105 research outputs found

    Webometric Analysis of Open Access Institutional Digital Repositories in Southern Asia

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    Website is the face of an organization or institution. This webometrics Analysis is important idea on the Institutional Digital Repositories (IDR) in Southern Asia. This paper presents to highlight the Digital Items/Total Titles with various scores and Web ranking of the IDR in Southern Asia. Google.com and SocScibot4 are Use for data collection and designing self-link, in-link, external link and mapping visualization of this sites. In this study, a selected search engine (Google) is used to find out the number of link webpages in each IDR in Southern Asia with different types of links i.e. hyperlinks (self-link, in-link and external link). Five special key words like site:URL/site Address, link:URL/site Address, link:URL/site Address AND site:URL/site Address, link:URL/site Address NOT site:URL/site Address and link:URL/site Address AND NOT site:URL/site Address (five Boolean search statement methods) used to collect data for each IDR in Southern Asia and an advanced tool SocScibot4 is used for link network visualization

    Website of High Courts in India: a Webometric Study

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    Website is an electronic information wall of an organization. This paper highlights the various web impact factors, scores and ranking of the websites of high courts in India. The study also found the other important outputs like page size of the websites, access speed score of websites, load time and daily page use time of the website have been reflected in this study and give idea about quality of the websites. The webometric tools like Alexa, Google page rank, Neil Patel SEO analysis, Google search engine and SocScibot4 are used for data collection and designing In-link, Out-link and mapping visualization of this sites

    Querying for the Largest Empty Geometric Object in a Desired Location

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    We study new types of geometric query problems defined as follows: given a geometric set PP, preprocess it such that given a query point qq, the location of the largest circle that does not contain any member of PP, but contains qq can be reported efficiently. The geometric sets we consider for PP are boundaries of convex and simple polygons, and point sets. While we primarily focus on circles as the desired shape, we also briefly discuss empty rectangles in the context of point sets.Comment: This version is a significant update of our earlier submission arXiv:1004.0558v1. Apart from new variants studied in Sections 3 and 4, the results have been improved in Section 5.Please note that the change in title and abstract indicate that we have expanded the scope of the problems we stud


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    Acrosomal integrity and sperm concentration are two important parameters to assess the quality of frozen semen doses which in terms validates the fertilizing capacity and conception rate. The present study was undertaken to evaluate acrosomal integrity by Giemsa’s stain and sperm concentration of FSS using improved neubauer chamber in Exotic pure Jersey, Crossbred Jersey, Indigenous Gir cattle and Indigenous Murrah buffalo prior to the field use. The overall values of Giemsa’s stain were observed as 73.74±0.31, 18.65±0.33 and 7.79±0.25 percent for Intact Acrosome, Partially Damaged Acrosome and Fully Damaged Acrosome, respectively. Overall values of sperm concentration were 21.98±0.28 million per straw. The study indicated that there was no significant difference (P<0.05) among the breeds and the values mostly correlates with the guideline of Minimum Standard Protocol for Production of bovine semen, 2012 of Govt. of India

    Development of non-formaldehyde wrinkle resistant finish for cotton using carboxylic acids

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    475-481A study has been conducted to develop a wrinke resistant cotton fabric using three carboxylic acids combination along with initiator and catalyst, at various pH and concentration, and to determine the effects of treatment on wrinkle recovery angle, wrinkle recovery appearance rating, and carboxyl group content of the treated fabrics. The amount of carboxylic acids on the fabric is determined by % weight gain of treated samples, carboxyl ‘n’ group content, wrinkle recovery angle and wrinkle recovery appearance rating. Furthermore, FTIR spectroscopic analysis has been conducted to study the attachment of acid groups for reducing the available free OH groups on the cotton cellulosic chains. The results show significant wrinkle resistance of treated samples. In order to evaluate the wash durability of the finish applied, the treated sample is laundered for 20 cycles and it is found that the wrinkle recovery property significantly persist even after washing

    Development of non-formaldehyde wrinkle resistant finish for cotton using carboxylic acids 

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    A study has been conducted to develop a wrinke resistant cotton fabric using three carboxylic acids combination along with initiator and catalyst, at various pH and concentration, and to determine the effects of treatment on wrinkle recovery angle, wrinkle recovery appearance rating, and carboxyl group content of the treated fabrics. The amount of carboxylic acids on the fabric is determined by % weight gain of treated samples, carboxyl ‘n’ group content, wrinkle recovery angle and wrinkle recovery appearance rating. Furthermore, FTIR spectroscopic analysis has been conducted to study the attachment of acid groups for reducing the available free OH groups on the cotton cellulosic chains. The results show significant wrinkle resistance of treated samples. In order to evaluate the wash durability of the finish applied, the treated sample is laundered for 20 cycles and it is found that the wrinkle recovery property significantly persist even after washing

    Histopatološko istraživanje šarana (Labeo rohita) izloženog heksaklorcikloheksanu.

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    Indian major carp (Labeo rohita) were exposed to 1/10 and 1/5 sub -lethal doses of hexachlorocyclohexane during a 45-day trial period. Fish were sacrificed at the end of the trial period to study light microscopic changes associated with toxicity. Organ tissues, viz., liver, kidney, gill, skin, muscle, heart and brain were examined for histopathological study. Swelling of the hepatocytes with diffuse necrosis and marked swelling of blood vessels were observed in the liver tissue. Tubules of the kidney were distended, with tubular cells of posterior kidney exhibiting marked necrotic changes. Gill tissue showed fusion of primary lamellae, congestion of blood vessels and hyperplasia of branchial plates. Pericardial sac was moderately thickened and extensively infiltrated with leucocytes. Marked neuronal cell degeneration with loss of Nissl substances and microgial nodules could be observed at the cerebrum.Indijski šarani (Labeo rohita) su bili izloženi 1/10 i 1/5 sub-letalnih doza heksaklorcikloheksana tijekom 45 dana pokusa. Na kraju pokusa ribe su bile žrtvovane da se pod svjetlosnim mikroskopom promatraju promjene zbog toksičnosti. Histopatološki su istraženi: jetra, bubreg, škrge, koža, mišić, srce i mozak. U jetri su uočeni nabreknuti hepatociti s difuznom nekrozom i nabreknuće krvnih žila. Lumeni bubrežnih kanalića su bili prošireni s izraženim nekrotičnim. U škrgama je nađeno spajanje primarnih lamela, punokrvnost krvnih žila, i hiperplazija škržnih ploča. Osrčje je bilo umjereno zadebljano i obilno infiltrirano leukocitima. U mozgu je nađena degeneracija neurona s gubitkom Nisslove tvari, te su nađeni mikroglijalni čvorići