mutational hotspots were encountered in CDR1 (complementary determining region) and CDR2 and the sequences downstream of FR4. The modified region extended into unutilized parts of the JH locus and downstream intron and with mutations occurring as frequently as in CDR2. The frequency of mutation decreased over the 579 bases lying 3' to the rearranged VDJ gene. Therefore, the data were consistent with the predicted pattern of somatic hypermutation. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)

    A Simple Approach for Black Out Problem

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    Antennas surrounding by the plasma medium does not radiate for all the frequencies but only for those which are greater than the plasma frequency. Here we have proposed a cylindrical (axial magnetized) antenna system which radiates for all frequencies irrespective of plasma frequency and this is the solution for the black-out situation which occurs for certain frequencies

    Klinički mastitis uzrokovan gljivicom Geotrichum candidum.

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    Mastitis, which has multiple and complex aetiology, is a common syndrome among bovines and inflicts enormous losses on livestock owners. The mastitis cases are infectious in nature and are usually caused by bacteria, fungi/yeasts and some algae. An interesting case of protracted clinical mastitis in a Holstein-Fresian cow in its third lactation was encountered, with exclusive involvement of Geotrichum candidum, an extremely rare in occurrence. G. candidum, an opportunisitic, keratinophilic yeast-like fungus, was identified by its diagnostic colonial characteristics and microscopic morphology, i.e. rectangular arthrospores (arthroconidia) after staining with lactophenol cotton blue stain (LPCB) in a wet mount, and Gram’s stain after heat fixation of the smear. This fungal isolate was also subjected to in-vitro antifungal sensitivity test against cotrimazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, amphotericin-B and nystatin, but was found sensitive only to amphotericin-B.Mastitis u goveda je kompleksne etiologije i nanosi velike gospodarske štete. Najčešće je uzrokovan bakterijama, gljivicama i rijetko nekim algama. U radu je prikazana zanimljiva i veoma rijetka upala vimena krave holštajn-frizijske pasmine uzrokovana gljivicom Geotrichum candidum. Gljivica G. candidum je keratinofilna gljivica slična kvascima. Identificirana je na osnovi karakterističnih kolonija i morfoloških značajki artrospora vidljivih nakon bojenja. Određena je i osjetljivost izdvojene gljivice prema klotrimazolu, ketokonazolu, mikonazolu, amfotericinu B i nistatinu. Osjetljivost je utvrđena samo za amfotericin B

    Adult Necrotising Enterocolitis: a Rare Entity

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    A case of Adult Necrotising Enterocolitis in an adult female whom diagnosed with intestinal obstruction was reported. On exploratory laparotomy, the mechanical caused was not found although major part of small bowel, caecum and proximal ascending colon were gangrenous along with intervening normal parts. Resection of affected bowel was performed followed by jejunostomy and transverse colostomy. Unfortunately, the patient not survive in the postoperative periods. Adult Necrotising Enterocolitis may mimic intestinal obstruction clinically or radiologically and prompt medical and surgical intervention is indicated in doubtful cases although it carries a poor prognosis. Key words: adult necrotizing Enterocolitis, non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia, gangrenous bowe

    The Modulation of Apoptotic Pathways by Gammaherpesviruses

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    Apoptosis or programmed cell death is a tightly regulated process fundamental for cellular development and elimination of damaged or infected cells during the maintenance of cellular homeostasis. It is also an important cellular defense mechanism against viral invasion. In many instances, abnormal regulation of apoptosis has been associated with a number of diseases, including cancer development. Following infection of host cells, persistent and oncogenic viruses such as the members of the Gammaherpesvirus family employ a number of different mechanisms to avoid the host cell’s burglar alarm and to alter the extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways by either deregulating the expressions of cellular signaling genes or by encoding the viral homologues of cellular genes. In this review, we summarize the recent findings on how gammaherpesviruses inhibit cellular apoptosis via virus-encoded proteins by mediating modification of numerous signal transduction pathways. We also list the key viral anti-apoptotic proteins that could be exploited as effective targets for novel antiviral therapies in order to stimulate apoptosis in different types of cancer cells

    Role of Viruses in the Pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune inflammatory disease, where the underlying etiological cause remains elusive. Multiple triggering factors have been suggested, including environmental, genetic and gender components. However, underlying infectious triggers to the disease are also suspected. There is an increasing abundance of evidence supporting a viral etiology to MS, including the efficacy of interferon therapy and over-detection of viral antibodies and nucleic acids when compared with healthy patients. Several viruses have been proposed as potential triggering agents, including Epstein-Barr virus, human herpesvirus 6, varicella-zoster virus, cytomegalovirus, John Cunningham virus and human endogenous retroviruses. These viruses are all near ubiquitous and have a high prevalence in adult populations (or in the case of the retroviruses are actually part of the genome). They can establish lifelong infections with periods of reactivation, which may be linked to the relapsing nature of MS. In this review, the evidence for a role for viral infection in MS will be discussed with an emphasis on immune system activation related to MS disease pathogenesis

    KSHV Genome Replication and Maintenance

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    Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV) or human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) is a major etiological agent for multiple severe malignancies in immunocompromised patients. KSHV establishes lifetime persistence in the infected individuals and displays two distinct life cycles, generally a prolonged passive latent, and a short productive or lytic cycle. During latent phase, the viral episome is tethered to the host chromosome and replicates once during every cell division. Latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA) is a predominant multifunctional nuclear protein expressed during latency, which plays a central role in episome tethering, replication and perpetual segregation of the episomes during cell division. LANA binds cooperatively to LANA binding sites (LBS) within the terminal repeat (TR) region of the viral episome as well as to the cellular nucleosomal proteins to tether viral episome to the host chromosome. LANA has been shown to modulate multiple cellular signaling pathways and recruits various cellular proteins such as chromatin modifying enzymes, replication factors, transcription factors and cellular mitotic framework to maintain a successful latent infection. Although many other regions within the KSHV genome can initiate replication, KSHV TR is important for latent DNA replication and possible segregation of the replicated episomes. Binding of LANA to LBS favors the recruitment of various replication factors to initiate LANA dependent DNA replication. In this review, we discuss the molecular mechanisms relevant to KSHV genome replication, segregation, and maintenance of latency

    Stress and Molecular Drivers for Cancer Progression: A Longstanding Hypothesis

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    Stress management is becoming very important part of cancer patient care. Chronic stressors lead to boost tumorigenesis and promote cancer development, recurrence, and drug resistant leading to poor health outcomes. The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis, which is activated by stress, also regulates Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid (HPT) axis. Stress related changes in immune function and inflammatory response also leads to reduced immune surveillance resulting in tumorigenesis. This article explores the hormonal axis impacted by stress and how chronic stress can lead to poor outcome of a cancer patient